Add Contents to Material Library in Bulk

To add contents to the library in bulk, use the Add Folders and Files feature.

  1. Select the folder, for example the root folder in your Material Library, under which you want to add the new contents, and select the Add Files and Folders コンテキストメニュー.
  2. Click the Add Folder icon.
  3. Browse to and select the folder to be added. For example, browse to and select MaterialLibraryFiles located in ALTAIR_HOME/demos/hwct, where ALTAIR_HOME points to your HyperWorks installation.
  4. Click OK.
    The folder path is added to the list of folders.
  5. Click OK in the Add Files/Folders dialog.
    The files contained within the selected folder and its subfolders are added to the Material Library.
    注: This process may take several seconds as each file is parsed and its individual properties are extracted and stored as metadata and indexed.