An explicit is solved by calculating results in small time increments or time steps. The size of the time step depends
on many factors but is automatically calculated by Radioss.
Hyperelastic materials are used to model materials that respond elastically under very large strains. These materials
normally show a nonlinear elastic, incompressible stress strain response which returns to its initial state when unloaded.
Hyperelastic materials can be used to model the isotropic, nonlinear elastic behavior of rubber, polymers, and similar
materials. These materials are nearly incompressible in their behavior and can be stretched to very large strains.
LAW92 describes the Arruda-Boyce material model, which can be used to model hyperelastic behavior. This model is based
on the statistical mechanics of a material with a cubic representative volume element containing eight chains along
the diagonal directions.
This law is a constitutive model for predicting the nonlinear time dependency of elastomer like materials. It uses
a polynomial material model for the hyperelastic material response and the Bergstrom-Boyce material model to represent
the nonlinear viscoelastic time dependent material response.
Composite materials consist of two or more materials combined each other. Most composites consist
of two materials, binder (matrix) and reinforcement. Reinforcements come in three forms, particulate,
discontinuous fiber, and continuous fiber.
Optimization in Radioss was introduced in version 13.0. It is implemented by invoking the optimization capabilities of
OptiStruct and simultaneously using the Radioss solver for analysis.
Hyperelastic materials are used to model materials that respond elastically under very large strains. These materials
normally show a nonlinear elastic, incompressible stress strain response which returns to its initial state when unloaded.
LAW92 describes the Arruda-Boyce material model, which can be used to model hyperelastic behavior. This model is based
on the statistical mechanics of a material with a cubic representative volume element containing eight chains along
the diagonal directions.
LAW92 describes the Arruda-Boyce material model, which can be used to model
hyperelastic behavior. This model is based on the statistical mechanics of a material with a
cubic representative volume element containing eight chains along the diagonal directions.
It assumes that the chain molecules are located on the average along the diagonals of
the cubic in principal stretch space.
Material Parameters
The strain energy density function is:(1)
The material constant, are:
First strain invariant
principal engineering stretch
A material with LAW92 can be defined in two different ways:
Parameter Input
Shear modulus, bulk modulus and strain stretch ()
Where, only the above 3
parameters with clear physical meaning are necessary to define the
is shear modulus at zero
Bulk coefficient at zero strain
Defines the limit of stretch
Also called locking stretch. It specifies the
beginning of the hardening phase in tension (locking strain
in tension). Default = 7.0.
Figure 1. Locking Stretch
In parametric input, Poisson’s ratio is computed as:(3)
When using function input, Poisson ratio and Itype must be
defined. Itype defines which type of engineering stress
strain test data that is being used as input.
Figure 2. Itype = 1: Uniaxial data test
Figure 3. Itype = 2: Equibiaxial data
Figure 4. Itype = 3: Planar data test
Poisson's Ratio and Material Incompressibility
If function input is defined, then parameters are ignored and Radioss
will calculate the material constant by fitting the input function. A nonlinear
least squares algorithm is used to fit the Arruda-Boyce parameters by Radioss. The curve fitting is performed using the assumption
that Poisson’s value is close to 0.5, which means the material is incompressible.
Similar to the other hyperelastic material models, Poisson ratio values closer to
0.5 result in high bulk modulus and a lower timestep. For a good balance between
incompressibility and a reasonable timestep, a Poisson’s ratio value of 0.495 is
The material fitting information can be found in the Starter output file
(*0000.out). Figure 5. LAW92 Function Example
The fitting error and fitted material parameters are printed in the Starter output
file. Figure 6.
Viscous (Rate) Effects
/VISC/PRONY must be used with LAW92 to include viscous
1 Arruda, E. M.
and Boyce, M. C., 1993, “A three-dimensional model for the large stretch behavior of
rubber elastic materials”, J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 41(2), pp. 389–412