A mechanical system can be thought of as being composed of a set of basic mechanical entities that interact with each
other by exchanging energy or information in well-defined ways. For example, a simple pendulum system is composed
of a rigid body connected to the ground by a revolute joint. MotionSolve provides physics-based, mathematical models of such entities and ways to assemble them into realistic models of
complex mechanical systems. It then lets you simulate your models to gain insight into their behavior.
This manual provides a detailed list and usage information regarding command statements, model statements, functions and
the Subroutine Interface available in MotionSolve.
Model Mechanical Systems
A mechanical system can be thought of as being composed of a set of basic mechanical entities that interact with each other by exchanging energy or information in well-defined ways. For example, a simple pendulum system is composed of a rigid body connected to the ground by a revolute joint. MotionSolve provides physics-based, mathematical models of such entities and ways to assemble them into realistic models of complex mechanical systems. It then lets you simulate your models to gain insight into their behavior.
Model Bodies
Bodies are the only modeling elements that explicitly capture mass and inertia effects.
Model Constraints
Constraints arise when the motion of a body is restricted by connections to other bodies.
Model Forces
The term force generically refers to both applied forces and applied moments.
Model Contacts MotionSolve provides a very sophisticated contact modeling capability that can handle complex contact scenarios between rigid bodies.
Discrete Element Simulation in MotionSolve
A Discrete Element Method (DEM) is a numerical method that computes the motion and effect of a large number of small particles.
Model Sensors
Sensors help you detect events of interest in a simulation as well as respond to the event in various ways.