
Creating a Stiffener

Creating a Stiffener

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Creating a Stiffener

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A stiffener is a new part defined by an offset from part of an existing part's shell element.

1.From the Menu Bar, select Mesh Editing > Part > Sheet.


If the Mesh Editing tab is already open, select Part > Sheet from the pull-down menu in the tab's upper-right corner.

2.Make sure that the Stiffner radio button is selected.
3.Enter a name in the New part name field and click Ok to create a new part.
4.Click selectPartGeneral-24 and pick a part in the graphic window. When finished, answer the question in the pop-up dialog window with Yes or Cancel.


Click selectEntityFromTree-24 to offset a part selected in the tree.

5.Click selectGeneral-24 and pick elements in the graphic window. When finished, answer the question in the Dialog menu bar with Yes or Cancel.

Or, add/remove elements by area selection:

Click selectByBoxAdd-24 to add elements by box selection:
oThe default box is rectangular.
oUse the SHIFT key to define a polygon box.
Click selectByBoxRemove-24 to remove elements by box selection:
oThe default box is rectangular.
oUse the SHIFT key to define a polygon box.
Click ellipse_icon to add elements by circular or elliptical selection:
oThe default shape is circular.
oUse the SHIFT key to define an elliptical area.
6.Select Keep same material to use the same material for the new part as for the reference part.


Select Choose new material to set a specific material on the stiffener.  The Material File window appears. In the material database, select the desired material and validate with OK.

7.Set the thickness value in the New thickness field.
8.Select the Offset type and value:
normal to element(s) to offset the nodes on the average normal of the neighboring elements.
defined by vector to offset the nodes with a defined vector:
oClick vectorCreateBy2Nodes-24 and select two nodes to define the direction.
oClick 10_vectordefined and select an element to define the direction normal to this element.
Set the offset value in the Offset field and click Ok.  HyperCrash will show a preview of the stiffener.
9.Click Save to save the stiffener; or

Click Cancel to cancel the stiffener creation.

10.Click Close to close the menu.