Bulk Data Entry
Parameter | Values | Description |
For more details, refer to the PGAP description. |
View new features for OptiStruct 2021.2.
OptiStruct is a proven, modern structural solver with comprehensive, accurate and scalable solutions for linear and nonlinear analyses across statics and dynamics, vibrations, acoustics, fatigue, heat transfer, and multiphysics disciplines.
Discover OptiStruct functionality with interactive tutorials.
This manual provides detailed information regarding the features, functionality, and simulation methods available in OptiStruct.
This manual provides a detailed list and usage information regarding input entries, output entries, and parameters available in OptiStruct.
OptiStruct will continue to support the old input format from version 3.5. The new optimization capabilities will not be available if the old format is used for the set up of the optimization problem, that is, if matfrac, mini, maxi, ubcon or lbcon are present. This section is intended to be used for the purpose of debugging or re-running older decks.
Setting up an optimization was simpler in OptiStruct 3.5, but it was also very limited. Starting with OptiStruct 5.0, a lot more flexibility has been added to the way objectives and constraints are set up, but the problem setup is more complex.
A list of previously supported input keywords.
I/O Options EntryThe DENSRES command can be used in the I/O Options section to control the frequency of output of design results (density, shape, or thickness).
I/O Options EntryThe FORMAT command can be used in the I/O Options section to indicate the format in which results are to be output.
I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry Used to request fatigue factor of safety, hydrostatic pressure, and microscopic shear stress output for grid-based FATDEF for all subcases or individual subcases, respectively.
I/O Options EntryThe RESULTS command can be used in the I/O Options section to determine the frequency of output of analysis results for all subcases or for individual subcases, respectively.
I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry The SET and PSET commands can be used in the I/O Options or Subcase Information section input deck to define sets of grids, elements, properties, or frequencies.
I/O Options EntryThe SHRES command can be used in the I/O Options section to control the frequency of output of the state files ( file and the .#.grid file).
Bulk Data Entry Defines parameters for the generation of topography design variables.
I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry The FLSPOUT command can be used in the I/O Options section to control output of modal participation factors for coupled fluid-structure models.
Bulk Data Entry This parameter is used to control the Automatic Reanalysis process at the end of Phase 1 in Lattice Optimization.
Bulk Data Entry For Lattice Optimization, the application of the Stress NORM method for stress constraint calculation, the beam cleaning process, and the application of Euler Buckling constraints in the second phase are controlled by this parameter.
Bulk Data Entry This parameter specifies the method of minimum member size control.
Bulk Data Entry Controls the amount of intermediate densities in the model in the first phase of the Lattice Structure Optimization run.
I/O Options EntryThe INFILE command is used in the I/O Options section to identify the file containing the Bulk Data Entries.
I/O Options EntryThe MASSTOH3D command can be used in the I/O Options section to request the output of the mass matrix to the .h3d file.
Subcase Information Entry The MODELMPC command can be used in the Subcase Information section while including h3d DMIG in residual runs. This card converts interior DOFs of the DMIG to exterior DOFs.
Bulk Data Entry This parameter is used to indicate when to automatically constrain degrees-of-freedom with no stiffness for AMLS run.
Bulk Data Entry Defines lower threshold for *.HM.comp.cmf and *.HM.ent.cmf HyperMesh command files.
Bulk Data Entry Defines step or interval value for *.HM.comp.cmf and *.HM.ent.cmf HyperMesh command.
Bulk Data Entry
Bulk Data Entry Enforces the activation of internal long (64-bit) integer sparse direct solver.
Bulk Data Entry PARAM, INRGAP can be used during nonlinear gap analysis to improve the performance for some models.
Bulk Data Entry This parameter controls the output of animation files (A-File) in geometric nonlinear analysis.
Bulk Data Entry This parameter controls the output of restart files (R-File) in geometric nonlinear analysis.
Bulk Data Entry This parameter controls if geometric nonlinear analysis subcases run automatically after these subcases in Bulk Format are converted into Block Format.
Bulk Data Entry One-Step Transient Thermal Stress Analysis solution and convergence information is output in the .out file. Nonlinear OSTTS is performed by generating internal static subcases at each output time step.
Bulk Data Entry Forces OptiStruct to run models in which Linear Buckling Analysis or Preloaded Analysis is defined, in conjunction with nonlinear materials (MATS1, MATHE, or MGASK) or Large Displacement Nonlinear Analysis.
Bulk Data Entry
Bulk Data Entry This parameter controls the full projection of 4-node shell elements in NLGEOM implicit analysis.
Bulk Data Entry This parameter is used to specify that small displacement formulation or large displacement formulation is used.
Bulk Data Entry This parameter controls the output of the force-deflection curve in geometric nonlinear analysis.
I/O Options EntryThe ROTATION command can be used in the I/O Options or Subcase Information sections to request the output of rotation information for all subcases or individual subcases, respectively.
I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry The UPDATE command controls the behavior of ASSIGN,UPDATE,<filename>.
The OptiStruct Example Guide is a collection of solved examples for various solution sequences and optimization types and provides you with examples of the real-world applications and capabilities of OptiStruct.
This manual presents solved verification models including NAFEMS problems.
This section provides quick responses to typical and frequently asked questions regarding OptiStruct.
This manual provides a detailed list and usage information regarding input entries, output entries, and parameters available in OptiStruct.
A list of previously supported input keywords.
Bulk Data Entry
Bulk Data Entry
Parameter | Values | Description |
For more details, refer to the PGAP description. |
(c) 2021. Altair Engineering Inc. All Rights Reserved.