
To create a section

To create a section

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To create a section

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1.From the Menu Bar, select Data History > Section > Create.


If the Data History panel is open, select Section > Create from the pull-down menu.

2.Enter a name in the Section field and validate with Ok.
3.Select parts in one of the following methods:
Click selectPartGeneral-24 and pick parts in the graphic window. When finished, answer the question in the Dialog menu bar with Yes  or Cancel.
Click selectEntityFromTree-24 to add the parts selected in the tree.
Click selectPartByBoxAdd-24 to add parts by box selection:
oThe default box is rectangular.
oUse the SHIFT key to define a polygon box.
Click selectPartByBoxRemove-24 to remove parts by box selection:
oThe default box is rectangular.
oUse the SHIFT key to define a polygon box.


Section plane normal

1.Select the section normal direction by clicking in X, in Y, or in Z.
2.In the Position field, enter a value and click reviewGeneral-24 to display the section in the graphic window.

The blue nodes define the section local skew frame. They are automatically computed to have a local skew frame as close as possible to the section center.

3.If necessary, redefine the local skew frame by clicking systemSelection-24 and, in the graphic window, picking three nodes.


By picking:

1.Click the 3 nodes radio button to activate.
2.In the graphic window, click the three nodes that will define the section plane.
3.If necessary, redefine the local skew frame by clicking systemSelection-24 and, in the graphic window, picking three nodes.


Section components

Select components using one of the following methods:

Click mirrorSelection-24 to reverse the section side. The local skew frame is automatically updated.
In the Element add/remove, click selectGeneral-24 and, in the graphic window, pick shell elements to add or remove them from the section definition. When finished, answer the question in the Dialog menu bar with Yes or Cancel.
To Add element, click selectByBoxAdd-24 and in the graphic window, drag a box to select shell elements.
To Remove element, click selectByBoxRemove-24 and in the graphic window, drag a box to deselect shell elements.
In the Node add/remove, click selectnodegeneral-24 and in the graphic window, pick nodes to add or remove them from the section definition. When finished, answer the question in the Dialog menu bar with Yes or Cancel.
To Add node, click selectByBoxAdd-24 and in the graphic window, drag a box to select nodes.
To Remove node, click selectByBoxRemove-24 and in the graphic window, drag a box to deselect nodes.



1.Click Save to save the section; or

Click Cancel to cancel the section creation.

2.Click Close to close the menu.