Result Types

Results are available for filling, packing, cooling, and warpage analysis stages.

Filling Results

Option Description
  • Review the temperature evolution of the fluid entering the mold cavity.
  • Check regions for excessive heating or cooling.
  • Determine the appropriate fill speed for uniform temperature distribution.

Flow Front Temperature Review the temperature at the time of filling.

  • Examine the velocity vectors evolution during the filling of the mold.
  • Click the Show and Options buttons to change to velocity contour fill animation.

Pressure Review pressures inside the mold cavity produced during the filling stage.

Filling Time Review the time it takes the material to reach different areas within the part. The filling results can help you determine the best way to fill the part and detect patterns that indicate the potential for incomplete filling, unbalanced flow, weld lines and air pockets.

Air Traps
  • Locate air trapped in the mold during filling due to different flow patterns.
  • Consider adjusting the venting in the simulation.

Weld Lines Locate regions during filling where two flow fronts meet. Such regions may cause structural and cosmetic issues.

Effective Strain Rate Review the polymer's effective strain rate. The polymer's viscosity is a strong function of its strain rate. This result can help you understand the filling behavior of the polymer. Additionally, if strain rate exceeds a certain threshold (different for each material) the polymer may degrade.

Effective Viscosity Review the polymer's effective viscosity over time. Effective viscosity is a function of temperature and strain rate, and directly affects the material's flow behavior. This result can help you design gate regions for optimal filling.

Density Review the polymer's density over time. Uniform density is ideal for high quality results.

Thickness Review the thickness of different areas of the part. Local part thickness affects local strain rates and heat flow. Abrupt changes in thickness cause uneven cooling, which can lead to part shrinkage and defects such as sink marks in the final part. This result can give insight into the entire process.

Mold Temperature Review temperature variances in the mold.

Fiber Orientation Tensor Review diagonal and cross products results for the tensors. The result predicts the fiber orientation tensor for short fiber reinforced polymers.
  • XX: displays the tensor in the X-direction.
  • YY: displays the tensor in the Y-direction.
  • ZZ: displays the tensor in the Z-direction.
  • XY: displays the tensor on the XY-plane.
  • YZ: displays the tensor on the XZ-plane.
  • ZX: displays the tensor on the ZX-plane.
The solver writes the fiber orientation tensor in a result and ASCII files that you can inport into Multiscale Designer for further strength and failure analysis.

Packing Results

Option Description
Temperature Review temperatures during the packing phase. The temperature will decrease due to the temperature loss across the mold walls.

Velocity Examine velocity during the packing phase. Velocities will decrease until the fluid stops flowing.

Pressure Consider pressures during the packing phase. These results are useful to know points where the pressure is less than 0 to detect areas prone to suffer a sink mark defect.

Sink Marks Detect surface depressions, usually in the thicker sections of the model, caused by shrinkage during the packing stage.

Density Review changes in the polymer's density over time. Uniform density is ideal for high quality results. This result can help pinpoint the causes of such defects as sink marks and shrinkage.

Thickness Review the thickness of different areas of the part. Local part thickness affects local strain rates and heat flow. Abrupt changes in thickness cause uneven cooling, which can lead to part shrinkage and defects such as sink marks in the final part. This result can give insight into the entire process.

Mold Temperature Review temperature variances in the mold.

Cooling Results

Option Description
Temperature Examine the temperature evolution once the mold is totally filled. You can determine the final temperature at which to stop the cooling phase.

Density Review changes in the polymer's density over time. Uniform density is ideal for high quality results. This result can help pinpoint the causes of such defects as sink marks and shrinkage.

Mold Temperature Review temperature variances in the mold.

Warpage Results

Option Description
Displacement Detect folding, bending, twisting or bowing in the molded part, which is usually due to non-uniform cooling. The displacement contour displays how the part is warping so that you can make the appropriate corrective measures to the cooling rate, cooling channel design, or process data.