
Objective entities define and store an objective for an optimization problem.

Objectives do not have a display state in the modeling window.

Nastran Cards

Card Description
DESOBJ Selects the DRESP1 or DRESP2 entry to be used as the design objective.
注: Objective function, can be in or out of the load step; Belongs in the subcase section.
MAXMIN Objective functions for maxmin problems.
MINMAX Objective functions for minmax problems.

OptiStruct Cards

Card Description
DESOBJ Selects a single response definition as the objective function of an optimization, or to select system response definitions when the objective function is the least squares sum of these definitions. この応答を最小化するか、それとも最大化するかも、DESOBJコマンドで指定します。
注: Subcase Information Entry
MINMAX or MAXMIN Selects normalized response or system identification definitions as the objective function for a "Minmax" or "Maxmin" optimization.
注: Subcase Information Entry

Radioss Cards

Card Description
DESOBJ Specifies a response as the objective function of an optimization.