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trim with nodes subpanel

trim with nodes subpanel

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trim with nodes subpanel

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Allows you to trim (split) a surface using nodes.  The surface can be trimmed with two nodes, with multiple nodes, or with a node normal to and edge.

For a two nodes trim, you must pick two nodes that belong to a single surface.  HyperMesh automatically detects the surface that needs to be trimmed.  (If HyperMesh detects more than one unique surface to be trimmed, the trimming operation fails.)  The surface is trimmed by a projection of the line connecting the two nodes.  The projection is performed in the direction normal to the surface.

For a multiple nodes trim, HyperMesh creates a smooth line through the nodes selected (these nodes need not be part of the surface that is selected to be trimmed) and then trims the selected surfaces with projection of this line along the surface normal.  These trimming operations can split the surface into multiple surfaces if the line cuts the entire surface.

For a node normal to edge trim, you must pick a node and a surface edge.  HyperMesh splits/trims the surface along a straight line which is perpendicular to the selected edge and connects the edge to the selected node.


Panel Input



two nodes: node selector

Pick the first and second node on a single surface. The surface operation is performed after you select the second node.

multiple nodes:  surfs selector

Pick the surface to trim.

multiple nodes: node list

Select the nodes that define the line you want to use to trim the surfaces.

node normal to edge: node selector

Select the node to begin the trim operation.  The surface is split along a vector that passes through this node perpendicular to the selected line.

node normal to edge: lines selector

Select the line to begin the trim operation.The surface is split along a vector perpendicular to this line that passes through the selected node.



See also

Surface Edit panel