The Track Mode provides template scaling and
“tracking” (moving) in the current view
plane. As soon as the Track Mode is activated, a rectangular box surrounding the object
projection will appear. This box is called the
“Bounding Box” of the object.
Note: The
Bounding Box is possibly larger than the visible object borders.
This is an effect
depending on the selected view, the selected view plane and the rotation state of the object.
During the Track Mode, all object operations can only be initiated when the mouse cursor is
placed inside the borders of the Bounding Box.
Important: The current release of
the Indoor Lego Feature does not include an Undo / Redo function, so all changes made to a
template object are definite.
The object 2D displacement can be started by simply clicking and holding the left mouse
button while the mouse cursor is positioned somewhere inside the Bounding Box. A box
“forecast box”) will be displayed which predicts the future position of the object. By
moving the mouse, this position can be altered. When the left mouse button is released, the
object will be drawn at the new position and the tracking operation is done. Holding down the
Ctrl and / or the Shift key while changing the position of the forecast box will cause the
following behaviour:
- Ctrl+mouse movement – object only moves horizontally
- Shift+mouse movement – object only moves vertically
- Ctrl+Shift> + mouse movement – object moves back to original position.
Note: It is important that the above-mentioned keys are pressed while the object is
already being tracked. If the keys are pressed before the tracking operation is initiated,
the scaling mode will be activated.
The scaling operation for predefined templates allows isogonal scaling in the initial object coordinate system. Here is a more detailed explanation: in the initial object state (object is not yet rotated) all scaling operations are done with respect to the object origin. So, this point is a scaling operation fixed point. In this state, a mouse movement to the right after initiating the scaling operation leads to a broadening of the object, a mouse movement to the left leads to a curtailment. If the mouse is moved upwards, the object becomes larger, moving the mouse downwards shortens the object. Now think of a rotated object and notice that the object coordinate system is rotated as well. Imagine a 180 degrees rotation about the z-axis, if the object coordinate system was not rotated together with the object, a mouse movement to the right now would increase the size of the object on its left side. As this would be an inconsistency in the user interface, a different concept is used. The object coordinate system is rotated together with the object and the interpretation of the mouse movement is rotated accordingly. Always consider the fact that the object origin is bound to the object, it does not change using the rotation operation. Now, a rotated object shows the following behaviour: if the mouse is moved into the direction which was the former “right side” of the object its width will increase. This concept offers a more consistent way of handling rotated objects to be scaled.
The scaling operation itself is initiated by holding down the Ctrl and / or the Shift key
and clicking and holding the left mouse button. Moving the mouse will now permit scaling as
explained above. The keys provide the following functions:
- Ctrl key only allows scaling in the 1st object coordinate
- Shift key only allows scaling in the 2nd object coordinate
- Ctrl and Shift keys held down simultaneously allow free scaling in both object
The scaling operation is finished when the left mouse button is released.
Tip: Scaling is only allowed if the grid is not active.
Double-clicking the left mouse button leaves the Track Mode and switches to the Rotate Mode.
Note: Non-predefined templates often cannot be scaled isogonal because of the missing
reference point (object origin) and coordinate system information.