Learn how to perform an optimization study in which the input variables are entered and the output responses are calculated
in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
This tutorial is centered around a synchronous permanent magnet motor designed with AltairFluxMotor tool. The goal of this tutorial is to achieve an optimal magnet shape to minimize the ripple torque at a specific
working point while maintaining the torque reached at this working point and without increasing the magnet
HS-4210: Multi-Disciplinary Optimization Study
Learn how to perform a multi-disciplinary size optimization for two finite element models defined for OptiStruct that have common input variables.
HS-4600: Motor Design Optimization for Ripple Torque Reduction
This tutorial is centered around a synchronous permanent magnet motor designed with AltairFluxMotor tool. The goal of this tutorial is to achieve an optimal magnet shape to minimize the ripple torque at a specific working point while maintaining the torque reached at this working point and without increasing the magnet mass.