Literals are items that are constant throughout the life of the application. Literals include numeric, imaginary, characters,
strings, logicals, and Other (NaN/Inf).
Imaginary literals are numeric literals followed immediately by one of the characters that represents the imaginary constant
i (defined as the square root of -1).
OML language scripts manipulate data through variables. Variables are referred to by their name (alphanumeric) and can be created
(assigned) and deleted as described in this section.
Literals are items that are constant throughout the life of the application. Literals include numeric, imaginary, characters,
strings, logicals, and Other (NaN/Inf).
Literals are items that are constant throughout the life of the application. Literals
include numeric, imaginary, characters, strings, logicals, and Other (NaN/Inf).
Other Literals
Inf and NaN are two special literals predefined in the OpenMatrix language.
A collection is an ordered grouping of elements (which may be literals or other collections).
Identifiers are user-ascribed names that can refer to literals, other identifiers, or functions.
Numeric literals come in the form of a scalar, integer, decimal, or scientific notation (exponential).
Imaginary literals are numeric literals followed immediately by one of the characters that represents the imaginary constant i (defined as the square root of -1).
String literals are specified by a sequence of characters between ' (single quote) characters.