PREFEKO Errors, Warnings and Notes


Error 23004:
Wrong syntax of a cable interconnect/termination: Connection name is missing.
Errors 23005, 23010, 23011, 23012, 23384, 23391, 23405:
Continuation line expected for a cable interconnect/termination.
Errors 23006, 23013, 23294, 23403:
When defining a cable connection the connector name should not be empty.
Errors 23008, 23009:
Wrong syntax defining a cable interconnect/termination pin-to-pin connection: Connector name is missing.
Error 23014:
Number of cable interconnect/termination pin connections (in *.pre file) expected to be greater than zero.
Error 23015:
Wrong syntax defining a cable interconnect/termination: Filename is missing (*.cir).
Error 23016:
Number of cable interconnect/termination straight connector connections expected to be greater than one.
Error 23017:
Number of cable interconnect/termination pin connections (SPICE circuit) expected to be greater than one.
Error 23018:
Wrong number of continuation lines for the OF card.
Error 23020:
Invalid usage of a Finite Array Analysis specification.
Error 23022:
Adding a voltage source in series to a cable load requires FEKO file format 125 or later.
Error 23023:
Adding a voltage source in parallel w.r.t a cable load requires FEKO file format 125 or later.
Errors 23024, 23025:
Wrong syntax adding a voltage source to a radiating cable: Connector name is missing.
Error 23026:
The change of labels (CB card) must be used before the EG card.
Errors 23027, 23028, 23029:
Wrong number of continuation lines for the FR card.
Error 23030:
Wrong syntax of the FA card: Incorrect value for the number of elements.
Error 23031:
Wrong syntax of the OM card: Incorrect value for the number of elements.
Errors 23034, 23035:
An error occurred while parsing a numeric attribute value from MFA file.
Error 23036:
Unsupported MFA file version.
Error 23037:
An error occurred while parsing a MFA file.
Error 23038:
Internal error while creating schema for MFA import.
Error 23039:
Error while opening file for MFA import.
Error 23040:
Internal error while attaching schema validator for MFA import.
Error 23041:
Wrong syntax of the FA card: Filename is missing.
Error 23042:
Wrong syntax for configuration change: Configuration name is missing.
Error 23045:
The configuration name #<text> is used but has never been defined..
Error 23051:
Largest configuration name index <number> exceeds the largest possible value <number>.
Error 23052:
Internal PREFEKO error (ncname list <number> <number>).
Error 23053:
Expecting a continuation line when parsing a SPICE circuit definition from the *.pre file.
Error 23054:
Expecting a continuation line when parsing SPICE circuit data from the *.pre file.
Error 23056:
SPICE circuit file content specified directly in the PRE file requires FEKO file format 132 or later.
Error 23057:
Wrong syntax for .INCLUDE filename: Closing quotation mark is missing.
Error 23058:
Internal PREFEKO error (ksname list <number> <number>).
Error 23059:
Internal PREFEKO error (kcname list <number> <number>).
Error 23060:
Internal PREFEKO error (kpname list <number> <number>).
Error 23061:
Largest cable signal name index <number> exceeds the largest possible value <number>.
Error 23063:
Largest cable connector pin name index <number> exceeds the largest possible value <number>.
Error 23064:
The cable signal name #<text> is used but has never been defined..
Error 23065:
The cable connector name #<text> is used but has never been defined..
Error 23066:
The cable connector pin name #<text> is used but has never been defined..
Error 23071:
Too many different '<text>' names are used (a maximum of <number> are supported).
Error 23073:
Invalid character '<character>' in the name, '<text>' (acceptable characters are letters A-Z, digits 0-9, the underscore _ as well as the dot .).
Error 23078:
Wrong syntax when specifying a modal port: Modal port name is missing.
Error 23079:
Wrong syntax when specifying a modal port excitation: Modal port name is missing.
Error 23080:
Cable signal details may only be added in FEKO file format 133 or later.
Error 23081:
Wrong syntax defining cable signal details: Cable path name is missing.
Error 23083:
Wrong number of continuation lines when specifying cable signal details.
Error 23084:
Wrong syntax defining cable signal details: Signal name is missing.
Errors 23085, 23103:
Wrong number of continuation lines when specifying cable connector details.
Error 23086:
Cable connector details may only be added in FEKO file format 133 or later.
Error 23087:
Wrong syntax defining cable connector details: Connector name is missing.
Error 23088:
Wrong syntax defining cable connector details: Pin name is missing.
Error 23089:
Integer number too long for ASCII *.fek file format, please use BINARY format.
Error 23090:
A sheath insulated bundle may not be shielded.
Error 23091:
A sheath insulated bundle must be embedded in the background medium.
Error 23092:
The radius of a sheath insulated bundle should be larger than zero.
Error 23093:
A sheath insulated bundle requires FEK file format 135 or higher.
Error 23094:
The thickness of a sheath around a bundle should be larger than zero.
Error 23095:
The cable harness name #<text> is used but has never been defined..
Error 23098:
Largest cable harness name index <number> exceeds the largest possible value <number>.
Error 23099:
Internal PREFEKO error (chname list <number> <number>).
Error 23100:
Wrong syntax defining cable signal details: Expecting at least one signal.
Error 23101:
Wrong syntax defining cable connector details: Expecting at least one pin.
Errors 23102, 23104:
Wrong syntax defining cable connector details: Signal name is missing.
Error 23106:
Internal error in dr_out.
Error 23108:
Remeshing of curvilinear triangles not supported.
Error 23109:
Meshing of FEM curvilinear triangles not supported.
Error 23110:
Conversion of curvilinear triangles not supported.
Error 23111:
There was an error while reading the voxel mesh.
Error 23112:
The voxel grid must be specified before the voxels.
Error 23113:
The voxel grid must be specified before the voxel faces.
Error 23114:
The voxel grid must be specified before the voxel edges.
Error 23115:
The voxel grid is incorrectly defined.
Error 23116:
An invalid coordinate index has been specified for the voxel mesh.
Errors 23117, 23122, 23123:
Only a single voxel mesh is supported.
Error 23118:
An out of bounds voxel mesh entity was detected.
Error 23119:
The number of voxel entities exceeds the amount allowed for the defined grid.
Error 23120:
There was an error reading the voxel face information.
Error 23121:
There was an error reading the voxel edge information.
Error 23124:
Both E and H fields must be specified when modelling a near field aperture as a receiving antenna.
Error 23125:
The FDTD solver requires FEK file format 147 or later.
Error 23126:
Invalid type when modelling a near field aperture as a receiving antenna.
Error 23127:
The time signal name #<text> is used but has never been defined..
Error 23130:
Internal PREFEKO error (tsname list <number> <number>).
Error 23131:
Wrong syntax defining a time signal: Signal name is missing.
Error 23132:
Wrong syntax defining a time signal: The number of samples used to represent the signal should be larger than one.
Error 23134:
A plane wave that uses a time signal requires FEK file format 145 or later.
Error 23136:
Wrong syntax defining a plane wave: Time signal name is missing.
Error 23137:
Wrong syntax defining a generic source: Signal name is missing.
Error 23139:
Duplicate node detected in the block.
Error 23140:
Invalid format of the ANSYS CDB Import CMBLOCK.
Error 23143:
Invalid data type specified for a general network.
Error 23145:
Mismatch between the specified data type (S/Z/Y) and the actual data available in the Touchstone file.
Error 23146:
The background material defining a transmission line should not be empty.
Error 23147:
Different options for defining the background material of a transmission line are only supported in *.fek format 146 or higher.
Error 23148:
The generic port name #<text> is used but has never been defined..
Error 23150:
Largest port name index <number> exceeds the largest possible value <number>.
Error 23151:
Internal PREFEKO error (ptname list <number> <number>).
Error 23154:
Wrong syntax defining a generic source: port name is missing.
Error 23155:
Wrong syntax defining a generic load: port name is missing.
Error 23156:
Wrong syntax defining a generic port: port name is missing.
Error 23157:
Wrong number of continuation lines when specifying a port.
Errors 23160, 23162, 23164, 23299, 23310:
Error allocating data buffer.
Error 23167:
Unknown value for the reference point type when defining a near field aperture / receiving antenna.
Error 23169:
Near field aperture: Error in opening and parsing the file(s) [<text>] for import.
Error 23170:
Near field aperture: Error positioning data file(s) for import.
Error 23171:
Could not (re-)allocate memory.
Error 23172:
Invalid data found while parsing the file <text>, line <number> <text>.
Error 23174:
Invalid data found while parsing the file '<text>', line <number> <text>.
Error 23175:
Error while processing the file '<text>' - EMPTY FILE.
Error 23176:
Error while processing the file '<text>' - ABORTING FILE OPERATION.
Error 23179:
Unexpected end of file in file <text>.
Error 23181:
Unsupported file version for MFXML import.
Error 23182:
Unsupported file format type for MFXML import.
Error 23183:
Internal error: Unexpected element position.
Error 23185:
Error allocating a sting buffer.
Error 23187:
An error occurred while parsing a xml file.
Error 23189:
Internal error while creating schema for xml import.
Error 23191:
Error while opening xml file for import.
Error 23192:
Internal error while attaching schema validator for xml reading.
Error 23193:
Internal error while configuring schema for xml import.
Error 23194:
Data file for field component <character><character> and face id <number> could not be found for CST NFS import.
Error 23195:
Error in opening the data file '<text>' for CST NFS import.
Errors 23197, 23255, 23256:
Cannot create secondary XSD file for CST NFS import: (<number>) <text>.
Error 23199:
Could not (re-)allocate memory for CST NFS import.
Error 23200:
Unsupported NFS file version for CST NFS import.
Error 23201:
Unsupported XML file version for CST NFS import.
Error 23202:
Identical gridlines found in xml file for CST NFS import.
Error 23203:
Irregular grid found in xml file for CST NFS import. Only supported in FEK file format 155 or later.
Error 23204:
Not enough gridlines found in xml file for CST NFS import.
Error 23205:
Inconsistent number of data blocks (frequencies) for CST NFS import.
Error 23207:
Unable to determine face type for a xml file of CST NFS import.
Error 23208:
Unable to determine current working directory.
Error 23211:
Not the expected number of XML file(s) found for CST NFS import.
Error 23213:
The dimensions could not be extracted from the xml files (or there was inconsistent information found) for CST NFS import.
Error 23214:
The grid settings could not be extracted from the xml files (or there was inconsistent information found) for CST NFS import.
