Defines the default text color for the plot footer.
*PlotFooterColor (color)
HyperGraph and HyperStudy.
- color
- An integer between 0 and 63 representing one of the 64 colors on the palette.
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HyperMesh Batch is a non-graphical version of HyperMesh that can be used to run command files or Tcl scripts in batch mode.
The start-in directory is the location from which the HyperWorks Desktop application is launched.
HyperWorks Desktop writes several different settings files.
There are various types of startup customizations that are possible for HyperWorks Desktop. These items define how the application looks or behaves at product startup.
HyperMesh allows you to create a script file named hmcustom.tcl that can be used to automatically execute a series of commands or to define custom settings during startup.
Environment variables can be defined to configure various aspects of HyperWorks Desktop.
A preference file is an ASCII file that configures the application or its clients. It specifies default user settings, such as the order in which colors are assigned, the default printer and default page layout.
On PC, when the application starts, it first reads the preference file in the installation directory, then the preference environment variable (HW_CONFIG_PATH). On Unix, the program first reads the preference file in your home directory, then the current working directory.
Preference files always begins with the *Id() statement followed by statements grouped in blocks.
When the program is started it checks for Templex statements in the preference file. If any Templex statements are found, they are evaluated prior to executing the preference statements.
Through the preference file *RegisterExportDLL(), you can register a DLL for use in exporting curves. The statement is found within the *BeginPlotDefaults() block in the preferences file.
Every statement in a script begins with an asterisk, *. Lines without asterisks are treated as comments.
Loads a bitmap file for use as a 2D symbol.
Loads any finite element model that can be displayed in HyperView and uses it as a 3D symbol.
Adds the given format to the list of available export formats.
Adds the given paper size to the list of available paper sizes.
Adds a printer to the dialog list.
Adds additional parameters when saving a session as a report template.
Specifies the position of text in a header or footer region.
Specifies whether to automatically default new curves to be the same as the previous curve loaded from an external file.
Specifies the background color for TextView.
Defines a submenu for the context menu in the Session Browser.
Begins a header or footer column block in the preferences file.
Begins a context menu block in the preferences file.
Indicates the beginning of the default settings block.
Begins a definitions block in the preferences file.
Indicates the beginning of the definition of the HyperStudy external optimizer block.
Indicates the beginning of the fe-pre default invoke settings.
Indicates the beginning of an FLD attribute block.
Indicates the beginning of a page footer block in a preferences file.
Indicates the beginning of the graphics preferences block.
Indicates the beginning of a page header block in a preferences file.
Indicates the beginning of an interpreter block.
Begins a library management block in the preferences file.
Indicates the beginning of an MDL preferences block.
Indicates the beginning of a menu block.
Indicates the beginning of the model preferences block.
Indicates the beginning of a model GUI defaults block.
Begins a palette block in the preferences file.
Begins the HyperGraph 3D-specific defaults block in the preferences file.
Indicates the beginning of the plot preferences block.
Indicates the beginning of a plot macros block.
Indicates the beginning of the reader default preferences block.
Indicates the beginning of a header or footer region.
Begins a reports block in the preferences file.
Indicates the beginning of the general resource block.
Indicates the beginning of the definition of the HyperStudy solver block.
Begins a statistics templates block in the preferences file.
Indicates the beginning of the study preferences block.
Indicates the beginning of a Templex function.
Indicates the beginning of a Templex functions block.
Indicates the beginning of a text block.
Indicates the beginning of a text editor preferences block.
Specifies the list of toolbar icons to be displayed when HyperView is invoked.
Indicates the beginning of a model user mode block.
Indicates the beginning of the definition of the HyperStudy utilities block.
Indicates the beginning of the video preferences block.
Defines the region border in a header or footer.
Creates a new, user-defined context menu item in the Session Browser that links selected items to Tcl scripts.
Attempts to accelerate the process which converts AMF files using JPEG frame storage to a faster internal format.
By default, displays the closest frame for the current time step for all windows on the current page.
Right-click on an entity to create a new, user-defined context menu item that launches a Tcl procedure.
Adds a separator to a context menu.
Specifies the "Average across part boundary" setting in the the Contour panel when a model is loaded.
Specifies the averaging method to be set in the Contour panel when a model is loaded.
Specifies the averaging variation factor value to be set in the Contour panel when a model is loaded.
Specifies the state of the Use corner data option in the Contour panel when a model is loaded.
Specifies the multiplication factor used to scale the displayed results.
Specifies the result component to be set in the Contour panel when a model is loaded.
Specifies the result type to be set in the Contour panel when a model is loaded.
Specifies the state of the "Show Midside Node" results in the the Contour panel when a model is loaded.
