Altair HyperLife 2021.1 Release Notes

New Features

Event Mapper File
Event Mapper File is an alternate to standard Duty Cycle format (DCY file) where a presorted CSV file with Events and Repeats is imported on LoadMap tool. This feature is helpful when there is a mix/match and unequal number of FE loadcases and load history channels in any given input data. The CSV is organized by defining single or multiple Events based on the IDs of FE loadcases and load history channels. The RPC/RSP and CSV format for Load history files are supported and must to be available on LoadMap tool before importing Event Mapper file.
Sequential Event Configuration
Sequential Event configuration is supported as an alternate to Superposition on LoadMap tool. When Sequential configuration is selected, Load history channel selection is disabled and the stress state from FE Loadcases sequentially forms the Stress history points. This feature is helpful when the FE loadcases already represent the different Stress history points without the need of additional Load history files (Time Series).
Selecting Components from GUI
Component selector in graphics enables quick selection of components of interest to be considered for fatigue evaluation. Hover over a component in the modeling window to view necessary details such as: selection status and material assigned in the Material tool.
LOG-LOG and LIN-LOG formats for Input PSD
HyperLife supports LOG-LOG and/or LIN-LOG options for the x-axis and y-axis interpolation of the Input PSD in Random Response fatigue.
Subcase Increments for Time Series Loading
The LoadMap utility is enabled to show simulation steps/load increments corresponding to FE loadcases (subcases). Load history channels can be paired with a subcase simulation (specific Load increment) to create an Event.
Import Run Setup File
The run setup .xml in HyperLife can be imported into a session (File > Import > Run Setup File). The .xml file contains all the settings: approach, type, mean stress correction option, material assigned, and load mapping.


Corrected Stress Amplitude in Rainflow Output
The RFOUT lists corrected stress amplitude after mean stress correction.
Expand/Collapse on LoadMap
The Channels, Subcases, and Event pairing list on LoadMap is enabled for Collapse/Expand view options.

Resolved Issues

  • Issue with stress offset to consider the effect of mean stress correction in Random Response Fatigue is resolved.
  • Issue concerning listing of Frequency Response Subcase with one frequency in LoadMap is resolved.
  • Issue concerning session file not retaining correct material data is resolved.
  • FKM MSS slope values not retaining in session file is resolved.
  • LoadMap not accepting negative LDM values is resolved.
  • Issue seen with Random Response Fatigue when more than single component is selected for evaluation is resolved.
  • Issue while switching between My Material units is resolved.
  • Last Frequency reported as zero in Sine Sweep Fatigue calculation is resolved.
  • Contour issue concerning solid elements from ODB (Abaqus) is resolved.

Known Issues

  • Abaqus results (ODB) files should be manually upgraded using “AbaqusODB UpGrade” for Batch run submission.