
To create a Monitored Volume

To create a Monitored Volume

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To create a Monitored Volume

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1.From the Menu Bar, select LoadCase > Monitored Volume > Create / Modify.
2.Select the type of monitored volume to create by clicking Select a type.
3.Enter a name in the field next to Select a type.
4.Select the Properties sub-tab (available for any monitored volumes type), select monitored volumes using one of the following methods:




pick elements in the graphic window


add/remove element by ellipse selection


add elements by box selection


remove elements by box selection


pick parts in the graphic window


add parts by box selection


remove parts by box selection


add the parts selected in the tree


remove the parts selected in the tree


clean the parts selected in the tree

5.After making a selection, answer the question in the Dialog menu bar with Yes or Cancel.


The default box is rectangular. Use the SHIFT key to define a polygon box.
A surface must be selected before any vent hole, injector, or bag can be created.
6.Set the necessary values in the different fields which are under the surface selection.
7.Select the Vent Holes sub-folder (available for GAS, AIRBAG and COMMU monitored volumes):
8.Click boxNewGeneral-24 to create a new vent hole.
9.Select Located surface to define a vent hole in a specific area of the monitored volume surface.
10.After making a selection, answer the question in the Dialog menu bar with Yes or Cancel.
11.Select unlocated surface to defined a generic vent hole.
12.Set the necessary values in the different fields which are under the surface selection.
13.Define the necessary functions:
Por. vs Time = porosity versus time
Por. vs Pressure = porosity versus pressure
Por. vs Area = porosity versus area
14.Click Save to save the vent hole.


Click Cancel to cancel the vent hole creation.

Note:If the new vent hole is incorrect, HyperCrash will indicate this and request correction of the errors.
To modify a created vent hole, select the vent hole (only one) in the window list.
-Click reviewGeneral-24 to see the vent hole and edit it
-Modify the vent hole as defined in the creation phase
To delete created vent holes, select the vent hole(s) in the window list.
-Click reviewGeneral-24 to view the vent hole(s)
-Click deleteGeneral-24 to delete the vent hole(s)
15.Select the Injectors sub-folder (available for AIRBAG and COMMU monitored volumes):
16.Click boxNewGeneral-24 to create a new injector.
17.Set the necessary values in the different fields which are under the surface selection.
18.Define the necessary functions:
Mass of inj. vs. Time = mass of injected gas versus time
Temp. vs. time = temperature of injected gas versus pressure
P(t) = pressure versus time
P(theta) = pressure versus angle
P() = pressure versus distance
19.Select the type of mass input:
Mass versus time: toggle button switched off.
Mass flow versus time: toggle button switched on.
20.In case of jetting:
Toggle the button, Jetting ON / OFF.
Define the local skew of the jetting by clicking selectGeneral-24 and selecting three nodes on the screen.
Define the function P(t) = pressure versus time.
Define the function P(theta) = pressure versus angle.
Define the function P() = pressure versus distance.
21.Click Save to save the injector.


Click Cancel to cancel the injector creation.

Note: If the new injector is incorrect, HyperCrash will indicate this and request correction of the errors.
To modify a created injector, select the injector (only one) in the window list.
-Click reviewGeneral-24 to view the injector and edit it.
-Modify the vent as defined in the creation phase.
To delete created injectors, select the injector(s) in the window list.
-Click reviewGeneral-24 to view the injector(s).
-Click deleteGeneral-24 to delete the injector(s).
22.Select the Bags sub-folder (available for COMMU monitored volumes):
23.Click boxNewGeneral-24 to create a new bags communication area between bags.
24.Select the monitored volume from the monitored volumes list (type: AIRBAGS or COMMU) which will communicate with the edited one.
25.Click Select in order to validate the monitored volume selection.

The common surface between the bags is automatically highlighted.

26.Use the following functions listed above in Step 4 to modify the communication surface.
27.After making a selection, answer the question in the Dialog menu bar with Yes or Cancel.
28.Set the necessary values in the different fields which are under the communication surface selection.
29.Click Save to save the communication surface; or

Click Cancel to cancel the communication surface creation.

Note:If the new vent hole is incorrect, HyperCrash will indicate this and request correction of the errors.
30.Select the bag (only one) from the window list.
31.Click reviewGeneral-24 to view the bag and edit it.
32.Modify the bag as defined in the creation phase.
To delete created bags:
-Select the vent bag(s) in the window list.
-Click reviewGeneral-24 to view the bag(s).
-Click deleteGeneral-24 to delete the bag(s).


Save a Monitored volume

When finished creating and modifying vent holes, injectors and bags:

1.Click Save to save the created or modified monitored volume. Answer the different questions in the Dialog menu bar about the results of the different checks (Yes or Cancel).


Click Cancel to cancel monitored volume creation or modification.

2.Click Close to close monitored volume menu.

The creation and modification pages for the monitored volumes are the same.


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Monitored Volume