Review Data

The Review Data tab lets you load, view, and plot your experiment data.
  1. Select the Review Data tab.
  2. Click Load Experiment.
    A tree populates with the directions and cycles for the experiment. HyperWorks automatically loads experiments, directions and cycles in the tree as the fitting or analysis for individual directions is completed. The Experiment is the root node for the tree. The Experiment node can contain one or more cycles. Each cycle contains direction(s) fitted in that cycle. You can select one or more rows using the check box.
  3. When loading your experiment, you can select from the following:
    • Experiment Folder: Loads all cycles and directions from the experiment folder into the tree.
    • Cycle Folder: Loads a cycle and its related directions from the cycle folder into the tree.
    • Direction Folder: Loads only the selected direction into the tree.
  4. To unload an experiment, find the experiment in the review tree, select its box, and then click Unload Experiment. Selecting an Experiment or Cycle recursively unloads all children from the review tree.
  5. HyperWorks gives you many options to plot experiment data. To plot data, you must select the data you wish to plot along with the layout style options found at the bottom of the Review Data tab. The options for plotting data include the following:
    1. Click the Common Axis Range checkbox to apply the same axis range to all HyperGraph plots.
    2. Click the Display fit metrics in plots checkbox to display the Sprague-Geers fit metric and Maximum Deviation value as a note on each output curve (fitted data). For more information, see Sprague-Geers Metric for Data Similarity and Deviation Metrics Calculations.
  6. Click Overlay Plots to overlay plots in a current HyperGraph session if the layout style (number of pages and number of windows on each page) matches with previously plotted curves. If the layout style differs, HyperGraph plots to new pages.
  7. Click New Plots to plot curves from your selected experiments into a new HyperGraph session.
    • Select an Experiment on the review table tree: This method plots all cycles under the selected experiment using the layout that was selected for those cycles during the Fit/Analyze process.
    • Select a Cycle on the review table tree: This method plots all directions in a selected cycle using the layout that was selected during the Fit/Analyze process.
    • Select the Direction check box on the review tree: This method plots curves of a selected direction using the layout that was selected during the Fit/Analyze process.