Specifies settings for an external converter.
Specifies the "display acceleration block" (DAB) setting in the Tools > Options > Performance dialog.
When the application is launched, this statement specifies the state of default directory location for file browser.
Specifies whether legend entities should be shown or hidden by default.
Specifies the default setting for the Max Frame Rate slider in the Animation Controls panel.
Specifies the default mouse control settings for HyperView
Specifies the number of points on the Stress Characterization Line (SCL).
Sets the default legend for the contour plot.
Sets the default legend for the contour plot.
Sets the default legend for the tensor plot.
Sets the default legend for the vector plot.
Sets the default template for result math operations.
Specifies the color scheme that will be applied to a SignedVonMises contour legend.
Given the value range, specifies the numeric format used for float results in 'Auto' mode.
Specifies the scale factor to be applied to the axes, as set in the Deformed panel.
Disables 3D graphics output.
Specifies whether or not DirectShow should be disabled.
Disables the unit scaling feature in HyperGraph 2D.
Specifies the check box setting of the Enable element marks option in the Tools > Options > Visualization dialog.
Specifies whether or not layout scaling for the legend is enabled.
Enables or disables the generation of Templex curve names in the Build Plots panel.
Ends a browser context menu block in the preferences file.
Ends a header or footer column block in the preferences file.
Ends a context menu block in the preferences file.
Indicates the end of the default settings.
Ends a definitions block in the preferences file.
Indicates the end of the definition of the HyperStudy external optimizer block.
Indicates the end of the fe-pre default invoke settings.
Indicates the end of an FLD attribute block.
Indicates the end of a page footer block in a preferences file.
Indicates the end of the graphic defaults block.
Indicates the end of a page header block in a preferences file.
Indicates the end of an interpreter block.
Ends a library management block in the preferences file.
Indicates the end of an MDL preferences block.
Specifies the end of a menu block.
Indicates the end of a model defaults block.
Indicates the end of a model GUI defaults block.
Ends a palette block in the preferences file.
Ends the HyperGraph 3D-specific defaults block in the preferences file.
Indicates the end of the plot defaults block.
Indicates the end of a plot macros block.
Terminates the block started by *BeginProfiles().
Indicates the end of the reader default preferences block.
Indicates the end of a region block for a header or footer.
Ends a reports block in the preferences file.
Indicates the end of the general resource block.
Indicates the end of the definition of the HyperStudy solver block.
Ends a statistics templates block in the preferences file.
Indicates the end of the study preferences block.
Indicates the end of a templex function.
Indicates the end of a templex functions block.
Specifies the end of a text editor defaults block.
Indicates the end of an MDL user mode block.
Indicates the end of the definition of the HyperStudy utilities block.
Indicates the end of the video defaults block.
Specifies whether to display the filename in the envelope subcase/simulation trace plot category legend.
Specifies an external converter to be used.
Specifies an external decoder to be used.
Specifies an external encoder to be used.
Specifies the legend type to be set in the FLD panel.
Specifies the check box setting on the Fit curve (FLC) option in the FLD panel.
Specifies the font type, weight, style, and size of text for page headers and footers, and the text editor.
Specifies default display settings for forces.
Specifies the thickness of the entities in a group.
Specifies the draw style for a group.
Specifies whether or not the IDs in a group are visible.
Specifies how the heads of tensors will be drawn on a Tensor plot.
Specifies tools to be turned off on the toolbar and pull-down menus.
Personal setting in HyperStudy used to manipulate, read, and write numbers.
Indicates the start of a preference file and the release version of the program.
Adds an image to a page header or footer.
Specifies the setting on the Increment by option in the Animation Controls panel.
Specifies the interpolation scale factor for the axes.
Specifies the interpolation scale mode for the axes.
Specifies the state of the "Show Midside Node" results in the the Iso panel when a model is loaded.
Specifies the location of the plot legend.
Specifies the default display settings for markers.
Specifies the measure options to be set in the Measure panel.
Specifies the measure type to be set in the Measure panel.
Creates a user-defined menu item.
Controls client-specific groupings for posting messages into the Message Log.
Saves and restores the current minimum and maximum values of a displayed legend.
Sets the default settings for the Model Info (displayed in the top right corner of the of the graphics area).
Specifies the setting of the default model note display status on the graphics window when a model is loaded.
Specifies the Anchor to screen setting in the Note panel when a new note is added to the loaded model.
Specifies the attachment type to be set in the Note panel.
Specifies the note background color setting in the Note panel when a new note is added to the loaded model.
Specifies the note border thickness setting in the Note panel when a new note is added to the loaded model.
