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Defining Process Parameters

Defining Process Parameters

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Defining Process Parameters

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Once the boundary conditions have been set up and assigned, the process parameters should be defined. The process parameters allow you to control the run by specifying the equations/physics to be solved and defining control parameters such as convergence tolerances and the number of iterations/time steps.

Click Parameters on the Metal Rolling Utility menu. The Define Altair HyperXtrude Analysis Parameters dialog contains the following tabs:

hmtoggle_plus1greySession Tab

General Analysis Data


hmtoggle_plus1greyMetal Extrusion Tab

Process Specific Data

This will change for each process.


hmtoggle_plus1greyAdvanced Tab

Advanced Parameters

You probably will not modify these parameters often.


hmtoggle_plus1greyUser Defined Commands Tab

This panel is used to specify special commands to control the job. This is an advanced feature.



hmtoggle_plus1greyTransient Data Tab

To Specify Variable Time Step Command

This panel is used to specify control time step for a transient problem. This allows you to define up to five levels. End time of the last level depends on the extrusion time. Therefore, before specifying time steps, you have to compute extrusion time. The variable time data is updated automatically, if all the data related is valid. It will inform if there are any invalid data. Clicking Default will compute the data automatically and populates the same. This operation is valid only for the Metal Extrusion user profile.


In the following image, there are two levels.

In level 1, for 0-5sec -with 5 steps, step size is 1sec..
In level 2, for time 5– 124 sec, with 15 steps, step size is 7.93.



See Also:

Process Parameters

HyperXtrude User Profile