
To check a clip

To check a clip

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To check a clip

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Set the Clip Criteria

1.From the Menu Bar, select Connections > Clip > Criteria.

A CLIP Criteria dialog opens.


2.Select the appropriate criteria to check by clicking the appropriate check box.
3.Enter the desired values for each parameter (it is recommended to use the default values).
4.Click Save to validate.
5.To reset to the default values, click Reset.


Check the Clip

1.From the Menu Bar, select Connections > Clip > Check.

HyperCrash opens the window Clip / Modify.  The clips which do not conform to a criteria are displayed in orange in the list.


To learn why the clip is incorrect and to modify it:

1.Select a clip in the listing window.
2.Click reviewGeneral-24 to display the clip and to open the modification menu.
3.Check the message in the message window to learn why the clip is incorrect (message is in green).
4.Modify the clip.
5.Click Save to save the clip modification; or

Click Cancel to cancel the clip modification.

6.Click Close to close the menu.