Errors 23173, 23216:
File I/O error <number> while parsing the file '<text>'.
Error 23217:
Invalid data found while parsing the file <text>, line <number> [unknown line found].
Errors 23178, 23222:
Error in opening the file '<text>'.
Errors 23223, 23224, 23225:
Internal error: Allocation failed.
Error 23233:
Error in opening and parsing the import file for the radiation pattern.
Errors 23032, 23234, 30905:
Error at allocation of memory: " #VAL_LIST_PTR.
Error 23236:
Wrong number of continuation line for a UT card.
Error 23250:
An error occurred while reading spherical mode coefficients (file <text>, line <number>): incorrect header length.
Error 23251:
Internal error in se_out.
Error 23253:
Remeshing of curvilinear segments not supported.
Error 23254:
Unsupported coordinate type found while processing a CST NFS import. Coordinates must lie on a rectangular axis-aligned 'xyz' grid. (See above parser error for details.).
Error 23257:
Coordinate reference system is missing.
Errors 23260:
The label defining the material of the uu-component of the anisotropic material tensor should not be empty.
Errors 23258, 23264:
Invalid coordinate system specified.
Errors 23261:
The label defining the material of the vv-component of the anisotropic material tensor should not be empty.
Errors 23259, 23262:
The label defining the material of the zz-component of the anisotropic material tensor should not be empty.
Error 23263:
Not enough memory available for the nodes when processing the UNV include file.
Error 23265:
Node index less than one when importing a UNV file.
Error 23266:
Node index larger than read indices when importing a UNV file.
Error 23267:
A node with this index has not been read when importing a UNV file.
Error 23268:
Unsupported element type in the UNV file.
Error 23269:
Invalid number of nodes for linear tetrahedron type element.
Error 23270:
Expected floating point number.
Error 23271:
Not enough memory available for the segment cross sections when processing the UNV include file.
Errors 23272:
Invalid segment diameter index.
Error 23274:
Loading a cable harness with 1-port Touchstone file data requires FEK file format 153 or later.
Error 23277:
The zz-component of the complex-valued permeability tensor should not be empty or zero.
Error 23277:
Wrong syntax defining a cable interconnect/termination pin-to-pin connection: Filename is missing (Touchstone).
Error 23280:
Near field aperture: Error getting original section vectors.
Error 23285:
No valid active section set for CST NFS import.
Error 23286:
Not enough memory available for a list (DI).
Errors 23287, 23288:
Error reading the input FIM-file..
Error 23289:
The simultaneous definition of a SPICE circuit, Touchstone network parameters and/or labeled geometry is not supported at a single cable interconnect/termination definition.
Error 23290:
Number of cable interconnect/termination ports (Touchstone network parameters) expected to be at least one.
Error 23293:
The termination/interconnection of cable harness paths with n-port Touchstone network parameters requires FEK file format 160 or later.
Error 23295:
Specifying a reference direction to orientate a cable cross section along its path and within its environment requires FEK file format 161 or later.
Error 23296:
Wrong number of continuation lines when specifying a cable reference direction.
Error 23297:
Filename for characterised surface external data file is missing.
Error 23298:
Error while opening and parsing the file <text> for import of characterised surface.
Errors 23300, 23301, 23302, 23303:
Characterised surface import: An error occurred while reading reflection/transmission coefficient data (file <text>, data point <number>) [<text>].
Errors 23304, 23305:
Not enough memory available for data list.
Errors 23306:
Not enough memory available for a list.
Errors 23307, 30105:
Invalid syntax in a line (continuation line without card above).
Error 23308:
Filename for characterised wedge external data file is missing.
Error 23309:
Error while opening and parsing the file <text> for import of characterised wedge.
Errors 23311, 23312, 23313, 23314:
Characterised wedge import: An error occurred while reading diffraction coefficient data (file <text>, data point <number>) [<text>].
Error 23315:
Invalid option defining a shield.
Error 23316:
A cable single/double shield definition may only be added in FEKO file format 162 or later.
Error 23317:
Cable shields definitions may only be added in FEKO file format 162 or later.
Error 23318:
Cable shields may only be added in FEKO file format 107 or later.
Error 23319:
Wrong number of continuation lines when specifying a cable shield usage type.
Error 23321:
Invalid option used to define shield transfer impedance/admittance properties.
Error 23322:
Invalid option used to define shield properties.
Error 23327:
Wrong number of continuation lines when specifying a cable shield definition.
Error 23330:
Wrong syntax of a cable shield definition: Filename is missing.
Errors 23329, 23331:
Reference to the shield impedance (Zt/Zs) definition should not be empty.
Errors 23325, 23332:
Reference to the shield admittance (Yt) definition should not be empty.
Error 23334:
The cable shield definition label should not be empty.
Error 23335:
The variable #<text> is used in a cable shield definition name but has never been defined..
Error 23337:
Largest cable shield definition name index <number> exceeds the largest possible value <number>.
Error 23338:
Internal PREFEKO error (sdname list <number> <number>).
Error 23340:
An error occurred while parsing a cable shielding attribute value from a XML file (missing value).
Errors 23341, 23342:
An error occurred while parsing cable shielding data point from a XML file (magnitude and phase must be given).
Error 23343:
An error occurred while parsing cable shielding attribute " #QUANTITY " from a XML file (multiple definition not allowed).
Error 23344:
An error occurred while parsing cable shielding data point from a XML file (frequency missing).
Error 23346:
Error loading symbols from file: <text>.
Error 23351:
Non-radiating networks: Unsupported data format.
Errors 23353, 23354:
Connecting a transmission line to a FEM line port is only supported in *.fek format 165 or higher.
Error 23355:
Connecting a non-radiating network to a FEM line port is only supported in *.fek format 165 or higher.
Error 23357:
Invalid syntax defining a SPICE circuit: circuit name is missing.
Error 23358:
Defining a SPICE circuit requires FEKO file format 164 or later.
Error 23359:
Invalid syntax defining a SPICE circuit: Filename is missing (*.cir).
Error 23360:
Invalid syntax loading a vertex port: circuit name is missing.
Error 23361:
Invalid syntax loading an edge port: circuit name is missing.
Error 23362:
Invalid syntax loading a cable port: circuit name is missing.
Error 23363:
Invalid syntax loading a segment port: circuit name is missing.
Error 23364:
Invalid syntax loading a network port: circuit name is missing.
Error 23365:
Invalid syntax loading a FEM line port: circuit name is missing.
Error 23366:
Expecting a continuation line when defining a load at a FEM line port.
Error 23367:
File format could not be determined for file <text> - ABORTING FILE OPERATION.
Error 23368:
Data block map could not be determined for file <text> - ABORTING FILE OPERATION.
Error 23369:
Incorrect coordinate system (<text>) found in farfield import data block #<number> of file <text> - ABORTING FILE OPERATION.
Error 23370:
No coordinate system specified for farfield import data block #<number> (default 'Cartesian' not allowed) in file <text> - ABORTING FILE OPERATION.
Error 23372:
Wrong syntax loading a vertex port: Filename is missing (Touchstone).
Error 23373:
Loading a vertex port with 1-port Touchstone file data requires FEK file format 166 or later.
Error 23376:
Loading a segment port with 1-port Touchstone file data requires FEK file format 166 or later.
Error 23377:
Wrong syntax loading a segment port: Filename is missing (Touchstone).
Error 23380:
Loading a FEM line port with 1-port Touchstone file data requires FEK file format 166 or later.
Error 23381:
Wrong syntax loading a FEM line port: Filename is missing (Touchstone).
Error 23382:
Loading an edge port with 1-port Touchstone file data requires FEK file format 166 or later.
Error 23383:
Wrong syntax loading an edge port: Filename is missing (Touchstone).
Errors 23385, 23386:
Wrong syntax defining a transformer connection: Connector name is missing.
Error 23387:
Using a SPICE transformer in a cable harness circuit requires FEK file format 167 or later.
Error 23388:
Using a SPICE voltage controlled voltage source in a cable harness circuit requires FEK file format 167 or later.
Errors 23389, 23390:
Wrong syntax defining a voltage controlled voltage source: Controlling connector name is missing.
Errors 23392, 23393:
Wrong syntax defining a voltage controlled voltage source: Connector name is missing.
Error 23394:
A user may only set the radiation source image resolution in *.fek format 168 or higher.
Error 23395:
Expecting a continuation line when parsing a far field request.
Error 23396:
Wrong syntax of a PCB source definition: Filename is missing.
Error 23398:
Undefined PCB board outline definition.
Error 23399:
A PCB source definition may only be added in FEKO file format 172 or later.
Errors 23347, 23400, 30321:
Not enough memory available for dynamic allocation.
Error 23404:
Expecting a label name when defining a metallic cable connection.
Error 23406:
Unsupported XML file version for PollEx radiated emission import.
Errors 23407, 23408:
XmlPcb: Import: Frequency IDs are not in ascending consecutive order.
Error 23409:
XmlPcb: Import: Missing current data for frequencies.
Error 23410:
Near field aperture: An error occurred while retrieving block attributes (file <text>).
Error 23413:
The material describing the dielectric surface impedance should not be empty.
Error 23414:
A model and solution coefficient definition may only be added in FEKO file format 177 or later.
Error 23416:
Wrong syntax of a model and solution coefficient definition: Filename is missing.
Error 23417:
The export of model and solution coefficient data may only be requested in FEKO file format 177 or later.
Error 23418:
Expecting a continuation line when parsing a list of labels.
Error 23419:
UT card supports only UTD with polygons and cylinders, faceted UTD or RL-GO.
Error 23420:
XML solution file parser error (found unexpected node).
Error 23421:
Unsupported XML file version for XML solution coefficients import.
Errors 23422, 23424:
Memory allocation error during XML solution coefficients import.
Error 23423:
Error initialising XML solution coefficients import.
Errors 23425, 23426, 23427:
Unexpected element ID found.
Error 23428:
Solution block ID not found.
Error 23429:
Unexpected ID found for element 'xsol.
Error 23430:
The solution block has not been setup correctly.
Error 23431:
Unexpected element ID found while parsing XML solution data file.
Error 23432:
Invalid type of source defining a receiving antenna.
Error 23433:
Largest time signal name index <number> exceeds the largest possible value <number>.
Error 23434:
Invalid method for defining the background material of a transmission line.
Error 23435:
Reference to a 3D anisotropic medium is missing.
