OptiStruct is a proven, modern structural solver with comprehensive, accurate and scalable solutions for linear and nonlinear
analyses across statics and dynamics, vibrations, acoustics, fatigue, heat transfer, and multiphysics disciplines.
This tutorial demonstrates how to import an existing FE model, apply boundary conditions, and perform a modal frequency
response analysis on a flat plate.
In this tutorial, an existing finite element model of a bracket is used to demonstrate how to perform direct transient
dynamic analysis using OptiStruct. HyperGraph is used to post-process the deformation characteristics of the bracket under the transient dynamic loads.
In this tutorial, an existing finite element model of a bracket is used to demonstrate how to perform modal transient
dynamic analysis using OptiStruct. HyperGraph is used to post-process the deformation characteristics of the bracket under the transient dynamic loads.
This tutorial demonstrates how to set up the random response analysis for the existing frequency response analysis
model. The setup for frequency response analysis is that the flat plate has two loading conditions that will be subjected
to a frequency-varying load excitation using the direct method.
The purpose of this tutorial is to evaluate the vibration characteristics of a half car model subjected to Fluid -
Structure interaction. The fluid that is being referred to is air. Essentially, the noise level or the sound level is evaluated inside the car at a location near the ear of the driver
which is the main response location inside the fluid.
The E-N (Strain - Life) method should be chosen to predict the fatigue life when plastic strain occurs under the given
cyclic loading. S-N (Stress - Life) method is not suitable for low-cycle fatigue where plastic strain plays a central
role for fatigue behavior.
The E-N (Strain - Life) method should be chosen to predict the fatigue life when plastic strain occurs under the given
cyclic loading. S-N (Stress - Life) method is not suitable for low-cycle fatigue where plastic strain plays a central
role for fatigue behavior.
This tutorial demonstrates how to carry out nonlinear implicit small displacement analysis in OptiStruct, involving elasto-plastic materials, contact and continuing the nonlinear solution sequence from a preceding nonlinear
In this tutorial, a modal complex eigenvalue analysis is performed on a simplified brake system to determine whether
the friction effects can cause any squeal noise (unstable modes).
In this tutorial you will perform a brake squeal analysis on a brake assembly. Disc brakes are operated by applying
a clamping load using a set of brake pads on the disc. The friction generated between the pads and the disc causes
deceleration, and can potentially induce a dynamic instability of the system. This phenomena is known as brake squeal.
This tutorial demonstrates how to perform a Response Spectrum Analysis on a structure. This kind of analysis provides
an estimate of peak structural response to a structure subject to dynamic excitation. The analysis uses response spectra
for prescribed dynamic loading and results of normal modes analysis to calculate this estimate.
Computation of the equivalent radiated power (ERP) is a simplified method to gain information about maximum dynamic radiation
of panels for excitations in frequency response analysis. This tutorial demonstrates how to set up the computation request
of ERP on an existing frequency response analysis.
This tutorial outlines the procedure to perform both 1D and 3D pretensioned bolt analysis on a section of an IC Engine.
The pretensioned analysis is conducted to measure the response of a system consisting of the cylinder head, gasket
and engine block connected by four head bolts subjected to a pretension force of 4500 N each.
This tutorial demonstrates how to set up contact between two parts and the impact of using choosing node-to-surface
(N2S) versus surface-to-surface (S2S). In addition, this tutorial covers how to review the internally created CGAPG
elements in case of N2S, and the nodes in contact in case of S2S.
The OptiStruct Example Guide is a collection of solved examples for various solution sequences and optimization types and provides
you with examples of the real-world applications and capabilities of OptiStruct.
The E-N (Strain - Life) method should be chosen to predict the fatigue life when plastic strain occurs under the given
cyclic loading. S-N (Stress - Life) method is not suitable for low-cycle fatigue where plastic strain plays a central
role for fatigue behavior.
Fatigue Process Manager (FPM) using E-N (Strain - Life) Method
The E-N (Strain - Life) method should be chosen to predict the fatigue life when
plastic strain occurs under the given cyclic loading. S-N (Stress - Life) method is not suitable
for low-cycle fatigue where plastic strain plays a central role for fatigue behavior.
If an S-N analysis indicates a fatigue life less than 10,000 cycles, it is a sign that E-N
method might be a better choice. E-N method, while computationally more expensive than S-N,
should give reasonable estimate for high-cycle fatigue as well.
Since E-N theory deals with uniaxial strain, the strain components need to be resolved into
one combined value for each calculation point, at each time step, and then used as
equivalent nominal strain applied on the E-N curve (Figure 2).
In OptiStruct, various strain combination types are available
with the default being "Absolute maximum principle strain". In general "Absolute maximum
principle stain" is recommended for brittle materials, while "Signed von Mises strain" is
recommended for ductile material. The sign on the signed parameters is taken from the sign
of the Maximum Absolute Principal value.
In this tutorial, you will be able to evaluate fatigue life with the E-N method.
The following files found in the optistruct.zip file are needed to
perform this tutorial. Refer to Access the Model Files.
A control arm loaded by brake force and vertical force is used, as shown in Figure 3. Two load time histories acquired for 2545 seconds with 1 HZ, shown in
Figure 4 and Figure 5, are applied. The material of the control arm is aluminum, whose E-N curve
is shown in Figure 6. Because a crack always initiates from the surface, a skin meshed with
shell elements is designed to cover the solid elements, which can improve the accuracy of
calculation as well.
Launch HyperMesh and Process Manager
Launch HyperMesh.
The User Profile dialog opens.
Select OptiStruct and click
Click Tools > Fatigue Process > Create New.
