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Technical Support

Contact information for Altair technical support.

Altair One Customer Portal

Altair One (https://altairone.com/) is Altair’s customer portal giving you access to product downloads, Knowledge Base, and customer support. We strongly recommend that all users create an Altair One account and use it as their primary means of requesting technical support.

Once your customer portal account is set up, you can directly get to your support page via this link: www.altair.com/customer-support/.

Altair Training Classes

Altair training courses provide a hands-on introduction to our products, focusing on overall functionality. Courses are conducted at our main and regional offices or at your facility. If you are interested in training at your facility, please contact your account manager for more details. If you do not know who your account manager is, e-mail your local support office and your account manager will contact you.

Telephone and Email

If you are unable to contact Altair support via the customer portal, you may reach out to the technical support desk via phone or e-mail. You can use the following table as a reference to locate the support office for your region.

When contacting Altair support, please specify the product and version number you are using along with a detailed description of the problem. It is beneficial for the support engineer to know what type of workstation, operating system, RAM, and graphics board you have, so please include that in your communication.

Location Telephone E-mail
Australia +61 649 413 7981 anzsupport@altair.com
Brazil +55 113 884 0414 br_support@altair.com
Canada +1 416 447 6463 support@altairengineering.ca
China +86 400 619 6186 support@altair.com.cn
France +33 141 33 0992 francesupport@altair.com
Germany +49 703 162 0822 hwsupport@altair.de
Greece +30 231 047 3311 eesupport@altair.com

+91 806 629 4500

1 800 425 0234 (toll free)

Israel israelsupport@altair.com
Italy +39 800 905 595 support@altairengineering.it
Japan +81 36 225 5830 support@altairjp.co.jp
Malaysia +60 32 742 7890 aseansupport@altair.com
Mexico +52 555 658 6808 mx-support@altair.com
New Zealand +64 9 413 7981 anzsupport@altair.com
South Africa +27 21 831 1500 support@altair.co.za
South Korea +82 704 050 9200 support@altair.co.kr
Spain +34 910 810 080 support-spain@altair.com
Sweden +46 46 460 2828 support@altair.se
United Kingdom +44 192 646 8600 support@uk.altair.com
United States +1 248.614.2425 hwsupport@altair.com

If your company is being serviced by an Altair’s partner, you can find that information on our web site at: https://www.altair.com/PartnerSearch/

See www.altair.com for complete information on Altair, our team, and our products.