Closes the currently open component.
void abfCloseComponent();
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Overview of external readers and the Altair Binary Format, the generic ASCII reader, running HyperWorks in batch mode, using Tcl/Tk commands, translators, and result math.
Extensions are programs integrated with HyperWorks to enhance or extend the user experience.
Altair Binary Format (ABF) is the standard binary format read by the program. A library called abflib allows you to create files in ABF.
ABF is organized according to a three-tier system. The format consists of two parts, the header and the data.
The program reads a variety of ASCII and binary formats and have a template-based system that allows you to read formats which are not supported internally. This template-based system uses a language called Import.
ABF and the program use a three-tier system comprised of datatypes, requests, and components. A file that does not contain three tiers cannot be translated into Altair Binary Format unless it is restructured into three tiers.
The ABF library is used to write to Altair Binary Format files. Before you can write to an ABF file, it must first be initialized. Once the file is initialized, you can create and open the file. When you write to an ABF file, the existing file is overwritten without warning.
Once an Altair Binary Format file is created and opened, the structure of the data contained within the file must be specified. The data structure and the data can be specified in one step or the data can be entered after the data structure is specified.
In Altair Binary Format files, data is stored at the component level. The default data format is eight-byte floating point values.
Once the data structure and data for each component have been specified, the ABF library can output the ABF file.
An external reader is usually called several times while importing data. This process allows you to specify what file information you want to access.
An Altair Binary Format file can include labels and annotations that contain additional information.
Appends an integer value to the currently open component.
Appends a series of integer values to the currently open component.
Appends an integer value to the currently open component.
Appends a series of floating point values to the currently open component.
Attaches a comment to the currently open ABF file.
Associates ASCII text with the currently open request.
Allocates a block of memory.
Closes the currently open component.
Closes the currently open datatype.
Closes the currently open ABF file.
Closes the currently open request.
Indicates whether a particular component was requested by the program.
Indicates the default precision of the values in the currently open ABF file.
Defines the numeric contents of a component via an expression.
Checks to see if any data was requested from the translator.
Removes an existing component from the currently open datatype.
Removes an existing datatype from the currently open ABF file.
Deletes an existing ABF file.
Removes an existing request from the currently open datatype.
Specifies the component to empty.
Empties the currently opened component.
Changes the ABF file header to reflect that an error occurred in translation (making the file unreadable) and imbeds a message in the file which is displayed in the message log.
Changes the ABF file header to reflect that an error occurred in translation (making the file unreadable) and imbeds a message in the file which is displayed in the program's message log.
Returns the name of the currently open component.
Returns the name of the currently open datatype.
Opens an ABF file.
Returns the path of the input file given to the reader.
Returns the version passed to the reader by HyperGraph. This is the version of HyperGraph that the reader should try to match itself to.
Returns the name of the currently open request.
Initializes the ABF library.
Associates a secondary identifier or label with the currently open component.
Associates a secondary identifier or label with the currently open datatype.
Associates a secondary identifier or label with the currently open request.
Adds a message to the ABF file which is displayed in the message log.
Adds a new component (data sub-field) to the currently open datatype.
Adds a new datatype to the currently open datatype.
Creates an empty ABF file.
Adds a new request (data field) to the currently open datatype.
Opens an existing component in the currently open request.
Opens an existing component in the currently open request.
Opens an existing datatype in the currently open ABF file.
Opens an existing datatype in the currently open ABF file.
Opens an ABF file.
Opens an existing request in the currently open datatype.
Opens an existing request in the currently open datatype.
Marks the currently open datatype as representing time.
Marks the currently open datatype as representing time.
Indicates whether a particular component was requested by the program.
Transfers an entire range of values.
Creates a file with associations to multiple frequency channels.
Indicates the precision of the values in the currently open component.
Creates a file with associations to multiple frequency channels.
Indicates whether the currently open component contains integer or floating-point data.
Indicates whether a particular component was requested by the program.
Specifies a string which describes the version of the translator.
Adds a warning to the ABF file which is displayed in the message log.
Outputs the ABF header, which contains information on the structure and content of the file.
Outputs the ABF header, which contains information on the structure and content of the file, and the data itself.
When a data component can be expressed in terms of another, it is unnecessary to include the full set of values for both.
A generic ASCII reader is now available which allows you to bring custom results directly into HyperView. The Altair ASCII format is useful for reading the results of any in-house or propriety codes which are saved in a generic format.
Batch mode allows you perform a series of operations outside the program interface.
External resources can be registered in preference files, session files, or Templex files. If an external resource is registered in a program session, it is automatically registered in the session file when the session is saved.
The HyperWorks Desktop scripting interface is a set of Tcl/Tk commands that follow a simple and consistent syntax.
Translators are utilities that are run from the command line of the operating system to convert various types of files into different formats.
XML commands in the Result Math Module.
Record playback workflows in HyperView.
The Script Exchange is a database of freely accessible scripts posted by users and Altair engineers.
Overview of external readers and the Altair Binary Format, the generic ASCII reader, running HyperWorks in batch mode, using Tcl/Tk commands, translators, and result math.
Altair Binary Format (ABF) is the standard binary format read by the program. A library called abflib allows you to create files in ABF.
An Altair Binary Format file can include labels and annotations that contain additional information.
Closes the currently open component.
Closes the currently open component.
void abfCloseComponent();
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