Flux-Portunus co-simulation: example


To permit to the user to implement the co-simulation between Flux and Portunus, a detailed example, with the main stages to be implemented, is given in the following sections.

Example description

The example represents the behavior of an electromagnetic actuator. The magnetic part of the actuator is designed with the finite element method via Flux 2D software and axisymmetric application. The electric drive and the mechanical part are designed with Portunus software.

The aim is to observe different operating phase of this actuator with one transient simulation: closing phase, current regulation and opening phase.

Flux project

The geometry, mesh and physics are given below.

Preparation of I/O parameters in Flux

The input and output parameters are described as follows:

I/O name Description Type Value / formula
Input parameters LINPOS_MOVED_PART Linear position (m) of mechanical set “MOVED_PART” which represents the position of the magnetic core of the plunger. This parameter is automatically created in the case of mechanical set with at type of kinematics “MultiphysicsPosition

I/O parameter,


Reference value = 0
R_BOB Parameter associated to the resistance of the stranded coil in the electrical circuit: for example it is possible to do a parametric analysis under Portunus on this electrical parameter (this value is fixed during a transient analysis).

I/O parameter,


Reference value = 10
V_IN Supply voltage of the coil associated to the voltage source Source V1

I/O parameter,


Reference value = 0
Output parameters AIR_GAP_POSITION Represent the position of the magnetic core with an offset I/O parameter defined by a formula LinPos(MOVED_PART)+ 15/1000
I_BOB Current in the stranded coil B2 I/O parameter defined by a formula I(B2)
ELFORC_MOVED_PART Magnetic force measured on the Mechanical set “MOVED_PART I/O parameter defined by a formula ForceElecMag(MOVED_PART)

Generation of the coupling file from Flux

Here are the steps to generate the coupling file F2P from Flux:

Step Actions

Open the dialog box:

  • Click on Generate component for Portunus coupling in the Solve menu
2 Define the name of component ( for example COMPONENT_COSIM)

Choose the input parameters:

  • Select R_BOB
  • Select V_IN

Choose the output parameters:

  • Select I_BOB
5 Validate by clicking on OK

A COMPONENT_COSIM.F2P file has been created.

The Flux project has been duplicated and registered under the name: COMPONENT_COSIMF2P.FLU

Preparation of the Portunus model

To prepare the Portunus model:

Step Actions
1 Open Portunus by clicking on
The main interface of Portunus is opened.

Register the model:

  • Click on Save in the menu File
  • Allocate a name *.ecd (for example model_actuator_CoSimulation )

Go in the Models library « Interfaces »:

  • Drag & Drop the “Flux Co-Simulation” component

Characterize the “Flux Co-Simulation” component:

  • Double click on the “Flux Co-Simulation” component
  • In the tab Parameters:
    • Point on the coupling file COMPONENT_COSIM.F2P
    • Choose the algorithm “Fast” for this example
    • Enter 15% for “Maximum input variation (%)
    • Enter LINPOS_NOYAU<0.0;LINPOS_NOYAU>-0.01485 for “Stops”option
    • Choose “linear” extrapolation
  • Flux parameters
    • Enter 20u for Step Size (s)
    • Enter 1000 for Memory (MB)
    • Choose 64 bit (if possible) for CPU
  • Click on « OK »
The Inputs/Outputs ports appear and the coupling component become red.
  • Re-open the coupling component by a double click
  • Go on the tab Display/Outputs:

By selecting check box, choose “outputs” that you want to analyze in the Portunus off-sheet display.

6 Place, characterize and connect the other necessary components (which is the environment of the electromagnetic actuator) according to the model in the figure below.
7 Save the model by clicking on Save in the menu File
The preparation of the Portunus model is complete.

Simulation configuration

Configure the simulation parameters with a time interval from 0 to 70ms and the time step set between 1µs and 20µs and launches the solving process.

During the solving process the information on the solved steps are displayed in the off-sheet display of Portunus.

Analysis of results

The results can be analyzed in Portunus, as well as from Flux in the project COMPONENT_COSIMF2P.FLU

Graph results in Portunus Graph results in Flux