Error 23436:
Invalid DC bias field.
Error 23437:
Invalid direction for the DC bias field.
Error 23438:
The xx-component of the complex-valued permittivity tensor should not be empty or zero.
Errors 23273, 23275, 23276, 23439:
For the complex-valued 3D anisotropic material (DI card) a continuation line must follow.
Error 23440:
The yy-component of the complex-valued permittivity tensor should not be empty or zero.
Error 23441:
For the complex-valued 3D anisotropic material a continuation line must follow.
Error 23442:
The zz-component of the complex-valued permittivity tensor should not be empty or zero.
Error 23443:
The xx-component of the complex-valued permeability tensor should not be empty or zero.
Error 23444:
The yy-component of the complex-valued permeability tensor should not be empty or zero.
Error 23445:
Wrong syntax defining a cable interconnect/termination: Filename is missing (Touchstone).
Error 23446:
When using a SY Card the label increment has to be positive.
Error 23447:
Node index larger than read indices when importing a NASTRAN file.
Error 23448:
A node with this index has not been read when importing a NASTRAN file.
Error 23449:
End of file encountered while reading from the *.pre file (NU card).
Error 23450:
Syntax error at the IN card (too many options after file_name).
Error 23451:
It is not possible to apply a label specific selection when importing a *.pre file.
Errors 23452, 30375:
Error reading the header line from the include file.
Error 23454:
Unsupported cable type.
Error 23455:
Specifying the rotation of the plane wave excitation in terms of Kardan angles require FEK file format 117 or later.
Error 23456:
Internal PREFEKO error (scname list <number> <number>).
Error 23457:
Error switching context to the first data file <text> .
Error 23459:
Invalid number of nodes for linear segment (beam) type element.
Error 23460:
Invalid number of nodes for curvilinear segment (beam) type element.
Error 23461:
Invalid number of nodes for planar triangle type element.
Error 23462:
Not enough memory available for the nodes when processing the NASTRAN include file.
Error 23774:
Loading a cable port with 1-port Touchstone file data requires FEK file format 166 or later.
Error 23775:
Wrong syntax loading a cable port: Filename is missing (Touchstone).
Error 23778:
Loading a network port with 1-port Touchstone file data requires FEK file format 166 or later.
Error 23779:
Wrong syntax loading a network port: Filename is missing (Touchstone).
Error 30000:
Please specify the file format after --fek-format.
Error 30001:
The line number must be specified after the option --eval-vars-only.
Error 30005:
Filename must not be specified with path.
Error 30006:
The filename <text> is too long.
Errors 23055, 30007, 30008, 30524:
Error in creating a temporary file <text>.
Error 30009:
No EG card (end of geometry) was found in the *"PRE_EXT_L" file.
Error 30010:
At the end of the *"PRE_EXT_L" file the EN card must be used.
Error 30011:
In connection with the CM card for the field computation for CableMod, only one FR card with the frequency(loop) may be used.
Errors 30012, 30013, 30014, 30015, 30016, 30017:
Limits of the FEKO Student Edition have been exceeded.
Error 30018:
The FEM module is not active in your FEKO licence, hence tetrahedral volume elements are not supported in PREFEKO. Please contact ALTAIR for an updated licence file..
Error 30019:
Maximum used label <number> exceeds the largest possible value <number>.
Error 30020:
This FEKO version supports at most <number> triangles.
Errors 30021, 30468:
Error in opening the input file <text>.
Error 30022:
Error in opening the output file <text>.
Error 30023:
Line number after the option --eval-vars-only must be positive.
Error 30024:
not enough memory available (realloc(sites)).
Error 30025:
not enough memory available for site <number> (<number> bytes allocated).
Error 30026:
not enough memory available (at realloc(nallocated)).
Error 30027:
Not enough memory available (s_delaun).
Error 30028:
The variable #<text> is used in a node name but has never been defined..
Error 30029:
Expanded node name is too long.
Error 30030:
The node <text> is used within a <text> card but has never been defined.
Error 30031:
Wrong syntax for filename: Closing quotation mark is missing.
Error 30033:
The columns 3 to 5 must be empty.
Error 30034:
Internal error in divide_line_colon_separation.
Error 30035:
The string '<text>' in the input line between two colons is too long (max. <number> characters).
Error 30036:
Degenerated surface, area of a triangle is zero.
Error 30037:
Label <number> for a triangle must be in the range 0...<number>.
Error 30038:
Radius of a wire segment is zero.
Error 30039:
Length of a wire segment is zero.
Error 30040:
Label <number> for a segment must be in the range 0...<number>.
Error 30041:
For cuboidal volume elements either the relative permittivity may be specified (dielectic body) or the relative permeability (magnetic body) but not both at the same time..
Error 30042:
Label <number> for a cuboid must be in the range 0...<number>.
Error 30043:
Label <number> for a tetrahedral element must be in the range 0...<number>.
Error 30044:
Label <number> for a polygonal plate must be in the range 0...<number>.
Error 30045:
Internal prefeko error in strcpy_substr.
Error 30046:
Please use an IP card above this line, so that the maximum segment and edge lengths are set.
Error 30047:
Maximum segment- or edge length is zero (IP card).
Error 30048:
The edge length for the meshing must be larger than zero.
Error 30049:
Overflow when computing the number of subdivisions.
Error 30050:
Maximum segment- or edge length for curved elements is zero.
Error 30051:
Radius of a curved arc is zero.
Error 30052:
Angle of a curved arc is zero.
Error 30053:
The edge length must be larger than zero for curved elements.
Error 30054:
Overflow when computing the number of subdivisions of a circular arc.
Errors 30056, 30070:
Maximum edgelength for triangles is zero (IP card).
Error 30057:
Internal error in divide_triangle_traditional.
Error 30058:
Two points for a triangle are identical.
Error 30059:
Degenerated surface of size zero while meshing.
Error 30060:
Internal error in out_2specquad (na).
Error 30061:
Internal error in out_2specquad (nd).
Error 30062:
Internal error in out_2specquad (nb).
Error 30063:
Internal error in out_2specquad (nc).
Error 30065:
Internal error in out_2specquad (no right hand system).
Error 30066:
Internal error in out_specquad.
Error 30069:
Internal error (no right hand system).
Errors 30073, 30074:
Error while writing binary data to the output (disk full?).
Error 30075:
Internal error in extract_variable_name.
Error 30076:
Name of a variable must not exceed <number> characters.
Error 30077:
Missing closing bracket ] for an array of variables or points.
Error 30078:
Nested used of arrays as index of another array not supported, please use an auxiliary variable.
Error 30079:
Missing expression inside [] for an array of variables or points.
Error 30080:
Name of array variable or point array must not be longer than <number> characters.
Error 30081:
Invalid name of a variable.
Error 30082:
Invalid variable name or missing equal sign.
Error 30083:
Expression is missing at a variable assignment.
Error 30086:
Missing opening bracket '(' of the 'defined' function.
Error 30087:
Missing variable in the 'defined' function.
Error 30088:
Missing closing bracket ')' of the 'defined' function.
Error 30089:
The variable #<text> is used in an expression but has never been defined..
Error 30090:
The variable #<text> is used in an expression but its value is invalid.
Error 30091:
For the AP card another <number> lines with data must follow.
Error 30092:
Only one EG card may be used in the input file.
Error 30093:
Only one EN card may be used in the input file, at the very end.
Error 30094:
Top metallic ground plane for the planar Green's function only supported in version 40 or later of the *.fek file.
Error 30095:
The SA card is only supported in version 60 or later of the *.fek file.
Error 30098:
Inconsistency at ADAPTFEKO (variable #adaptfreq not set).
Error 30099:
Wrong syntax of the A5 card, field I2 must not be used.
Error 30100:
Wrong syntax of the A5 card, field I3 must not be used.
Error 30101:
Wrong syntax of the AV card, field I3 must not be used.
Error 30102:
The input field I2 the FE card for the coordinate system type 6 must be empty.
Errors 30104, 30787:
Not enough memory available for a list (CO).
Error 30107:
Error while writing to the *"FEK_EXT_L".tmp file (disk full?).
Error 30108:
This version of PREFEKO can only create *"FEK_EXT_L" file formats in the range 32 ... <number>.
Error 30110:
The tabulator character must not be used in the input file.
Error 30111:
The weight of a node point must be larger than zero.
Errors 30112, 30116:
The 4 nodes <text>, <text>, <text> and <text> don't form a plane parallelogram.
Error 30113:
The 4 nodes <text>, <text>, <text> and <text> don't form a plane quadrangle.
Error 30114:
The quadrangle of the 4 nodes <text>, <text>, <text> and <text> is crossed or not convex (interior angle: %7.2f degree). Consider using the PM card for concave quadrangles. .
Error 30115:
At the WG card the number of subdivisions must be larger than zero.
Errors 30117, 30118:
For the wire grid the line <text> - <text> is subdivided into <number> segments. A wire grid with <number> segments is not possible, as <number> cannot be divided by <number>..
Error 30119:
The wire segment radius at the IP card must not be negative.
Error 30120:
The maximum edge length for triangles at the IP card must not be negative.
Error 30121:
The maximum segment length at the IP card must not be negative.
Error 30122:
The maximum edge length for cuboids at the IP card must not be negative.
Error 30123:
The maximum edge length for tetrahedral elements at the IP card must not be negative.
Error 30124:
Wrong label at LA card: <text>.
Error 30125:
Label <number> must be in the range 0...<number>.
Error 30126:
Medium information at the ME card must not be empty.
Error 30128:
There is no right angle between the points <text>, <text> and <text> (HE/CL card).
Error 30129:
The number of turns for the HE card must not be zero.
Error 30132:
The height of a cylinder is zero (ZY card).
Error 30133:
There is no right angle between the points <text>, <text> and <text> (KR card).
Errors 30135, 30137:
KR card: The point <text> must be located between the points <text> and <text>.
Error 30136:
KR card: The point <text> falls together with the point <text>. Do not specify a point for a circle without hole..
Error 30139:
At the KK card the bottom radius of the cone is zero.
Error 30141:
For the KK card the line between the points <text> and <text> must be parallel to the line <text> <text>.
Error 30142:
The 4 nodes <text>, <text>, <text> and <text> are not lying in a plane.
Error 30143:
KK card: Cone with height zero is generated. Use the KR card instead.
Error 30144:
There is no right angle between the points <text>, <text> and <text> (KU/EL card).
