
To create an accelerometer

To create an accelerometer

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To create an accelerometer

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1.From the Menu Bar, select Data History > Accelerometer > Create.


If the Data History panel is open, select Accelerometer > Create from the pull-down menu.

2.Enter a name in the Accelerometer field and validate with Ok.
3.Click selectnodegeneral-24 and pick one node in the graphic window.


Set a node ID in the Node Id field and click Ok.

4.A skew frame can be defined as:
If the Global toggle is yellow (selected), the accelerometer will be in the global skew frame.
Click Moving Local to define a moving local skew frame for the accelerometer.
Click Fixed Local to define a fixed local skew frame for the imposed displacement.
5.Enter a name in the Local Reference Axis Name field and click Ok.
Click databaseimport-24 to select a pre-defined Fixed Local axis. In the Local Axis file window, select a local axis, click Ok to validate, and then in the graphic window, pick one node to see the local axis.


Fill in the XY Plan Definition fields to define the XY plane.
6.Click See and in the graphic window, pick a node to display the local axis.
7.Click Save to save the local axis, or click Delete to cancel it.
8.Set a cut-off frequency in the Cut off frequency field.
9.Click Save to save the time history nodes; or

Click Cancel to cancel the time history node creation.

10.Click Close to close the menu.