Extract Solver Deck Assemblies

The Extract Solver Deck Assemblies tool allows you to import a HyperMesh exported input deck and extract the HyperMesh commands HMNAME, HMCOLOR, and HMASSEM.

By extracting these commands, HyperView applies the command attributes to the current HyperView model.

From the Tools menu, select Extract Solver Deck Assemblies to display the dialog.

Figure 1. Extract Solver Deck Assemblies dialog

The solver input decks supported by this tool are Abaqus, ANSYS, LS-DYNA, Nastran, OptiStruct, PAM-CRASH 2G, and Radioss. For ANSYS solver decks, only the assembly information is extracted.

A HyperView component set (group) is created for every assembly in the input deck; this allows HyperView sets to accommodate components (parts) that belong to more than one assembly.
Note: HyperView sets that are created are not hierarchical groups. If an assembly contains sub-assemblies and a nested assembly structure, all the components of all the nested assemblies are gathered and added to the HyperView set.

Extract a Solver Deck Assembly

  1. From the Tools menu, select Extract Solver Deck Assemblies.
  2. From the Extract Solver Deck Assemblies dialog, select a format from the drop-down menu.
  3. From the file browser, select a HyperMesh deck that you want to import.
  4. Click Open.
  5. Click OK to close the dialog.
    HyperView extracts the assemblies, colors, and labels from the HyperMesh file and applies them to the active model.