Specifies the default description text when a new note is added to the loaded model.
Specifies the note font setting (family, weight, slant, and size) for the HyperView notes being drawn in the graphics window.
Specifies the note foreground color setting in the Note panel when a new note is added to the loaded model.
Specifies the default note shape when a new note is added to the loaded model.
Specifies the setting on the Align text option in the Note panel when a new note is added to the loaded model.
Specifies the Transparency setting in the Note panel when a new note is added to the loaded model.
Specifies the default number of latent timesteps displayed behind traced entities.
Specifies primitive attributes.
Sets the default to execute a OPT study in interactive or batch mode.
Specifies default part attributes such as part name, color, and visibility.
Defines the default text color for the plot footer.
Defines the default text color for the plot header.
Specifies a postscript identifier.
Specifies whether window borders are drawn when printing.
Specifies whether to use white or the displayed background color when printing plots in color.
Converts AMF files using JPEG-based frame compression to a faster playing internal video format.
Specifies the file to use as the assembly wizard file when you choose to set the wizard paths to those in the preference file.
Assigns Tcl procedures to keyboard letter keys.
Adds a custom wizard defined in a preference file to a MotionView session.
Sets the default option in the Solvers menu in the MotionView window.
Registers a model/result reader for use by the Animation client during a HyperWorks session.
Registers a DLL for use in exporting curves.
Adds new curve export formats to the list of existing formats.
Registers the specified external column reader.
Registers a MATLAB function in a library compiled with MATLAB Compiler version 4 or later.
Adds external math functions to the program.
Adds new external optimizer to HyperStudy.
Specifies an external reader for reading plot data.
Assigns Tcl procedures to function keys.
Registers a HyperMath HML file in the HyperWorks preferences file. This allows the HyperMath functions in the file to be available in HyperWorks Desktop, similar to the internal HyperWorks Desktop math functions.
Registers a HyperMath reader with the specified characteristics/attributes.
Specifies an import template for reading plot data.
Specifies the file to use as the standard include file when you choose to set the wizard paths to those in the preference file.
Loads profile definitions into HyperStudy.
Registers a Python function.
Registers the log file for the reports that are listed when View Reports is selected from the Analysis menu in the MotionView window.
Defines a plug-in based operator, which is available through the Expression Builder under the plug-in library.
Registers a result math template.
Registers a reader for HyperGraph or HyperView.
Registers a solver in the MotionView window.
Adds new solver script to HyperStudy.
Adds a new solver invoke script to the Run Solver option in MotionView.
Specifies the file to use as the task wizard file when you choose to set the wizard paths to those in the preference file.
Adds Templex functions from a file to a session.
Adds new user utility to HyperStudy.
Specifies which directory will contain the wizard library files when you choose to set the wizard paths to those in the preference file.
Resets the curve defaults.
Modifies memory usage by the Result Data Manager software.
Enables or disables the result math capabilities.
Specifies whether or not section grid lines should be visible.
Specifies whether or not the section grid text should be visible.
Creates a separator in a user-defined menu.
Specifies the color of the animation bubble on plots.
Specifies how often the program automatically backs up your current work session.
Specifies the size and color range of images written to AVI files.
Specifies the default color for x and y plot axes.
Specifies default axis settings such as type and number of tics.
Specifies the font type, weight, style, and size for the axis of a plot.
Specifies the font type, weight, style, and size for the axis tic mark labels of a plot.
Sets the background color specified in the Options panel for plot or graphics windows.
Specifies the default bar color and bar pattern in the Bar Charts module.
Specifies the default border color for plot windows.
Specifies the file browser default extension for graphics, plot, and text editor files.
Specifies whether bubble help is on or off.
Specifies the length of a line of data points when saved with the Save all curve data to file option.
Specifies default curve attributes such as line style, symbol style, and color.
Specifies the datum line color.
Specifies the default window arrangement.
Specifies the default font for page titles.
Specifies the default orientation of the printout on the paper.
Specifies whether the default print graphics should be polygonal or bitmapped.
Specifies the width of the left, right, top, and bottom margins.
Sets the default paper size to be used when printing.
Specifies whether the default print quality should be draft, normal, or high.
Specifies the pages to print by default.
Specifies either black and white or color output.
Specifies the default Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) filename for printing to a file.
Specifies the default PostScript printer.
Sets a flag that indicates if the filename is displayed, as specified in the Options panel.
Specifies the default color of text in plot footers.
Sets the foreground color as specified in the Options panel.
Specifies the default frame color for plots.
Sets a flag that indicates if the frame number is displayed as specified in the Options panel.
Sets the expected units for each unit-dependent parameter of the given function.
