Save Models into the Library

  1. Click the Save Model icon to save the modified MDL with the same name.
    If the file is checked out, the .mdl file in the workspace will be overwritten. The file can then be checked back into the library by right-clicking on it in the Organizeブラウザ and selecting Check-In. If the file is not checked out, MotionView will prompt that the file is read only.
  2. Click Save.
  3. Click OK to save the model.
    The model is checked out and the file in the workspace is overwritten.
  4. Click File > Save As to save the modified model with a different name in the library.
  5. Click Manage.
  6. Select the folder the file needs to be saved under. Specify a different file name and click Check In.
    The model is saved and checked into the library.