HyperWorks Desktop Startup Options

Startup options launch HyperWorks Desktop with specific behaviors or with specific settings defined.

The options are provided as command line options to the application executable or startup script.

HyperWorks Desktop

The following options are valid for HyperWorks Desktop.
Used in conjunction with either the -tcl, -hwc, or -c options to enable batch (non-GUI or non-interactive) mode. HyperWorks Desktop will exit immediately upon completion of the Tcl, HWC script, or command file.
-clientconfig <client_config_filename>
Specifies the client configuration file to load, which defines the client that is loaded and which clients are available. If no file is specified, the default clients.dat file is used.
HyperGraph 2D
HyperGraph 3D
Alternate: -file. Runs a script specified by the file.
Name of file. Requires absolute file paths (separated by ',').
Performs various behaviors, depending on the value of -clientconfig.
-clientconfig hwfepre.dat
.mvw files - Load the .mvw file. The active client is determined from the .mvw file.
.hm files - Start HyperWorks Desktop with the HyperMesh client and load the .hm file.
-clientconfig hwmbdmodel.dat
.mvw files - Load the .mvw file. The active client is determined from the .mvw file.
.hm files - Start HyperWorks Desktop with the MotionView client and load the .mdl file.
-clientconfig hwplot.dat
.mvw files - Load the .mvw file. The active client is determined from the .mvw file.
-clientconfig hwplot3d.dat
.mvw files - Load the .mvw file. The active client is determined from the .mvw file.
-clientconfig hwpost.dat
.mvw files - Load the .mvw file. The active client is determined from the .mvw file.
Known Result Files: Start HyperWorks Desktop with the HyperView client and load the result file as both model and result files
-clientconfig hwtext.dat
.mvw files - Load the .mvw file. The active client is determined from the .mvw file.
.txt, .html, .tpl files - Start HyperWorks Desktop with the TextView client and load the text file.
-clientconfig hwvideo.dat
.mvw files - Load the .mvw file. The active client is determined from the .mvw file.
.amf, .avi, .wmv files - Start HyperWorks Desktop with the MediaView client and load the media file.
-clientconfig is not specified
.mvw files - Load the .mvw file. The active client is determined from the .mvw file.
.hm files - Automatically use -clientconfig hwfepre.dat and load the .hm file.
.mdl files - Automatically use -clientconfig hwmbdmodel.dat and load the .mdl file.
Known Result Files: Automatically use -clientconfig hwpost.dat and load the result file as both model and result files
-clientconfig hwpost.dat
.txt, .html, .tpl files - Automatically use -clientconfig hwtext.dat and load the text file.
.amf, .avi, .wmv files - Automatically use -clientconfig hwvideo.dat and load the media file.
-f <filename>
Same as <filename>. This is required when passing in a file in conjunction with other options. For example, "-f model.hm -tcl model.tcl."
Print out the HyperWorks Desktop usage message.
Displays the list of command line options used with HyperWorks Desktop.
This option is valid only if specified along with -lch. Specifies whether to use HM2GO or not while launching help. You can specify "0" to not use HM2GO, and "1" to use HM2GO. By default, HM2GO is used.
-hwc <hwc_filename>
Automatically run the specified HWC script.
Note: There is a space between -hwc and the filename.
Used in conjunction with the -p option to print all pages in a landscape orientation.
Alternate: -logconsole. A flag to indicate whether to log messages to the console.
This argument is valid in batch mode only. This option is used to specify that HyperWorks should only launch the client help and then exit.
Alternate: -loglevel. The minimum level of log messages that can be logged.
An integer corresponding to the LogLevel enum should be passed as an argument.
Alternate: -noautoload. A flag indicating not to load auto load plugins.
No getting started. A flag indicating not so show the getting started dialog.
Used in conjunction with the -b option to force HyperWorks Desktop to run in the foreground on Linux.
-p <mvw_file> [ps_file]
Prints all pages in mvw_file with the specified orientation. If ps_file is specified, instead of going to the printer, the pages are printed to a Postscript file named ps_file.
Alternate: -plugin. Load the specified plugins.
Requires the names of plugins (separated by ',') as arguments.
Used in conjunction with the -p option to print all pages in a portrait orientation.
Valid only if specified along with -lch.
Specifies the client profile version.
-s <width>x<height>+<x>+<y>
Alternate: -size. Opens HyperWorks Desktop in a window of the specified width and height in pixels.
Optionally, the x and y location of the upper left corner of the window can be specified.
Runs HyperWorks in batch (non-GUI and interactive) mode Name of interpreter used in shell mode should be passed as argument.
-tcl <tcl_filename>
Automatically run the specified Tcl script.
Note: There is a space between -tcl and the filename.
Changes the theme version used by the framework (for example, -tv 2019).
Theme version.
Alternate: -version. Version to be used in the path of the settings file directory.
A directory and file created by HyperWorks for each user to store personalized settings.
Print out the HyperWorks Desktop version.
Used in conjunction with the -b option to wait for a key press before exiting if running under Windows.

