Creating a Local Update Repository

Create a local Feko update repository to allow users to update without internet access or to limit the list of update versions that users can use. Local update repositories can also be used to reduce the amount of data being downloaded by downloading a repository once and making it available to many local machines or compute clusters.

A local repository folder can be set up using:
  • downloaded and extracted archives
  • downloaded, zipped archives
  1. Create the local repository folder, for example, C:\Updates.
  2. If you already have an update repository for the same version, delete previous updates located in this local repository folder.
  3. Download the updates for the required platforms from Altair Connect.
    For example, if both the Windows and Linux platforms are required, download the following:
  4. Create the repository using one of the following workflows:
    • Unzip the downloaded archives to the local repository folder. The zip file contains a folder structure which must be kept intact. Below is an example of the directory structure for the two platforms after extracting the zip archives to C:\Updates:
      Note: If multiple platforms are downloaded, the platform updates must be located at the same folder (grouped by version) and “merged” as seen in the example.
    • Copy the zipped archives to the local repository without extracting the files.