OS-V: 0900 Constant Amplitude Stress-Life Analysis
A notched test specimen is subjected to tensile loading and a Constant Amplitude Stress-Life Analysis is performed using OptiStruct.
Benchmark Model
The model is a test specimen of thickness 9.5mm, subjected to tensile loading of 1150 N at circular holes, normal to the notch. The model was meshed with first-order shell elements and the loading is applied to RBE3 elements that are connected to the holes. The Signed von Mises (SGVON) combined stress was used.
- Material Properties
- Value
- Young's modulus
- 203000 MPa
- Poisson's ratio
- 0.3
- Ultimate tensile strength (UTS)
- 863.0 MPa
- Fatigue strength coefficient (SRI1)
- 1101.0 MPa
- First fatigue strength exponent (B1)
- -0.075
- Cycle limit of endurance for one segment SN curve (NC1)
- 1000000 cycles
- Time Points
- Load Curve Point
- 0
- 0.0
- 1
- 1.0
- 2
- 0.0
- 3
- -1.0
- 4
- 0.0
All the modifying factors (Surface Roughness and Fatigue Strength Reduction factor) are set to 1.0.
Result | eFatigue (Target Value) |
OptiStruct | Normalized with the Target Value |
Life (Nf) | 152000 cycles | 151881 cycles | 1.0008 |
Model Files
The model file used in this problem includes: