Shift frequency spectrum related vectors to center first element.
y = fftshift(x)
y = fftshift(x,dim)
- x
- The frequency spectrum related vectors to shift.
- dim
- The dimension on which to operate.
- y
- The shifted vectors.
fft of signal with two frequency components.
f1 = 25; % first frequency component
f2 = 40; % second frequency component
fs = 100; % sampling frequency
ts = 1/fs; % sampling time interval
n = 20; % number of samples
t = [0:ts:(n-1)*ts]; % time vector
signal = sin(2*pi*f1*t) + 0.8 * sin(2*pi*f2*t);
ft = fft(signal) / n; % normalized fft
fq = freq(n,fs,'shift'); % frequency vector
plot(fq, fftshift(abs(ft)));

The frequency spacing is 5 Hz, so both components fall exactly on one of the frequency vector values.
After fftshift, if a vector has an even number of samples the Nyquist frequency of the input will become the first element of the ouput vector.