Design Variables

Design variable entities define and store design variables for optimization problems.

Design variables do not have a display state in the modeling window.

Nastran Cards

Card Description
DESVAR Defines a design variable for design optimization.
注: Design variable definition.
DLINK Relates one design variable to one or more other design variables.
注: Design variable link.

OptiStruct Cards

Card Description
DCOMP Defines manufacturing constraints for composite sizing optimization.
注: Bulk Data Entry
DESVAR Defines a design variable.
注: Bulk Data Entry
DSHAPE Defines parameters for the generation of free-shape design variables.
注: Bulk Data Entry
DSHUFFLE Defines parameters for the generation of composite shuffling design variables.
注: Bulk Data Entry
DSIZE Defines parameters for the generation of free-size design variables.
注: Bulk Data Entry
DTPG Defines parameters for the generation of topography design variables.
注: Bulk Data Entry
DTPL Defines parameters for the generation of topology design variables.
注: Bulk Data Entry
DVGRID Defines the relationship between a design variable and a grid point location.
注: Bulk Data Entry

Exported in large field format by both the optistruct and optistructlf templates.

Radioss Cards

Card Description
DESVAR Defines an optimization design variable (max. or min.).
DSHAPE Design variable for Free-Shape optimization.
DSIZE Design variable for Free-Size optimization.
DTPG Design variable for Topography optimization.
DTPL Design variable for Topology optimization.
DVPREL1 Defined linearly, relates a design variable to an analysis model property using the equation.
DVGRID Defines the relationship between design variable and grid point location.