Altair HyperWorks CFD 2021 Release Notes
New Features
- Improved geometric model preparation workflow
- Supported logo removal tool for FE geometry
- Suppress edge tool for FE geometry
- External aero exports options
- Added additional option to fix self-intersecting and sliver surfaces
- Enhanced Acusolve physics setup
- Physics dialog update
- Physics dialog is updated to support additional physics categories and only relevant parameters associated with physics category will be exposed.
- Compressible flow
- New capability to simulate high speed flows with speeds ranging from subsonic to transonic up through low supersonic conditions. Added ideal gas material category. Compressible flow is compatible with the supported turbulence models and most other existing AcuSolve features
- EDEM coupling
- Added capability to set up one-way and two-way coupling with EDEM. With this, relevant geometry/mesh files will be exported required for EDEM setup.
- Coupling between AcuSolve and EDEM is used to simulate the separation of particles and with or without effect of the fluid forces on the particles.
- Contact Angle
- Capabilities to model the Contact Angle between two immiscible fluids on a solid surface. As an example, for a falling droplet, you can model the contact angle between two immiscible fluids on the surface in AcuSolve.
- Physics dialog update
- Automation environment
- Template manager enhancements
- Added advance group creation based on metadata. With this capability, you can create group based on metadata in one click.
- New operations are added, such as wrapping automations.
- Support added to run template-based automation in batch mode.
- Template manager enhancements
- Official release of post
- A new Post ribbon with fast and easy to use interactive tool sets for slice planes, iso surfaces, streamlines, and surface streamlines, and functionality to define derived results, query results, animation for transient simulations, and capability to save animation.
- Single GUI CFD modeling experience (geometric model prep, setup, meshing, solver run and post functionalities).
- Significant performance advantages compared to leading post
processing tools available in market.Figure 1.
- New
- Option to find matching parts and surfaces
- Option to merge parts and split by bodies
options - New surface body split options in browser to split surface bodies based on
face angle and connectivity
- Useful to split surface bodies for easy editing
- Support of non-manifold input for Plug utility
- Manual detection in Plug utility (with bounding surfaces) will be able to find and fill cavity
- Undo support for wrapping and part deletion or creation
- Undo is supported for part deletion and wrapping
- Surface repair additional auto repair options to fix self-intersections and
sliver surfaces
- Addition of 2 new options to auto fix self-intersecting and sliver surfaces
- Bilinear effectiveness added to heat exchanger component
- Useful for automotive applications
- Anisotropic conductivity definition for cylindrical shape
- Useful for battery modeling
Resolved Issues
- Segmentation error on Setup Browser selection
- Fixed skewed tetrahedral element in middle of mesh (introduced in 2020.1)
- Fit issue on scaled model
- Selection highlighting issues
Known Issues
- Fe geometry boolean robustness
- Surface deviation mesher creates non-manifold edges on sharp, twisted surfaces