Defines the units to be used for a specific Templex function.
Specifies the gradient type.
Specifies the default color of plot gridlines in a plot window.
Specifies the default color of text in plot headers.
Sets the default state of the MDL model's implicit graphics.
Defines the default color for the legend border.
Specifies the default font for the legend in a plot window.
Specifies the default legend position in a plot window.
Specifies the upper and lower values for the memory watermark.
Specifies the default text alignment for notes.
Specifies the default attachment for notes in plot windows.
Specifies the default color of note text for plots.
Specifies the font type, weight, style, and size for note text in plots.
Specifies the font size for notes.
Specifies the model orientation for graphics windows.
Specifies a list of colors to be applied to parts when a model is loaded.
Sets the number of digits to the right of the decimal that are written to solver deck.
Specifies the maximum file size for loading the entire plot file into memory.
Specifies the font type, weight, style, and size for the first line of the plot footer.
Specifies the font type, weight, style, and size for the first line of the plot header.
Specifies a printer command.
Specifies the font size for legends while printing.
Specifies the default printed line thickness for curves.
Specifies whether or not autofit is on for reports.
Specifies the font type, weight, style, and size for the second line of the plot footer.
Specifies the font type, weight, style, and size for the second line of the plot header.
Indicates whether the default for an entity type being added is single or pair.
Specifies the font type, weight, style, and size for the third line and all lines thereafter in a plot footer.
Specifies the font type, weight, style, and size for the third line and all lines thereafter in a plot header.
Sets the point at which all curves are drawn with the thin line style.
Sets a flag that indicates if the timestep is displayed, as specified in the Options panel.
Sets the value of the time tolerance specified in the Options panel. Checks the Time Tolerance checkbox if the value of the tolerance is nonzero.
Sets the default user mode.
Specifies an image to be used for the wait background.
Specifies the default label for the primary x axis.
Specifies the default label for the primary y axis.
Specifies the default label for the primary z axis.
Specifies the color of the zero line in plots.
Designates whether or not a Templex text file should be shown in its evaluated form when the file is read.
Specifies whether the millisecond legend should be hidden or shown.
Configures the animation recording and screen capture mechanism to produce SGI-specific bitmap files instead of JPEG files.
Specifies the coil count for a spring, which is to be represented as a cylinder.
Controls the 3D options used while viewing models in the 3D stereoscopic mode.
Specifies whether syncing with the active window is on or off.
Specifies the font properties for the tensor plot text.
Specifies the state of the "Show Midside Node" results in the the Tensor panel when a model is loaded.
Specifies the state of the Principal Prefix, Normal Prefix, and Shear Prefix check boxes in the Tensor panel.
Specifies the color to be used for the tensor plot text.
Specifies the content of page headers and page footers.
Specifies the color of text for page headers and footers, and TextView.
Specifies the number of significant figures to be used in the timestep.
Specifies the default state of the "Align with Global" option in the Tracking panel.
Specifies the color scheme that a category-based legend will use.
Specifies the font properties for the vector plot text.
Specifies the state of the Prefix check boxes in the Vector panel.
Specifies the color to be used for the vector plot text.
Sets the view of the model to either one of the preset named views or to a specific view given by the 16 values used to set the 4x4 view matrix.
Indicates the IDS for the windows associated with a report parameter.
Specifies the label for the z axis.
A session file is an ASCII text file that contains a structured list of session statements.
Report templates are ASCII text files that contain statements for creating reports.
Learn how to create, open, import and save models.
Control the view and display of your model in the modeling window.
Use the Session Browser to view the current session and all the pages and windows it contains in a hierarchical display.
Publish your HyperWorks Desktop session to HTML, PowerPoint, or Report files.
Use the Parameters Browser to parameterize the contents of a session file or report template and automate a variety of analysis processes.
Automate common workflows using the Process Manager or Automate tool.
Explore, organize and manage your personal data, collaborate in teams, and connect to other data sources, such as corporate PLM systems to access CAD data or publish simulation data.
Overview of external readers and the Altair Binary Format, the generic ASCII reader, running HyperWorks in batch mode, using Tcl/Tk commands, translators, and result math.
Start HyperWorks Desktop and configure the applications.
There are various types of startup customizations that are possible for HyperWorks Desktop. These items define how the application looks or behaves at product startup.
A preference file is an ASCII file that configures the application or its clients. It specifies default user settings, such as the order in which colors are assigned, the default printer and default page layout.
Defines the default text color for the plot footer.
Defines the default text color for the plot footer.
*PlotFooterColor (color)
HyperGraph and HyperStudy.
(c) 2021. Altair Engineering Inc. All Rights Reserved.