Share H3D Files

Share H3D files in an HTML file or via e-mail.

Share H3D Files Using HTML File

You can use HyperView Player to share information by embedding it in an HTML file.

You can use either a relative path or a standard Uniform Resource Locator (URL) to specify the path for the H3D file in the <EMBED> statement. There are three different ways to define file transfer protocol: FILE, HTTP, and FTP.

Select a protocol for file transfer using the files, anim1.html and anim1.h3d, as examples.
オプション 説明
Embedded mode
An absolute path is required for File:// and the H3D file must reside in the specified path. When you distribute the files, you may need to modify the HTML file for the path.
<EMBED type="application/x-h3d" width=450 height=400
図 1. File:// Example
Others can access your public web area on the Internet. When sharing an H3D file, you can place the anim1.html and anim1.h3d files in your public HTML directory and send the link to others in the company by email. The link could be, for example, http://www:8080/~John/anim1.html. By doing this, you do not need to distribute the H3D file and can guarantee the path is working correctly. If you have HyperView Player installed and you click the link in the email, the model will be displayed.
<EMBED type="application/x-h3d" width=450 height=400
図 2. HTTP:// Example
You can place the anim1.html and anim1.h3d files on your FTP site. If you have HyperView Player installed and you click, the model is displayed.
<EMBED type="application/x-h3d" width=450 height=400
図 3. FTP:// Example
Relative path Using a relative path allows you to distribute an HTML file easily. You can create a folder with the necessary HTML and h3d files for distribution.
<EMBED type="application/x-h3d" width=450 height=400
図 4. Relative Path Example
Full page mode In an HTML file, you can easily hyperlink a string to an H3D file. When you click the hyperlink, the plug-in loads a model in full-page mode.

Share H3D Files using E-Mail

You can attach an H3D file to an e-mail message.

If the recipient is using a PC, he or she can click the attachment and the H3D file will load automatically. You can also save the H3D file and at a later time double-click the file to invoke the standalone version of HyperView Player. Another available option is to drag the H3D file and drop it into a browser to view the model in a full window.

  1. Open your e-mail.
  2. Attach the H3D file to your e-mail.
  3. Click Send.