OptiStruct is a proven, modern structural solver with comprehensive, accurate and scalable solutions for linear and nonlinear
analyses across statics and dynamics, vibrations, acoustics, fatigue, heat transfer, and multiphysics disciplines.
The OptiStruct Example Guide is a collection of solved examples for various solution sequences and optimization types and provides
you with examples of the real-world applications and capabilities of OptiStruct.
Contacts Benchmark 4 For Quasi-static analysis using Linear elastic material, geometric non-linearity and nonlinear boundary conditions.
OptiStruct FE results examine the plot of contact pressure, tangential stress and relative tangential slip against angle .
This benchmark illustrates the structural response of a power law creeping material in a geometrical configuration
subjected to pure torsion. OptiStruct examines strain at the edge of the shaft.
OS-V: 0220 3D Punch (Rounded Edges) Contacts Benchmark 2 For quasi-static analysis using linear elastic material, geometric non-linearity and nonlinear boundary conditions.
OS-V: 0230 3D Loaded Pin Contacts Benchmark 4 For Quasi-static analysis using Linear elastic material, geometric non-linearity and nonlinear boundary conditions. OptiStruct FE results examine the plot of contact pressure, tangential stress and relative tangential slip against angle .
OS-V: 0240 3D Steel Roller on Rubber Contacts Benchmark 3For quasi-static analysis using linear elastic material, geometric non-linearity and nonlinear boundary conditions.
OS-V: 0250 3D Sheet Metal Forming Contacts Benchmark 3 For quasi-static analysis using elastic plastic material, geometric non-linearity and nonlinear boundary conditions.
OS-V: 0260 Shell Bending under a Tip Load
A beam is analyzed for bending due to tip load. OptiStruct investigates the vertical steady-state displacement at the tip of the beam.
OS-V: 0270 Torsional Creep of Circular Shaft
This benchmark illustrates the structural response of a power law creeping material in a geometrical configuration subjected to pure torsion. OptiStruct examines strain at the edge of the shaft.