Global Response Surface Method (GRSM)

The global response surface method (GRSM) is a response surface based approach. During each iteration, the response surface based optimisation generates a few designs. Additional designs are generated globally to ensure a good balance on local search capability and global search capability.

Error treatment and termination

The response surface is adaptively updated with the newly generated designs to have a better fit of the model.

The text log of the GRSM method

Section 1: General information regarding the optimisation setup.
================  L O G - FILE - OPTFEKO  ================

Version: 14.0.430-24 of 2016-08-22
Date: 2016-08-30 11:36:21
File: dipole_grsm


================= Optimisation variables =================

No.  Name                                  Beg.value          Minimum          Maximum
  1 h                                2.000000000e+00  1.600000000e+00  2.400000000e+00
  2 radius                           2.000000000e-03  5.000000000e-04  5.000000000e-03

=================== Optimisation goals ===================

No.  Name                            Expression
  1 grsm.goals.impedance_mag73ohm   mag(inputimp(impedance(source)))
Section 2: Information regarding the GRSM parameters.
=== Optimisation method: GLOBAL RESPONSE SURFACE METHOD (HyperOpt) ===

On failed analysis:             Ignore failed analysis (=1)
Maximum iterations:             50
Random seed:                    1
Initial sample points:          4
Points per iteration:           2
Constraint violation tol. (%):   5.0000000000e-01
Constraint threshold             1.0000000000e-04
Section 3: Information regarding the parameter values and goal values at each step.
=========== GLOBAL RESPONSE SURFACE METHOD (HyperOpt): Intermediate results ===========

 No.    h                radius           grsm.goals.impe  Global goal      Global best aim 
     1  2.000000000e+00  2.000000000e-03  8.223708649e+01  9.237086490e+00  9.237086490e+00
     2  2.348800000e+00  4.964000000e-03  2.488655725e+02  1.758655725e+02                 
     3  1.678080000e+00  4.942400000e-03  1.120701608e+02  3.907016075e+01                 
     4  2.394880000e+00  9.464000000e-04  3.227940059e+02  2.497940059e+02                 
     5  1.928320000e+00  2.401760000e-03  6.825584105e+01  4.744158945e+00  4.744158945e+00
Section 4: Information regarding the termination reason and best results found on the search grid.
================= GLOBAL RESPONSE SURFACE METHOD (HyperOpt): Finished =================

Optimisation finished (GRSM optimiser stopped. Number of analysis reached the maximum allowed number of 

Optimum found for these parameters:
  h                              =   1.957379988e+00
  radius                         =   3.243705368e-03

Optimum aim function value (at no. 47):   4.087626847e-02
No. of the last analysis: 50