Advanced Soil Properties

All advance option data should be in non-dimensional form. The non-dimensional data is converted to dimensional data based on the input of Basic Soil Properties.


The advance soil properties are used to calculate the grouser forces (McKyes approach). Use advance properties to choose different properties for the longitudinal and lateral directions.

The filepath: project directory/Input_Files/Advance/soil_properties_adv.dat.


The internal angle of soil friction. This value is used for the interaction between a link and the soil in the longitudinal direction.
The dimensional value: PHIlong=PHIbasic*PHIlong.
The internal angle of soil-link friction. This value is used for the interaction between a link and the soil in the longitudinal direction.
The dimensional value: DELTAlong=DELTAbasic*DELTAlong.
The cohesion of the soil particles. This value is used for the interaction between a link and the soil in the longitudinal direction.
The dimensional value: Clong=Cbasic*Clong.
The cohesion between the soil and the grouser. This value is used for the interaction between a link and the soil in the longitudinal direction.
The dimensional value: CAlong=CAbasic*CAlong.
The internal angle of soil friction. This value is used for the interaction between a link and the soil in the lateral direction.
The dimensional value: PHIlat=PHIbasic*PHIlat.
The internal angle of soil-link friction. This value is used for the interaction between a link and the soil in the lateral direction.
The dimensional value: DELTAlat=DELTAbasic*DELTAlat.
The cohesion of the soil particles. This value is used for the interaction between a link and the soil in lateral direction.
The dimensional value: Clat=Cbasic*Clat.
The cohesion between the soil and the grouser. This value is used for the interaction between a link and the soil in the lateral direction.
The dimensional value: CAlat=CAbasic*CAlat.