Errors 30145, 30146:
There is no right angle between the points <text>, <text> and <text> (EL card).
Error 30147:
KU/EL card: Angle THETA must be in the range 0..180 degree.
Error 30148:
KU/EL card: Angle PHI must be in the range 0..360 degree.
Error 30149:
KU/EL card: Both angles THETA are equal.
Error 30150:
KU/EL card: Both angles PHI are equal.
Error 30152:
KU card: The distance between the points <text> and <text> as well as <text> and <text> is different.
Error 30154:
There is no right angle between the points <text>, <text> and <text> (TO card).
Error 30156:
TO card: The point <text> must lie in the plane of the points <text>, <text> and <text>.
Errors 30157, 30158, 30159:
There is no right angle between the points <text>, <text> and <text> (QU card).
Errors 30160, 30165:
One side of the cuboid has zero length.
Error 30161:
Maximum edge length for cuboids is zero (IP card).
Errors 30162, 30163, 30164:
There is no right angle between the points <text>, <text> and <text> (QT card).
Error 30166:
Maximum edge length for tetrahedra is zero (IP card).
Error 30167:
Wrong range of THMAX (UD card).
Error 30168:
Number of copies for the TG card must not be negative.
Error 30169:
There is no right angle between the points <text>, <text> and <text> (DZ card).
Error 30170:
DZ card: Radius of the inner cylinder is zero.
Error 30171:
DZ card: Radius of the outer cylinder must be bigger than the radius of the inner one.
Error 30172:
DZ card: Height of the cylinder is zero.
Error 30173:
DZ card: The point <text> must lie between the points <text> and <text>.
Errors 30174, 30175, 30176:
There is no right angle between the points <text>, <text> and <text> (DK card).
Error 30177:
DK card: Radius of the sphere is zero.
Errors 30178, 30179:
DK card: The distance between the points <text> and <text> must be equal to the distance of the points <text> and <text>.
Error 30180:
Maximum edge length for a dielectric sphere is zero (IP card).
Error 30181:
Internal error at DK card.
Error 30182:
Wrong label at KA card: <text>.
Error 30183:
KL card: Start point <text> and end point <text> fall together.
Error 30184:
KL card: Start point <text> and end point <text> on the 0-side fall together.
Error 30185:
KL card: Start point <text> and end point <text> on the N-side fall together.
Errors 30186, 30187:
KL card: The point <text> must not be located on the edge <text>-<text>.
Error 30188:
Wrong type of the Fock region for the FO card.
Error 30189:
Invalid type of the Fock region for the FO card.
Error 30190:
A continuation line must follow for the PM card with internal mesh points.
Errors 30191, 30192:
There is no right angle between the points <text>, <text> and <text> (PB card).
Error 30193:
Maximum segment- or edge-length is zero (PB card).
Error 30194:
There is no right angle between the points <text>, <text> and <text> (UZ card).
Error 30197:
Label increment <number> at TG card must be positive.
Error 30198:
Scaling factor of the TG card must be one if no scaling desired.
Error 30199:
Label increment <number> at SY/TG/TP card too large.
Error 30200:
Scaling factor at the SF card was not specified or is zero.
Error 30201:
Scaling factor at the SF card must be positive.
Error 30202:
The scaling option (SF card) is used in connection with an adaptive remeshing (RM card). Then the SF card must be used before the RM card.
Errors 30203, 30204:
PH card: The point <text> must be located between the points <text> and <text>.
Error 30205:
Angle of the hole is zero at the PH card.
Error 30206:
Radius of the hole is zero at the PH card.
Error 30207:
PH card: The point <text> must be located outside of the hole.
Error 30208:
Excitation of microstrip lines only possible for *.fek file format 37 or higher.
Error 30210:
Only one coordinate system is possible in the *.neu file.
Error 30212:
Wrong element type in the *.neu file (only line or triangle or quadrangle or tetrahedral element).
Error 30213:
Only one coordinate system (rectangular) is possible in the *.neu file.
Error 30214:
Not enough memory available for storing FEMAP neutral file points.
Error 30217:
Not enough memory available for storing FEMAP neutral file curve.
Error 30219:
Not enough memory available for storing FEMAP neutral file surface.
Error 30220:
Boundary surfaces with holes cannot be imported from FEMAP.
Error 30222:
FEMAP *.neu file is corrupt, error when importing polygonal plates.
Error 30224:
Not enough memory available for the vertices of a polygonal plate when importing a FEMAP *.neu file.
Error 30226:
Near field aperture: An error occurred while reading field points (file '<text>', data point <number>) [<text>].
Error 30228:
Near field aperture: Could not determine u2 vector from the coordinates in the data file [<text>].
Error 30229:
Near field aperture: Could not determine u3 vector from the coordinates in the data file [<text>].
Error 30230:
The u2 and u3 axes in the data file are not orthogonal. Most likely the start index or the number of points at the near field aperture definition is wrong..
Errors 23161, 23163, 23165, 30232:
Near field aperture: An error occurred while reading field strength data (file <text>, data point <number>) [<text>].
Error 30233:
Unexpected angle for data point <number> of the magnetic field aperture pattern. Please ensure that the data lies on a regular grid and that the correct number of points is specified..
Error 30234:
The phase of one of the field components of point <number> is too large..
Error 30235:
Invalid value for new or additional when defining a near field aperture as a source.
Error 30237:
Invalid value of the type (<number>) when defining a near field aperture / receiving antenna.
Error 30239:
Undefined angle between three vertex points (same points).
Error 30240:
There is no right angle between the points <text>, <text> and <text> used for a near field aperture / receiving antenna.
Error 30241:
For a near field aperture / receiving antenna with spherical data the lengths <text>--<text> and <text>--<text> must be equal..
Error 30242:
The index of the first sample / data block to use when defining a near field aperture / receiving antenna must be larger than zero.
Error 30243:
The number of sample points defining a near field aperture must be larger than zero for all axes.
Error 30245:
Filename is missing when defining a near field aperture / receiving antenna and requesting to read data from a file.
Errors 30246, 30248:
Error in opening and parsing the file <text>.
Error 30247:
Second filename is missing when defining a near field aperture / receiving antenna and requesting to read data from files.
Error 30249:
Wrong syntax of the AC/CM card: Filename is missing.
Error 30250:
Not enough memory available for processing the AC/CM card.
Error 30251:
Not enough memory available for processing the AC card.
Error 30252:
EN card missing at the end of the *.pre file (after AC card).
Error 30253:
The project name name=... must end with a semicolon.
Error 30254:
The geometry name geoname=... must end with a semicolon.
Error 30255:
The names of the CableMod project and of the geometry section differ.
Error 30256:
AC card: Segment data is read before unit=.. was processed.
Error 30257:
AC card: Segment data is read after the 'values:' keyword.
Error 30258:
Error while reading the segment data at the AC card.
Error 30259:
Missing equal sign after the string p1_type.
Error 30260:
Unknown type after the string p1_type.
Error 30261:
Missing equal sign after the string p2_type.
Error 30262:
Unknown type after the string p2_type.
Error 30263:
Modelling a transmission line segment by Hertzian dipoles at the AC card is not possible when one of the two segment ends has the type loaded.
Error 30264:
When importing a *.rsd file from CableMod, it is not supported that both ends of a segment are of the typeloaded_and_connected.
Error 30265:
Invalid type of the transmission line modelling of an AC card.
Error 30266:
AC card: Frequency was read before the 'values:' keyword.
Error 30267:
AC card: No segment data was read.
Error 30268:
For multiple frequencies the AC card must be defined as new and not as additional.
Error 30269:
Error while reading the frequency at the AC card.
Error 30270:
AC card: Line with keyword 'data:' not found.
Error 30271:
AC card: Option additional source can be used only if there is just one frequency.
Error 30272:
Error while reading the currents at the AC card.
Error 30275:
AC card: Invalid number of Hertzian dipoles (must be larger than zero).
Error 30276:
When using adaptive frequency interpolation only one AC card is allowed.
Error 30277:
Inconsistency found at the AC card (adaptive/not adaptive).
Error 30278:
AC card: There are multiple occurrences of the string 'values:.
Error 30281:
Unknown dimension unit=.. in a RSD file.
Error 30282:
Unknown command for PREFEKO after !! signs.
Error 30283:
Missing character sequence 'FOR' in a FOR loop.
Error 30284:
Missing name of a variable with #-character in a FOR loop.
Error 30285:
Missing equal sign '=' in a FOR loop.
Error 30286:
Missing character sequence ' TO ' in a FOR loop.
Error 30287:
Missing expression for the start value of a FOR loop.
Error 30288:
Missing expression for the end value of a FOR loop.
Error 30289:
Missing expression for the stepping value of a FOR loop.
Error 30290:
Stepping in a FOR loop must not be zero.
Errors 30291, 30292:
Not enough memory available for processing the FOR loop.
Error 30293:
NEXT command as termination of a FOR loop missing.
Error 30294:
Missing character sequence 'IF' in an IF statement.
Error 30295:
Missing character sequence 'THEN' in an IF statement.
Error 30296:
Missing expression for the condition of an IF statement.
Error 30297:
ENDIF command as termination of an IF statement missing.
Error 30298:
Multiple ELSE statements in an IF statement.
Error 30299:
Termination due to user request (EXIT statement).
Error 30300:
Missing character sequence 'PRINT_TO_OUT' in a PRINT_TO_OUT statement.
Error 30301:
Missing character sequence 'PRINT' in a PRINT statement.
Error 30302:
Missing quotation mark \" in a PRINT expression.
Error 30305:
NEXT statement found without suitable FOR statement.
Error 30306:
ELSE statement found without suitable IF statement.
Error 30307:
ENDIF statement found without suitable IF statement.
Error 30308:
Internal error in command_line.
Error 30309:
Not enough memory available for the nodes when processing the ABAQUS include file.
Errors 30209, 30211, 30310, 30376, 30390, 30402, 30649:
Not enough memory available for the nodes when processing the include file.
Error 30311:
Node index less than one when importing a ABAQUS file.
Error 30312:
Node index larger than read indices when importing a ABAQUS file.
Error 30313:
A node with this index has not been read when importing a ABAQUS file.
Error 30316:
Internal PREFEKO error during point generation for Delaunay.
Error 30317:
Internal error of PREFEKO (invalid mode value).
