
Creates an action-reaction force.


*ActionReactionForce (force_nam e, "force_label", { TRANS ROT TRANS_ROT }, body_1, body_2, point, Optional: ref_marker)


The variable name of the action-reaction force.
Data type: varname
The descriptive label of the action-reaction force.
Data type: label
This argument indicates whether the action-reaction force has translational, rotational, or both translation and rotational components.
The body to which the active force is applied.
Data type: Body
The body to which the reactive force is applied.
Data type: Body
The point at which the force is applied.
Data type: Point
An optional argument for the reference marker in which the components of the force are specified.
Data type: Marker


*Point(p_jnc_bmp, "Jounce bumper pt")
*Body(b_axle, "Axle", p_axle_cg)
*Body(b_frame, "Frame", p_frame_cg)
*Marker(mrk_ref, "Force reference", b_axle, p_wc)
*ActionReactionForce(frc_bmp, "Jounce bumper force", TRANS, b_axle, b_frame, p_jnc_bmp, mrk_ref)






Property Returns Data Type Description
b1 Body Body to which the force is applied.
b2 Body Body to which the reactive force is applied.
b3 Body Body to which the reference marker is attached.
fx fy fz real or string A number, MDL expression, or solver expression that determines the value of the translational X, Y, and Z components of the force.
i Marker Marker attached to b1.
j Marker Marker attached to b2.
jfloat Marker Floating marker attached to b2.
label string The descriptive label of the action-reaction force.
id long integer The solver ID of the action-reaction force.
rm Marker The reference marker in which the components of the force are specified.
state boolean Control state (TRUE or FALSE).
tx, ty, tz real or string A number, MDL expression, or solver expression that determines the value of the rotational force about the X, Y, and Z axis.
varname string The variable name of the action-reaction force.


*ActionReactionForce() is used to apply action-reaction forces to points on bodies.

If the optional argument for ref_marker is not specified, a global inertial frame is used as the reference marker for specifying force components.