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The Rename panel allows you to change the name of a specific collector or to rename types of collectors to their respective ID with an optional prefix.


How do I...

expand-green-10Rename an entity
1.On the Rename panel, select the individually subpanel.
2.Use the switch to select the collector type you want to rename.
3.Click original name = to display a list of collectors.
4.Choose the desired collector from the list.
5.Click new name = and type in a new name for the collector.
6.Click rename.


expand-green-10Rename a collector type with a prefix
1.On the Rename panel, select the all by id subpanel.
2.Use the switch to select the collector type you want to rename.
3.Click prefix = and enter the prefix that you want to use for the collector name.

This prefix, plus a number, will become the new name of every collector of the chosen type.  For example: if you specify "part" as the prefix, then all components of the chosen type will be renamed to "part1", part2", etc.

4.Click rename.

The names of all of the entities of the chosen type change, becoming a combination of the specified prefix plus a number.