Invalid Options

The following options are invalid if '-b' or '-batch' or '-shell' options are used.
Alternate: -client. Loads the specified client and creates a client object.
Client name passed as an argument.
Alternate: -generateversionimage. Specifies the file generated for the installer splash screen using the config/splash .xml file to compose a splash screen and exit.
Name of file.
Alternate: -keepconsole. Keep open the Windows command console and write any text messages into it. By default, release builds always release the console and discard text messages. Unnecessary if a batch mode option (-b, -batch, -shell) was specified. Windows only. Ignored on other platforms.
Alternate: -locale. Internationalization language. Generally only used during the first run. Subsequent runs will use the language used in the previous run (as stored in personalized settings, see -v), so this argument will be ignored.
Language passed as an argument.
Alternate: -nosplash. Flag indicating not to show the splash screen.
Alternate: -open. Open the specified file with the given client. Should be used along with the -client option.
Absolute file path should be passed as an argument.
Port number of the server. Should be used along with -server option.
Port number should be specified as an argument.
Alternate: -profile. Set the given profile for the current client object. Should be used along with -client option.
Profile name should be passed as an argument.
Run HyperWorks in Server mode in a different thread.
Alternate: -splashfile. Specify the file to be used as splash screen. This is deprecated since switching to the splash .xml support.
Absolute file path or file path relative HyperWorks directory should be passed as an argument.
Flag to indicate not to use HyperWorks style.

HyperMesh Client

The following options are valid when used with -clientconfig hwfepre.dat.
Used in conjunction with -u<profile> to specify a HyperMesh user profile sub-profile.
Note: There is no space between -a and the subprofile name.
For example: -uAbaqus -aStandard3d
Used in conjunction with the -tcl or -c options to enable batch mode. HyperMesh will exit immediately upon completion of the Tcl script or command file.
Used in conjunction with the -b option to setup an OpenGL batch context. This is required for machines that require the context to successfully run HyperMesh. The DISPLAY environment variable must be defined and working in order to use this option.
-c <command_filename>
Automatically run the specified command file.
Note: There is no space between -c and the filename.
Always continue (do not prompt) on errors when processing a command file.
Automatically load the specified .hm file.
Force the display of the HyperMesh user profile dialog at startup.
Print out the HyperMesh usage message.
Used in conjunction with the -b option to not setup an OpenGL batch context. This is required for machines that cannot use a batch context to successfully run HyperMesh.
Used in conjunction with the -batch option to force HyperMesh to run in the foreground on Linux.
Prevent HyperMesh from creating or writing to the command file.
Prevent the display of the HyperMesh user profile dialog at startup.
Prevent HyperMesh from writing view commands to the command file.
Set the name of the HyperMesh results file to either the input filename with a .res suffix, or to the specified file.
Note: There is no space between -r and the filename.
Opens HyperMesh in a window of the specified width and height in pixels. Optionally, the x and y location of the upper left corner of the window can be specified.
Note: There is no space between -s and any of the arguments.
Note: There is no space between -s and between any of the arguments.
Allow Templex statements within command files.
Set the global template to the specified file.
Note: There is no space between -t and the filename.
Automatically run the specified Tcl script.
Used to specify a HyperMesh user profile at startup.
Note: There is no space between -u and the profile name.
For example: -uAnsys
Print out the HyperMesh version.

Example: Startup Options

<altair_home>/hw/bin/<platform>/hw.exe -clientconfig hwfepre.dat -tcl /home/user/my_script.tcl
<altair_home>/altair/scripts/hw -clientconfig hwfepre.dat -tcl /home/user/my_script.tcl