For New Session Name, enter <my_session_name>.
For Working Folder, select your working folder.
Click Create.
This creates a new file to save the instance of the currently loaded
fatigue process template.
Import the Model
Make sure the task Import File is selected in the
Fatigue Analysis tree.
For the Model file type, select OptiStruct.
Click the Open model file icon .
A Select File browser window opens.
Select the ctrlarm.fem file you saved to
your working directory from the optistruct.zip file and
click Open.
Click Import.
This loads the control arm model. It includes a whole definition of two
static subcases, elements sets, and material static properties,
Click Apply.
This guides you to the next task Fatigue Subcase of the Fatigue Analysis
Set Up the Model
Create a Fatigue Subcase
Make sure the task Fatigue Subcase is selected in the Fatigue Analysis
In the Create new fatigue subcase field, enter fatsub_fpmtut.
Click Create.
For the Select existing fatigue subcase field, select the newly created fatigue
subcase fatsub_fpmtut.
fatsub_fpmtut is selected as the active
fatigue subcase. Definitions in the following processes (analysis parameters,
fatigue elements and properties, loading sequences, etc.) will be for this
Click Apply.
This saves the current definitions and guides you to the next task
Analysis Parameters of the Fatigue Analysis tree.
Apply Fatigue Analysis Parameters
Make sure the task Analysis Parameters is selected in the Fatigue Analysis
Select the following options:
Analysis type
Stress combination method
Signed von Mises
FEA model unit
Mean stress correction
Rainflow type
Plasticity correction
Enter the following values:
Certainty of survivial
Click Apply.
This saves the current definitions and guides you to the next task
Elements and Materials of the Fatigue Analysis tree. For details, consult the
Altair Simulation2021.2 help.
Add Fatigue Elements and Materials
Make sure the task Elements and Materials is selected in the Fatigue Analysis
Click Add Material.
A Material Data window opens.
For Material name, select Aluminum.
Make sure Stress unit is set to MPA.
For Ultimate tensile strength (UTS), enter 600.
For Input method of Define EN Curve, select Estimate From
Click the Show EN curve definition icon .
An EN method description window introducing how to generate the EN
material parameter opens.
Click Close.
For Material type, select Aluminum and Titanium Alloys
and click Estimate.
All the data for EN curve definition are automatically
Click Plot EN Curve at the bottom of the window to show
the EN curve.
Close the EN Curve plot window.
Click Save to save the definition of the EN data for the
selected entities.
Click Add Property.
A Property Data window opens.
For Property Type, select Property - PSHELL.
Click Create to create PFAT property.
For LAYER, select TOP.
For FINISH, select NONE.
Leave the field after KF (Fatigue strength reduction factor) set to 1.0.
Click Close to save the definition of the EN data for
the selected elements.
Click Apply.
This saves the current definitions and guides you to the next task
Load-Time History of the Fatigue Analysis tree.
Add Load-Time History
Make sure the task Load-Time History is selected in the Fatigue Analysis
Click Add by File.
A Load Time History window opens.
For Load-time history name, enter lth1.
For Load-time history type, select CSV.
Click the Open load-time file icon .
An Open file browser window opens.
Browse for load1.csv.
Click Open > Import.
Click Save to write the new load-time history into
HyperMesh database.
Create another load-time history named lth2 by importing
the file load2.csv.
Click Plot L-T to show the load-time history.
Close the Load Time History window.
Click Apply.
This saves the current definitions and guides you to the next task
Loading Sequences of the Fatigue Analysis tree.
Note: For a file of DAC format, it can very easily be imported
in HyperGraph and converted to CSV format for
use by FPM.
Load Sequences
In this step, one event
consisting of two load time history is created; in other words, the linear superposition
of the stress caused by the two load time history is requested during analysis. Using
this event, one load sequence is constructed.
Make sure the task Loading Sequences is selected in the Fatigue Analysis tree.
Click Add.
A Load Mapping window
For Channels, select LTH1 and
For Subcase, select SUBCASE1 and
Activate the radio button Auto and leave the event
creation method set to default Single Event.
Click + to create a single event with two subcases and
two channels.
Click Save to close the window and create the fatique
event using selected subcases and channels.
Submit the Job
Make sure the task Submit Analysis is selected in the Fatigue Analysis
Click the Save .fem file icon .
A Save As browser window opens.
Set the directory in which to save the file, and for File name, enter ctrlarm_fpmtut.fem.
Click Save to close the window.
Click Save to save the OptiStruct model file.
For Run Option, select analysis.
Click Submit.
This launches OptiStruct2021.2 to run the fatigue analysis. If the job is
successful, the new results files should be in the directory from which
was selected.
default files written to the directory are:
An ASCII format file which
contains fatigue results of each fatigue subcase in
iteration step.
Hyper 3D binary results
file, with both static analysis results and fatigue
analysis results.
OptiStruct output file containing
specific information on the file set up, the set up of
your fatigue problem, compute time information, etc.
Review this file for warnings and errors.
Summary of analysis
process, providing CPU information for each step during
analysis process.
Note: The filename.#.fat is created for each
fatigue subcase at the first and last iterations only if a fatigue
optimization is performed.
Post-process the Analysis
Make sure the task Post-processing is selected in the Fatigue Analysis
When fatigue analysis has completed successfully after the previous submit, it
will automatically go into this task.
For Fatigue subcase, make sure Select Subcase is
For Result Type and Data Component, select the required data you want to
contour from the drop-down menu.
Click Load H3D Results (HV).
This launches HyperView and loads the
ctrlarm_fpmtut.h3d results file. It applies
the result contour for selected result type and component. You can use HyperView for more detailed results.