
To create a clip

To create a clip

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To create a clip

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Note:To accept selection(s), press Enter, click Yes or right-click the mouse button; or select Cancel.


1.From the Menu Bar, select Connections > Clip > Create.
2.Click boltset1_10 to select the parts of the first set. Click boltset2_10 to select the parts of the second set:
Click selectPartGeneral-24 and pick part(s) in the graphic window.
Click selectPartByBox-24 to include the parts by box selection:
The default box is rectangular.
Use the SHIFT key to define a polygon box.
Click selectEntityFromTree-24 to include all the parts selected in the tree.
3.Click reviewSets-24 to view the selected parts.
4.If needed, click selectionClear-24 to clear the selection.


In the Location sub-window, set the clip center location

Two options are available to set the clip center location:

1.Use an element
Select the Location / Element tab.
Click selectShellElems-24 and select an element in the graphic window.
Set an element ID in the Shell Element Id field and click Ok.
2.Use a node
Select the Location / Node tab:
oClick selectNodeGeneral-24 and select a node and see the clip in the graphic window.
oClick selectPoint-24 and define a point and see the clip by picking the selected parts in the graphic window.
oClick twonodesbolt_10 and pick two nodes and see clip in the middle of the graphic window.
oClick twopointbolt_10 and pick two points and see clip in the middle of the graphic window.
oSet a node ID in the Node Id field and click Ok.
oSet the coordinates X, Y, and Z and click displayValueByKeyboard-24 to view the point.


In the Direction sub-window, set the clip direction

1.Select the Direction sub-window.
2.Click Normal to element(s) to automatically define the normal.
Unclick Normal to element(s) to manually define the direction:
oSet the vector in the Vector Coord. fields; or
oClick vectorCreateBy2Nodes-24 and pick two nodes in the graphic window; or
oClick ThreeNodesPlane and pick three nodes in the graphic window. The clip direction will be the normal to the plane defined by the three selected nodes.


Set the clip properties

1.In the Clip Name field, enter the clip name.
2.In the Length 1 field, enter the length 1.
3.In the Length 2 field, enter the length 2.
4.In the Diameter field, enter the diameter.
5.Click reviewGeneral-24 to view the clip.


Add nodes in the first set and/or second set

1.Click boltset1_10 to select the first set.  Click boltset2_10 to select the second set.
Click selectNodeGeneral-24 to add nodes by picking.
Click selectByBoxAdd-24 to add nodes by box (use the SHIFT key to use a polygon box).
Click selectByBoxRemove-24 to remove nodes by box (use the SHIFT key to use a polygon box).
2.Click Save to save the created clip.

Click Cancel to cancel the clip creation.

3.Click Close to close the menu.