
Profiles are a way to register non core content types and any customization needed for the library.

You are provided two profiles out of the box, CAE and General. You can also register your own profiles. Profiles are a collection of content types, parsers and customizations using HyperWorks Collaboration Tools API's and Tcl/tk scripting. Below are the typical contents of a profile.


The Tcl script that installs the profiles needs to be executed from a Tcl/tk window within the session. Once the install is complete, a message saying Installation Done is displayed in the Tcl/tk command window.
注: The script does not need any changes.


The libraryprofiles.xml file contains the path to content definitions, parsers, preferences, customization script directors and Tcl/tk namespace for customization scripts.

Main Folder Contents

The main folder can have any name. This folder contains the content definitions, parsers and customization scripts that are each organized in their respective folder. It is recommended to keep them in a separate folder.