Error 30318:
Internal error of PREFEKO (internal mesh points in SWEEP2).
Error 30320:
Internal PREFEKO memory management error in DELAUNAY.
Error 30324:
Filename for radiation pattern external data file is missing.
Error 30325:
Invalid value new or additional for a point source with specified pattern.
Error 30326:
Invalid file selection type for importing radiation pattern data.
Error 30327:
The line / data block number of where to start reading the radiation pattern data must be larger than zero.
Error 30328:
For a radiation pattern the number of angles must be larger than one.
Error 30329:
Error in opening and parsing the file <text> for import of radiation pattern.
Error 30330:
Radiation pattern import: An error occurred while reading field strength data (file <text>, data point <number>) [<text>].
Error 30332:
Not enough memory available for processing the AE/LE card.
Error 30333:
Error for DXF import: Section 'ENTITIES' not found.
Error 30334:
Error for DXF import: Section 'ENDSEC' not found.
Error 30336:
Error for DXF import: Sections 'ENDSEC' or 'SEQEND' not found.
Errors 30337, 30340:
Error for DXF import: Unexpected end of file.
Error 30339:
Error for DXF import: Attempting to link non-existent nodes.
Error 30341:
Error for DXF import: Can only import mesh faces with 3 or 4 corner points.
Error 30342:
Not enough memory available for the vertices when importing a DXF file.
Errors 30343, 30344:
Error for DXF import: Unexpected end of file while reading 'group code'.
Error 30345:
Error for DXF import: Cannot determine 'group code'.
Error 30346:
Error for DXF import: Cannot read real value.
Error 30347:
Error for DXF import: Cannot read integer value.
Error 30349:
Order of the NU card must be in the range 1..<number>.
Error 30350:
End of buffer encountered while reading from the supplied preContents (NU card).
Error 30351:
Order q too large for the NU card.
Error 30352:
The node <text> is used within a NU card but has never been defined (row <number>, column <number>).
Error 30353:
NURBS with two opposite sides of length zero is not allowed.
Error 30354:
Error during polynomial interpolation.
Error 30355:
Allocation failure in dvector().
Error 30357:
Radius of a GW card is zero (tapered wire not supported).
Error 30358:
Field IS1 of the GM card must be zero or one.
Error 30359:
FEKO allows only a selection via the tag number at the GM card in NEC.
Error 30362:
Internal error in PREFEKO when importing a *.pre file (IN card).
Error 30363:
Wrong parameter MODE for the IN card.
Error 30364:
Error reading the mode for the IN card.
Error 30365:
Error reading the selection for the IN card.
Errors 30366, 30367:
Wrong syntax of the IN card: Quotation mark is missing.
Error 30368:
At the IN card the expression scaling=... must be terminated with a semicolon ;.
Error 30369:
At the IN card the expression medium=... must be terminated with a semicolon ;.
Errors 30370:
Error reading the data for triangles from the include file.
Error 30371:
Invalid node number while reading the data for triangles from the include file.
Error 30372:
Scaling factor at the IN card must not be used when importing a *.pre file.
Errors 30373:
Error reading the data for segments from the include file.
Error 30374:
Wrong structure of the include file.
Error 30375:
Invalid node number while reading the data for segments from the include file.
Errors 30380:
Error reading the data for polygons from the include file.
Errors 23453, 30377:
Error reading the data for nodes from the include file.
Error 30378:
A polygonal plate must have at least 3 corner points.
Error 30379:
Not enough memory available for the corner points of polygons.
Error 30381:
Invalid node number while reading the data for polygons from the include file.
Errors 30382, 30383:
Error reading the data for tetrahedra from the include file.
Error 30384:
Invalid node number while reading the data for tetrahedra from the include file.
Error 30385:
It is not possible to apply a label specific selection when importing a CONCEPT file.
Error 30386:
When importing a CONCEPT file only the selection 1 (wires) or 34 (surfaces) or 35 (autodetect) is supported.
Error 30387:
Error while reading from CONCEPT file (number of wires).
Error 30388:
Error while reading from CONCEPT file (wire coordinates).
Error 30389:
Error while reading from CONCEPT file (number of nodes/patches).
Error 30391:
Error while reading from CONCEPT file (node points).
Error 30392:
Error while reading from CONCEPT file (patch numbers).
Error 30393:
It is not possible to apply a label specific selection when importing an STL file.
Error 30394:
Error in reopening the include file <text>.
Error 30395:
Error while reading from STL file.
Error 30396:
Error while reading header from binary STL file.
Error 30397:
Error while reading number of triangles from binary STL file.
Error 30399:
Not enough memory available for the nodes when processing the PATRAN include file.
Error 30401:
Wrong number of data lines of the PATRAN node data packet.
Error 30404:
Node index less than one when importing a PATRAN file.
Error 30405:
Node index larger than read indices when importing a PATRAN file.
Error 30406:
A node with this index has not been read when importing a PATRAN file.
Error 30410:
An unsupported card is used in the *.cfm include file.
Error 30411:
This version of PREFEKO cannot read the *.cfm file version <number> (maximum <number>).
Error 30412:
*.cfm file import: Media must be identical for a metallic triangle.
Error 30413:
*.cfm file import: Unknown type of a triangle.
Error 30414:
Not enough memory available for the vertices of a polygonal plate when importing a *.cfm file.
Error 30415:
*.cfm file import: Wrong version of the QD card found.
Error 30417:
Not enough memory available for the nodes when processing the ANSYS CDB include file.
Error 30418:
ANSYS CDB import supports only element types 16 or 200.
Errors 30419, 30420:
Inconsistency regarding number of element types for the CDB file.
Error 30421:
Internal error ANSYS CDB import (CMBLOCK).
Error 30423:
Read invalid element type from the CDB file.
Error 30424:
Reference to an invalid real constant (diameter) for a pipe16 element in the CDB file.
Errors 23138, 23142, 30425, 30426, 30427, 30428:
Internal consistency check of CDB file failed.
Error 30430:
Found wrong element type which cannot be imported.
Error 30431:
Node index less than one when importing an ANSYS CDB file.
Error 30432:
Node index larger than read indices when importing an ANSYS CDB file.
Error 30433:
A node with this index has not been read when importing an ANSYS CDB file.
Error 30436:
Wrong value of the mode of the RM card.
Error 30437:
Wrong type of the mesh refinement at the RM card.
Error 30438:
Wrong syntax of the RM card: Filename is missing.
Error 30439:
Not enough memory for processing the RM card.
Error 30440:
The two distances D1 and D2 at the RM card must not be equal.
Error 30441:
At the RM card for the mesh refinement along a line, the length of the line is zero.
Error 30443:
Error in opening the RSD file <text>.
Error 30444:
Error while reading the segment data from a RSD file (RM card).
Error 30445:
Not enough memory available for the edge lengths when remeshing a polygonal plate.
Error 30446:
Wrong value for the kind of mesh refinement for the RM card.
Errors 30064, 30067, 30068, 30448, 30463:
Found a degenerated surface element, please check input.
Error 30449:
Not enough memory available for the variables.
Error 30450:
Too many media are used (limit 32768).
Errors 30453:
Error while writing to the *"FEK_EXT_L" file (disk full?).
Error 30456:
The name '<text>' of a node is too long (maximum <number> characters allowed).
Error 30457:
Invalid character '<character>' in the name '<text>' of a node (allowed are only letters A-Z, digits 0-9, the underscore _, and square brackets [ ]).
Error 30458:
Not enough memory available for storing the node points.
Error 30459:
Label <number> for a point must be in the range 0...<number>.
Error 30460:
The node name '<text>' has more than 5 characters. This is only supported in the FEK file format 62 or later..
Error 30461:
There must be at least 3 vertex points of a polygonal structure (<text> card).
Error 30462:
There is a wrong character in the substring <text>.
Error 30465:
For the polygon (<text> card) the length of the edge between the nodes <text> and <text> is zero.
Error 30466:
No corner of a polygon (<text> card) found for the normal vector determination.
Error 30469:
The filename specified at the IN card must be different from the name of the file where the IN card is used.
Error 30470:
Error while writing to a temporary *.pre.tmp file (disk full?).
Error 30472:
Meshing of polygonal plate: All vertices are identical.
Error 30473:
Internal PREFEKO error: Normal vector wrong in mesh_polygonal_plate.
Error 30474:
Meshing of polygonal plate: Cannot find normal vector.
Error 30476:
Load of a microstrip lines (LE card) only possible for *.fek file format 37 or higher.
Errors 23458, 30361, 30409, 30477, 30679, 30772, 30865:
Error in opening the include file <text>.
Error 30478:
Syntax error in an expression.
Errors 30479, 30488, 30492:
Not enough memory available when allocating a buffer for labels.
Error 30487:
The negative label increment used at one SY or TG card leads to a label less than zero.
Error 30487:
The negative label increment used at one SY or TG/TP card leads to a label less than zero.
Error 30489:
The variable #<text> is used in a label name but has never been defined..
Error 30490:
The variable #<text> is used in a medium name but has never been defined..
Error 30491:
Arbitrary strings as label are supported only in the FEK file format 61 or higher, please use a newer version of PREFEKO.
Error 30493:
Invalid character '<character>' in the name '<text>' of a label (allowed are only letters A-Z, digits 0-9, the underscore _ as well as the dot .).
Error 30494:
Arbitrary strings as medium are supported only in the FEK file format 61 or higher.
Error 30495:
Not enough memory available when allocating a buffer for media.
Error 30496:
Invalid character '<character>' in the name '<text>' of a medium (allowed are only letters A-Z, digits 0-9, the underscore _ as well as the dot .).
Error 30523:
Not enough memory available for the triangle list for tetrahedral meshing.
Error 30525:
Execution of TETGEN failed.
Errors 30526, 30527:
Error in reading a temporary file <text>.
Error 30528:
Not enough memory available for the node list for tetrahedral meshing.
Error 30530:
Too many different labels are being used (a maximum of <number> labels are being supported).
Error 30531:
Too many different media are being used (a maximum of <number> media are being supported).
Error 30532:
Internal PREFEKO error (label list <number> <number>).
Error 30533:
The label must be an integer for the debugging option STRINGS_AS_MEDLAB_DEBUG == 1.
Error 30534:
The medium must be an integer for the debugging option STRINGS_AS_MEDLAB_DEBUG == 1.
Error 30535:
Internal PREFEKO error (media list <number> <number>).
