Applying a Windscreen Layer to a Face
Apply a windscreen layer to a face bordering free space or dielectric region.
- Define a windscreen layer.
- Select the face where you want to apply a windscreen layer.
- From the right-click context menu, select Properties.
On the Face properties dialog, click the
Solution tab.
Figure 1. The Face properties dialog (Solution tab). - Under Solve with special solution method drop-down list, select Windscreen.
- In the Windscreen name drop-down list, select the windscreen layer that you want to apply to the face.
In the Element type
drop-down list, select one of the following:
- To define the curvature reference for the windscreen, select Reference element.
- To define the metallic antenna elements for the windscreen, select Windscreen solution element.
- Click the OK to apply the windscreen layer to the face and to close the dialog.