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Boundary Conditions

Boundary Conditions

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Boundary Conditions

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This section is provides an overview of the data specified on boundary faces. HX User Profile has a BC editor and it is recommended that boundary conditions are always created using that BC editor. This editor has built-in rules to make sure the data specified is correct.  In addition, it is always kept current with what is supported by the solver.

What is a Boundary Condition?

HX requires that an appropriate condition is specified on all the boundary faces of the 3D elements in the model. Boundary not only includes the external boundary faces, but also the interface boundary between elements of two different materials. For example, boundary in between workpiece and tool elements; or between two different polymer elements in a coextrusion model.

A boundary condition inside the HX User Profile is created using a set of 2D elements defined on the boundary and the data to be specified on this. In the HX data deck, this data is included in the “BEGIN BOUNDARY” and this block is used to define the boundary conditions. These include all boundaries that define the flow domain. In HyperXtrude, the boundaries of the domain are classified into the following regions: Inflow, Outflow, SolidWall, SolidFluidInterface, Bearing, SymmetryBC, FreeSurface, ToolSurface, and InteriorSurf. For each equation, you must define the values of the primary/secondary degrees of freedom at these boundaries.




 BC_Type BC_Name {BC_Values}




BC_Type is the type of boundary. Valid entries for BC_Type are: Inflow, Outflow, OpenflowBC, SolidWall, SolidFluidInterface, Symmetric, FreeSurface, and InteriorSurf. BC_Name is the name given to identify a specific boundary segment. BC_Values depend on the boundary and the conditions at the boundary.