Error 30536:
Maximum used medium <number> exceeds the largest possible value <number>.
Error 30537:
Medium <number> must be in the range 0...<number>.
Error 30538:
Wrong syntax of the AI card, field I3 must not be used.
Error 30539:
Wrong syntax of the A6 card, field I2 must not be used.
Error 30540:
Wrong syntax of the A6 card, field I3 must not be used.
Error 30541:
Non-supported mode of the AE card is used.
Error 30542:
Non-supported mode of the LE card is used.
Error 30543:
Non-supported mode of the SA card is used.
Error 30544:
Non-supported mode of the VS card is used.
Error 30548:
When the medium is specified at the FE card (field R8), then the medium index must be an integer value.
Error 30549:
At the IN card the expression labels_as_strings must be terminated with a semicolon ;.
Error 30550:
Internal error in qd_out.
Error 30551:
New syntax of the QU/DZ/DK cards with medium index requires FEK file format 67 or later.
Error 30552:
Not enough memory available for storing cuboid media info.
Error 30553:
Wrong parameter I2 at a directly imported QD card.
Error 30556:
For string labels the specification of the range <text> .. <text> is not valid (base string must be identical).
Error 30557:
For string media the specification of the range <text> .. <text> is not valid (base string must be identical).
Error 30558:
Wrong type (dielectric/magnetic or both) of a cuboidal volume element.
Error 30559:
Wildcards for the CB card are only supported for the FEK file format 61 or later.
Error 30560:
Axial ratio for an elliptical arc must be positive.
Error 30561:
Axial ratio for an elliptical cylinder must be positive.
Errors 30562, 30565:
Axial ratio for an elliptical plate must be positive.
Error 30563:
Axial ratio for an elliptical cone must be positive.
Error 30564:
Axial ratio for an elliptical torus must be positive.
Error 30566:
PH card: The edge between the points <text> and <text> has zero length.
Error 30568:
Wrong syntax of the CB card: Filename is missing.
Error 30571:
The length of the edge between the points <text> and <text> is zero (KA card).
Error 30572:
The length of the edge between the points <text> and <text> is zero (KL card).
Error 30573:
Autodetect for the CONCEPT file type failed, please specify directly whether a wire file (select 1) or surface file (select 34).
Error 30575:
Missing character sequence 'PRINT_WARNING' in a PRINT_WARNING statement.
Error 30576:
Missing character sequence 'PRINT_ERROR' in a PRINT_ERROR statement.
Error 30578:
Internal error of PREFEKO (floating point exception).
Error 30579:
Internal error of PREFEKO (segmentation fault).
Error 30580:
Internal error of PREFEKO (illegal instruction).
Error 30581:
Internal error of PREFEKO (bus error).
Error 30582:
Wrong number of continuation lines for the AE card.
Error 30583:
For this type of AE card only one line is allowed.
Error 30584:
Wrong number of continuation lines for the LE card.
Error 30585:
For this type of LE card only one line is allowed.
Error 30586:
No convergence for integral after maximum number of iterations.
Errors 30587, 30589, 30590:
Invalid argument to hyperbolic formula.
Error 30591:
Invalid argument x1 to hyperbolic formula.
Error 30592:
Invalid argument x2 to hyperbolic formula.
Error 30593:
The points <text>, <text> and <text> may not lie on a straight line (HY card).
Error 30594:
The points <text> and <text> are not arranged in the correct manner (HY card).
Errors 30595, 30599:
Maximum segment- or edge-length is zero (HY card).
Error 30596:
The points <text>, <text> and <text> may not lie on a straight line (HC card).
Error 30597:
The height of a cylinder is zero (HC card).
Error 30598:
The points <text> and <text> are not arranged in the correct manner (HC card).
Error 30600:
The points <text>, <text> and <text> may not lie on a straight line (HP card).
Error 30601:
The points <text> and <text> are not arranged in the correct manner (HP card).
Error 30602:
Not enough memory while reading corner point array.
Error 30602:
Maximum segment- or edge-length is zero (HP card).
Error 30603:
Not enough memory while reading non-uniform meshing length array.
Error 30604:
Not enough memory while reading internal point array.
Error 30605:
Not enough memory while processing PM card.
Error 30606:
Not enough memory while processing PY card.
Errors 30607, 30608, 30644, 30990:
A continuation line must follow for the specification of a general network.
Error 30610:
End of Touchstone file reached, no specification line starting with #-symbol found.
Error 30611:
Network port number greater than zero expected (voltage source at a network port).
Error 30612:
Multiple frequency options in the Touchstone file are not allowed.
Error 30613:
Multiple parameter type options are not allowed in the Touchstone file.
Error 30614:
Network port number greater than zero expected (load at a network port).
Error 30615:
Multiple data format options are not allowed in the Touchstone file.
Error 30616:
Multiple reference impedance indicators are not allowed in the Touchstone file.
Error 30617:
Reference impedance expected in the Touchstone file.
Error 30618:
Invalid specification line parameter in the Touchstone file.
Error 30619:
End of the Touchstone file reached, no data set found.
Error 30620:
Maximum used network names <number> exceeds the largest possible value <number>.
Error 30621:
Wrong syntax for a voltage source at a network port: Network name is missing.
Error 30622:
Wrong syntax for a load at a network port: Network name is missing.
Error 30623:
Do not specify a port number for empty network name (general networks).
Error 30624:
Network port number greater than zero expected (general networks).
Error 30625:
The variable #<text> is used in a network name but has never been defined..
Error 30630:
Wrong syntax of a general network: Network name is missing.
Error 30631:
The first uncommented line in the Touchstone file must be a specification line.
Errors 30632, 30936:
Invalid number of reference impedances specified in the Touchstone file.
Error 30633:
Invalid frequency value in the Touchstone file, all data sets must be arranged in increasing order of frequency.
Error 30634:
Invalid frequency value in the Touchstone file, real number expected.
Error 30635:
End of the Touchstone file reached, not enough input data found.
Error 30636:
Invalid data value in the Touchstone file, real number expected.
Error 30638:
End of line expected in the Touchstone file, invalid number of parameter data points per line.
Error 30639:
Internal PREFEKO error (nwname list <number> <number>).
Error 30640:
The number of network ports should be greater than zero.
Error 30641:
Wrong syntax of a general network: Filename is missing (Touchstone).
Error 30642:
No filename allowed at the specification of a general network when the data follows in the *.pre input file.
Error 30643:
A general network may have a maximum of 4 ports when the data follows in the *.pre input file.
Error 30645:
Not enough memory available for the nodes when processing the GID include file.
Error 30646:
Error while reading mesh properties.
Error 30647:
Mesh property 'dimension' must be either 2 or 3.
Error 30648:
Mesh property 'elemtype' must be one of the following: LINEAR, TRIANGLE, QUADRILATERAL, TETRAHEDRA.
Error 30650:
Node index less than one when importing a GID file.
Error 30651:
Node index larger than read indices when importing a GID file.
Error 30652:
A node with this index has not been read when importing a GID file.
Error 30655:
A target *.cfm filename must follow the option --expand-cfm-include-filename.
Error 30656:
The new *.cfm filename must follow the target *.cfm filename for the option --expand-cfm-include-filename.
Error 30657:
A continuation line must follow for a transmission line.
Errors 30658, 30660:
Do not specify a port number for empty network name (transmission lines).
Errors 30659, 30661:
Network port number greater than zero expected (transmission lines).
Error 30662:
Wrong syntax of a transmission line: Transmission line name is missing.
Error 30663:
Transmission line length expected when using internal ports / ports connected to edges.
Error 30664:
Wrong number of continuation lines for a transmission line.
Error 30666:
Wrong number of continuation lines for the specification of a general network.
Error 30668:
Non-supported port type of a general network is used.
Errors 30669, 30670:
Non-supported port type of a transmission line is used.
Error 30671:
Not enough memory available for the co-ordinate system information when processing the NASTRAN include file.
Error 30672:
Invalid co-ordinate system type when importing a NASTRAN file.
Error 30673:
Invalid format of co-ordinate system when importing a NASTRAN file.
Error 30675:
Invalid co-ordinate system specified for a node when processing the NASTRAN include file.
Error 30676:
Invalid co-ordinate system information when processing the NASTRAN include file (division by zero).
Error 30677:
Invalid co-ordinate system information when processing the NASTRAN include file.
Error 30678:
For the CA card when importing cable data from a NASTRAN file then a continuation line must follow.
Errors 30680, 30866:
No valid segments for the cable path were found in the NASTRAN file <text> with property ID <text>.
Error 30681:
A continuation line must follow for the CA card with cable type parameters.
Error 30682:
Invalid connection orientation of a general network.
Error 30682:
Invalid feed orientation specified (A1 card).
Error 30683:
Invalid feed direction specified (A2 card).
Error 30684:
Invalid feed orientation specified (A3 card).
Error 30685:
Non-supported option for a port feed orientation.
Error 30686:
Invalid specification of the start/end vertex of a segment to be loaded.
Errors 30687, 30689, 30690:
Invalid selection of the start/end point of a segment.
Error 30688:
Invalid connection direction specified.
Error 30691:
Wrong syntax defining an impressed spherical mode: Filename is missing.
Errors 23349, 23350, 30569, 30692, 30968:
Error in opening the file <text>.
Errors 23245, 23247, 30693:
An error occurred while reading spherical mode coefficients (file <text>, line <number>): unknown header format.
Errors 30694, 30695:
An error occurred while reading spherical mode coefficients (file <text>, line <number>): unknown data format.
Error 30696:
A continuation line is expected when specifying multiple spherical mode coefficients..
Error 30697:
A continuation line must follow for the TG card.
Errors 30698, 30702:
Setting a lock on the *"FEK_EXT_L" file failed.
Errors 30700, 30704:
Removing a lock on the *"FEK_EXT_L" file failed.
Error 30706:
Invalid mesh array name '<text>'. Variable array names must start with a '#' character.
Error 30707:
Variable '<text>' is undefined..
Error 30708:
Import of spherical modes require FEK file format 80 or later.
Error 30709:
Multiple spherical modes can be defined only in FEK file format 80 or later.
Errors 30715, 30716, 30717:
Invalid label index.
Error 30727:
Not enough memory while processing the triangles.
Errors 30728, 30730:
Dielectric medium name specified at the windscreen dielectric layer definition should not be empty.
Error 30729:
A continuation line must follow for the WD card.
Error 30732:
The variable #<text> is used in a layered dielectric name but has never been defined..
Error 30736:
Maximum used windscreen names <number> exceeds the largest possible value <number>.
Error 30737:
Maximum used layered dielectric names <number> exceeds the largest possible value <number>.
Error 30738:
Layered dielectric name specified at the windscreen dielectric layer definition should not be empty.
Error 30739:
Windscreen name specified at the windscreen dielectric layer definition should not be empty.
Error 30740:
Windscreen name specified at the windscreen reference definition should not be empty.
Error 30741:
Windscreen name specified at the windscreen antenna definition should not be empty.
Error 30742:
The variable #<text> is used in a windscreen name but has never been defined..
Error 30746:
Internal PREFEKO error (wdname list <number> <number>).
Error 30747:
Internal PREFEKO error (mbname list <number> <number>).
Error 30751:
The variable #<text> is used in a modal port name but has never been defined..
Errors 30752:
Largest modal port name index <number> exceeds the largest possible value <number>.
Error 30753:
Calculate only the scattered part for the ideal receiving antenna require FEK file format 89 or later.
Error 30754:
Invalid value total or scattered for the ideal receiving antenna.
Error 30755:
The list of old/new labels can be specified during symmetry for *.fek file format 91 or higher.
Error 30758:
List of old/new label names expected during symmetry.
Error 30759:
ADAPTFEKO termination criterion accuracy can be specified in *.fek file format 92 or higher.
Error 30760:
Frequency number being analyzed must follow after the option --adaptfeko-mode.
Error 30761:
Frequency number after the option --adaptfeko-mode must be larger than zero.
Error 30762:
Continuous frequency S-parameter calculation request with the load not restored is not supported for adaptive frequency sampling with multiple frequency bands.
Error 30765:
A continuation line must follow for a planar Green's function.
Error 30766:
Metallic groundplane at an arbitrary interface of a planar Green's function only supported in version 93 or later of the *.fek file.
Error 30767:
Invalid ground plane type specified in connection with the planar Green's function. PEC/PMC expected..
Error 30769:
*.cfm file import: Media must be identical for a planar Green's function aperture triangle.
Error 30773:
Multiple .END lines in the *.cir file not supported.
Error 30774:
The definition of a sub-circuit expects at least one external node. General form: .SUBCKT subnam N1 <N2 N3 ...>.
Error 30776:
The number of external nodes defined in the line .SUBCKT <text> does not equal the number of ports/pins plus the number of probes specified for this network (expecting <number> nodes)", myname_index_to_string("sc.
Error 30777:
Too many external nodes defined in the line .SUBCKT <text> (expecting <number> nodes)", myname_index_to_string("sc.
Error 30778:
Multiple sub-circuits with the name <text> not supported", myname_index_to_string("sc.
Error 30779:
The circuit model should be defined within a sub-circuit with name <text> General form: .SUBCKT subnam N1 <N2 N3 ...>", myname_index_to_string("sc.
Errors 30780, 30781:
The 0 (ground) node is always global and should not be defined as one of the external nodes to a sub-circuit.
Error 30782:
Wrong syntax of a general network: Filename is missing (*.cir).
Error 30783:
Defining a non-radiating network by SPICE *.cir file is only supported in version 97 or later of the *.fek file.
Errors 23411, 23412, 30103, 30770, 30784, 30785, 30786:
Not enough memory available for a list (SK).
Error 30788:
Wrong syntax of a media definition: Filename is missing.
Error 30790:
Wrong number of continuation lines when specifying a medium.
Error 30791:
No material found while parsing XML file.
Error 30792:
Internal PREFEKO error (dlname list <number> <number>).
Errors 30793, 30794, 30798:
The label defining a layered medium should not be empty.
Errors 30795, 30799:
The label defining the material in the principle direction should not be empty.
Errors 30796, 30800:
The label defining the material in the orthogonal direction should not be empty.
Error 30797:
Wrong number of continuation lines when specifying a layered medium.
Error 30801:
The label of a wire coating material should not be empty.
Error 30802:
The label describing a layered dielectric surface coating should not be empty.
Error 30803:
The label describing finite conductivity or characterised surface in a material should not be empty.
Error 30804:
The label of a layered thin dielectric sheet should not be empty.
Error 30805:
Internal Error.
Errors 30806, 30808:
The label defining a substrate medium should not be empty.
Error 30807:
A continuation line must follow for a layered dielectric sphere.
Error 30809:
The label defining the medium of a reflection coefficient ground plane should not be empty.
Error 30811:
Frequency dependent material modeling requires FEKO file format 105 or later.
Error 30812:
Defining a layered dielectric is only supported in FEKO file format 105 or later.
Error 30813:
Syntax adding finite conductivity to structures by directly using a layered dielectric or material label requires FEKO file format 105 or later.
Error 30814:
Syntax adding coating to elements by directly using a layered dielectric or material label requires FEKO file format 105 or later.
Error 30815:
Syntax adding a reflective ground by directly using a material label requires FEKO file format 105 or later.
Error 30816:
Syntax defining a Green's function medium by directly using a material label requires FEKO file format 105 or later.
Error 30817:
Syntax defining the layers of a windscreen by directly using a layered dielectric label requires FEKO file format 105 or later.
Errors 30819, 30820:
An error occurred while parsing material(s) from a XML file.
Error 30821:
An error occurred while parsing a material attribute value from a XML file.
Error 30825:
An error occurred while parsing a cable shielding attribute value from a XML file (invalid value).
Errors 30827, 30828:
An error occurred while parsing cable shielding(s) from a XML file.
Errors 30789, 30830:
Error returned from SAX parser while parsing XML file.
Error 30831:
No cable shielding found while parsing XML file.
Errors 23324, 23333, 30833:
The metallic material label of a cable shield should not be empty.
Errors 30836, 30864:
The name of a cable cross-section definition should not be empty.
Error 30837:
The core material of a single conductor cable must be specified.
Errors 30839, 30841:
The label describing a coaxial cable shield should not be empty.
Error 30840:
The core material of a coaxial cable must be specified.
Error 30842:
The core material of a ribbon cable must be specified.
Error 30845:
The medium in which a shielded bundle is embedded should not be empty.
Error 30846:
The radius of a shielded bundle should be larger than zero.
Error 30846:
The radius of an unshielded bundle embedded in a dielectric should be larger than zero.
Error 30847:
Wrong number of continuation lines when specifying a cable definition.
Error 30848:
The insulation material around a coaxial cable core must be specified.
Error 30849:
The name of a sub-cable definition should not be empty.
Error 30851:
Largest cable cross-section definition name index <number> exceeds the largest possible value <number>.
Error 30852:
Largest cable section name index <number> exceeds the largest possible value <number>.
Error 30853:
Internal PREFEKO error (csname list <number> <number>).
Error 30854:
The variable #<text> is used in a cable shield name but has never been defined..
Error 30855:
The variable #<text> is used in a cable cross section name but has never been defined..
Error 30856:
The variable #<text> is used in a cable path section name but has never been defined..
Error 30862:
The non-conducting fibre/sheath type requires FEK file format 120 or later.
Error 30863:
The name of a cable path section definition should not be empty.
Error 30867:
Wrong number of continuation lines when specifying a cable section.
Error 30870:
Unknown data format when specifying a cable path section.
Errors 30871, 30872:
The name of a cable connector should not be empty.
Errors 23062, 30873:
Largest cable connector name index <number> exceeds the largest possible value <number>.
Error 30874:
The variable #<text> is used in a cable connector name but has never been defined..
Error 30878:
Internal PREFEKO error (ccname list <number> <number>).
Errors 30879, 30880:
Wrong syntax for a cable load definition: Connector name is missing.
Error 30892:
The cable shield label should not be empty.
Error 30893:
Internal PREFEKO error (shname list <number> <number>).
Error 30894:
Internal PREFEKO error (cdname list <number> <number>).
Error 30895:
Not enough memory available for processing the AW card.
Error 30896:
EN card missing at the end of the *.pre file (after AW card).
Error 30897:
Not enough memory available for a list (AW).
Error 30898:
Wrong syntax of the AW card: Filename is missing.
Error 30899:
For the waveguide port excitation specification (AW card) a continuation line must follow.
Error 30900:
For multiple frequencies the AW card must be defined as new and not as additional.
Errors 30908, 30909:
An error occurred while parsing a numeric attribute value from FIM file.
Error 30910:
Duplicate port name (number) found in FIM file.
Error 30911:
Unknown port type in FIM file.
Errors 30912, 30913, 30914:
Port parameters not matching port type in FIM file.
Error 30916:
Too many modes for a port in FIM file.
Error 30917:
Unknown mode type in FIM file.
Error 30918:
Not enough modes for a port in FIM file.
Error 30919:
Unknown root element in FIM file.
Error 30920:
Unsupported FIM file version.
Error 30921:
Too many ports in FIM file.
Error 30922:
Too many modes for a frequency in FIM file.
Error 30923:
Not enough modes for a frequency in FIM file.
Error 30924:
An error occurred while parsing a FIM file.
Error 30925:
Internal error while creating schema for FIM import.
Error 30926:
Error while opening file for FIM import.
Error 30927:
Internal error while attaching schema validator for FIM import.
Error 30930:
Not enough frequencies in FIM file.
Error 30931:
Too many frequencies in FIM file.
Error 30932:
Line in input file is too long (max. <number> characters allowed).
Errors 23105, 23328, 23397, 23415, 30934, 30935:
This feature is currently not supported in this library version.
Error 30937:
A cable path section should consist of at least two node points.
Error 30939:
Largest domain decomposition name index <number> exceeds the largest possible value <number>.
Error 30940:
Internal PREFEKO error (ddname list <number> <number>).
Error 30944:
The variable #<text> is used in a domain decomposition name but has never been defined..
Error 30945:
Wrong syntax for a domain decomposition: Domain name is missing.
Error 30946:
Wrong number of continuation lines for domain decomposition.
Error 30947:
Wrong syntax for a domain decomposition: label expected.
Errors 30948, 30949:
CableMod/CRIPTE excitation should not be used simultaneously with a radiating cable excitation.
Error 30950:
Specifying the rotation of the impressed spherical mode in terms of Kardan angles require FEK file format 113 or later.
Errors 30951, 30952:
Wrong number of continuation lines for impressed spherical mode with a rotation specified in terms of Kardan angles.
Errors 30953, 30954:
Unable to find corresponding node point.
Error 30955:
Only NBLOCKs with 3 integer variables supported, e.g. (3i8,6e16.9).
Error 30956:
Label <number> for a cylinder for the UTD must be in the range 0...<number>.
Error 30957:
Wrong syntax defining an impressed spherical mode: value in field R8 not supported.
Error 30958:
Wrong number of continuation lines for the OS card.
Error 30959:
Wrong number of continuation lines for the EE card.
Error 30960:
Wrong number of continuation lines for plane wave excitation.
Error 30961:
Wrong syntax of the A0 card: value in field I5 not supported.
Error 30962:
ADAPTFEKO quantity selection can be specified in *.fek file format 118 or higher.
Error 30963:
ADAPTFEKO quantity selection may not have a negative value.
Error 30964:
Cable segments in the NASTRAN file <text> with property ID <text> do not form a single continuous path section.
Error 30965:
Incorrect number of cable nodes exported.
Error 30966:
Unknown/unsupported data found while parsing the file <text>, line <number> <text>.
Errors 23177, 23180, 23221, 30967:
Internal error: A file is already open.
Error 30969:
Internal error: Unknown/incorrect file format (<number>) requested for file <text> - ABORTING FILE OPERATION.
Error 30970:
File I/O error <number> while parsing the file <text>.
Error 30971:
Error while processing the file <text> - EMPTY FILE.
Error 30972:
Error while processing the file <text> - ABORTING FILE OPERATION.
Error 30973:
Incorrect file format found while processing the file <text> - ABORTING FILE OPERATION.
Error 30974:
Incorrect start line number (<number>) given for the file <text> (no data found) - ABORTING FILE OPERATION.
Error 30975:
Internal error: Unknown/incorrect file type (<number>) requested for file <text> - ABORTING FILE OPERATION.
Error 30976:
Incorrect coordinate system (<number>) given for the file <text> - ABORTING FILE OPERATION.
Error 30977:
Internal error: DAIMPFILES array size too small - ABORTING FILE OPERATION.
Error 30978:
Undefined ribbon cable type.
Error 30979:
The twisted pair cable cross-section requires FEK file format 120 or later.
Error 30980:
The core material of a twisted pair must be specified.
Error 30982:
Undefined twisted pair type.
Error 30983:
Undefined non-conducting type.
Error 30984:
The material of a non-conducting fibre/sheath must be specified.
Error 30985:
Twisting of a bundle only permitted when bounded.
Error 30986:
Twisting of a bundle requires FEK file format 120 or later.
Error 30987:
Invalid usage of a SPICE probe definition.
Error 30988:
Monitoring a voltage/current within a general network is only permitted when the network data is loaded from a SPICE *.cir file.
Error 30989:
Monitoring a voltage/current within a general SPICE network requires FEK file format 122 or later.
Error 30992:
The variable #<text> is used in a cable interconnect/termination name but has never been defined..
Error 30995:
Largest cable interconnection network name index <number> exceeds the largest possible value <number>.
Error 30996:
Largest SPICE sub-circuit name index <number> exceeds the largest possible value <number>.
Error 30997:
Internal PREFEKO error (ciname list <number> <number>).
Error 30998:
The variable #<text> is used in a SPICE sub-circuit name but has never been defined..
Error 32379:
Error switching context to the file <text>.
Error 35443:
Invalid number of nodes for curvilinear triangle type element.
Error 40626:
More than two polarisations encountered.
Error 40627:
The specified polarisations are not orthogonal to each other.
Error 53455:
Using a labeled geometry connection in a cable harness circuit requires FEK file format 174 or later.
Error 53456:
Number of cable interconnect/termination pin connections (labeled geometry connection) expected to be at least one.
Error 53457:
Number of labels defining the geometry in a cable interconnect/termination connection expected to be at least one.

PREFEKO Warnings

Warning 23196:
Cannot delete secondary XSD file for CST NFS import.
Warning 23206:
Non-base unit found at CST NFS import: Scaling of amplitude might be required.
Warning 23230:
Empty lines between data lines of a data block detected.
Warning 23231:
Origin of import radiation pattern is not at global origin. Additional translation might be required (if not already taken into account)..
Warning 23232:
Orientation of import radiation pattern is not aligned to global. Additional rotation(s) might be required (if not already taken into account)..
Warning 23348:
Co-ordinate system NOT specified/found for a node when processing the NASTRAN include file. Assuming default: Cartesian co-ordinate system at global origin (i.e. using co-ordinates of node unchanged from input file).
Warning 30004:
Your FEKO licence does not support ASCII *"FEK_EXT_L" files.
Warning 30084:
The variable #adaptfreq is set automatically by ADAPTFEKO and should not be set manually in the *.pre file.
Warning 30085:
Rounding of a floating point number to an integer occurred.
Warning 30106:
Unknown FEKO card '<text>' is used (MD5_checksum).
Warning 30109:
The variable <text> is set in the *.pre file. This should not be done because PREFEKO can determine the value automatically..
Warning 30127:
From FEKO version 4.2 onwards the usage of the CL card for the definition of a circular PO fringe current correction term is no longer supported, this CL card will be ignored.
Warning 30130:
Extreme axial ratio for an elliptical arc leads to an inhomogeneous segmentation.
Warning 30131:
Extreme axial ratio for an elliptical cylinder leads to an inhomogeneous segmentation.
Warnings 30134:
Extreme axial ratio for an elliptical plate leads to an inhomogeneous segmentation.
Warning 30138:
Extreme axial ratio for an elliptical cone leads to an inhomogeneous segmentation.
Warning 30140:
KK card: A cone has been specified to be truncated, but the top radius is zero (assuming an ordinary cone with tip).
Warning 30151:
The three vectors between the points <text>-<text>, <text>-<text> and <text>-<text> form a left-handed coordinate system. The angle PHI is defined in a right-handed system..
Warning 30153:
Due to the high ellipticity of the ellipsoid possibly problems with the segmentation (check with POSTFEKO recommended).
Warning 30155:
Extreme axial ratio for an elliptical torus leads to an inhomogeneous segmentation.
Warning 30215:
FEMAP point ID=<number> cannot be exported directly since index too large. Coordinates are available in a variable. No further output of this warning for other points..
Warning 30216:
FEMAP Neutral file warning: Skipping surface ID=<number> containing curve <number> which does not exist in the curves block of the neutral file.
Warning 30218:
FEMAP Neutral file warning: FEMAP curve ID=<number> in surface ID=<number> contains point ID=<number> which does not exist in the points block.
Warning 30221:
Surface ID=<number> contains a curve ID=<number> which is not of type line.
Warning 30223:
FEMAP Neutral file warning: Skipping surface ID=<number> since there are no corner points available .
Warning 30225:
<number> surfaces skipped since not a boundary surface.
Warning 30227:
Near field aperture: The data points do not lie on a regular grid. Check the start index and number of points..
Warning 30231:
The radius specified for a near field aperture is different from the radius in the data file..
Warning 30273:
No segments found in *.rsd file.
Warning 30279:
In the imported *.rsd file there is no data for frequency/current.
Warning 30280:
In the imported *.rsd file there are no transmission line segment data.
Warnings 30303, 30304:
The text for a PRINT statement is too long.
Warning 30314:
Contradictory specifications for the ABAQUS import, all nodes are imported.
Warning 30314:
Contradictory specifications for the NASTRAN import, all nodes are imported.
Warning 30315:
ABAQUS point ID=<number> cannot be exported directly since index too large. Coordinates are available in a variable. No further output of this warning for other points..
Warning 30315:
NASTRAN point ID=<number> cannot be exported directly since index too large. Coordinates are available in a variable. No further output of this warning for other points..
Warning 30335:
No elements were imported from the AutoCAD DXF file. Please check label and type selections as well as file format (see FEKO manual).
Warning 30338:
DXF point <number> cannot be exported directly since index too large. Coordinates are available in a variable. No further output of this warning for other points..
Warning 30356:
The card <character><character> is not supported for NEC import.
Warning 30360:
For the NEC Import tags are used which are outside the allowed range 0 .. <number>. Such tags will be imported as label 0..
Warning 30400:
PATRAN file does not have an end-of-file packet at the end.
Warning 30403:
PATRAN file contains unsupported element shapes.
Warning 30407:
Contradictory specifications for the PATRAN import, all nodes are imported.
Warning 30408:
PATRAN point ID=<number> cannot be exported directly since index too large. Coordinates are available in a variable. No further output of this warning for other points..
Warning 30434:
Contradictory specifications for the ANSYS CDB import, all nodes are imported.
Warning 30435:
ANSYS CDB point ID=<number> cannot be exported directly since index too large. Coordinates are available in a variable. No further output of this warning for other points..
Warning 30447:
Maximum edge length of IP card is used for curved elements (since shorter than locally specified value).
Warning 30451:
From FEKO Suite 4.2 onwards the use of the parameter #maxallocm is discouraged, for more details see the manuals.
Warning 30452:
From FEKO Suite 4.2 onwards the use of the parameter #maxalloc is discouraged, for more details see the manuals.
Warning 30454:
The following nodes were defined but never used:.
Warning 30455:
The following nodes were defined more than once:.
Warning 30471:
The character sequence ** starts a comment, for powers use the ^ character.
Warning 30475:
Internal mesh point is identical to an external boundary point.
Warnings 23141, 30480, 30481, 30482, 30483, 30484, 30485, 30486, 30554, 30768:
Internal inconsistency in PREFEKO detected, please send the *.pre file to ALTAIR.
Warning 30545:
The option --ignore-errors cannot be used with FEKO Student Edition.
Warning 30555:
*.cfm file import: Cannot identify type of a cuboid (dielectric/magnetic) since old *.cfm format 1 is used.
Warning 30653:
Contradictory specifications for the GID import, all nodes are imported.
Warning 30654:
GID point ID=<number> cannot be exported directly since index too large. Coordinates are available in a variable. No further output of this warning for other points..
Warning 30763:
Label selective import for a *.cfm model containing symmetry: Label selection only applies to original geometry, not the parts created by the symmetry operation..
Warning 30810:
No frequency-dependent material parameters found in XML file (using static/default values instead).
Warning 30818:
There were warnings while parsing material(s) from a XML file.
Warning 30826:
There were warnings while parsing cable shielding(s) from a XML file.
Warning 30832:
No frequency-dependent cable shielding parameters found in XML file (using static/default values instead).