Graphics Object Properties
Properties for the graphics object in OML.
Root Properties
- Property Name
- Description/Values
- children
- A vector of figure handles, which are children of the root.
- currentfigure
- The handle of the current figure.
- handle
- The handle of the root, which is 0.
- parent
- The parent handle; null for the root object.
- type
- The type of the root object.
- units
- Units of measurement.
Figure Properties
- Property Name
- Description/Values
- bottomlabel
- Handle of the label that is placed on the bottom area of the figure.
- children
- A vector of axes handles, which are the children of the figure.
- currentaxes
- Handle of the current axes of the figure.
- handle
- Handle of the figure object.
- leftlabel
- Handle of the label that is placed on the left area of the figure.
- parent
- Parent handle, which is always 0 (root).
- position
- Location and size of the figure.
- rightlabel
- Handle of the label that is placed on the right area of the figure.
- toplabel
- Handle of the label that is placed on the top area of the figure.
- type
- Type of figure object.
- units
- Units of measurement.
- uicontextmenu
- Handle of the uicontextmenu object associated with this figure, if it exists.
- visible
- Visibility of the figure.
Axes Properties
- Property Name
- Description/Values
- bargap (2D bar plot only)
- Gap between bars.
- barlabels (2D bar chart plot only)
- Show the value over each bar.
- barlabelsfontangle (2D bar chart plot only)
- Font angle for the bar labels.
- barlabelsfontname (2D bar chart plot only)
- Font name for the bar labels.
- barlabelsfontsize (2D bar chart plot only)
- Font size for the bar labels.
- barlabelsfontweight (2D bar chart plot only)
- Font weight for the bar labels.
- barorientation (2D bar chart plot only)
- Orientation of the bars.
- children
- A vector of handles, which are the children of the axes.
- color
- Background color of the axes.
- colorbarscale
- Scale of the colorbar values.
- colorlevels
- The colorbar values.
- contourtype
- Type of contour.
- fontangle
- Font angle of the axes.
- fontname
- Axes font name.
- fontsize
- Font size of the axes.
- fontweight
- Font weight of the axes.
- handle
- Handle of the axes object.
- mouseclickcallback
- Callback function triggered by a mouse click on a 2D plot.
- parent
- Handle of the parent figure.
- plottiptotail (polar plot only)
- Enable creation of a tip-to-tail curve.
- polarmethod (polar plot only)
- The polar method of the plot.
- position
- Location and size of the axes in the figure.
- title
- Handle of the title, which is a text object.
- type
- Type of axes object.
- units
- Units of measurement.
- visible
- Visibility of the axes.
- xcategories (bar chart plots only)
- Labels for the x category axis of a bar plot.
- xcolor
- Color of the x axis.
- xgrid
- Status of the x axis grid lines.
- xlabel
- Handle of the label of the x axis, which is a text object.
- xminorgrid
- Status of the x axis minor grid lines.
- xnumericformat
- Displays the format of the x axis values.
- xnumericprecision
- Number of digits following the decimal point of the x axis values.
- xscale
- Scale of the x axis.
- xtick
- Number of tics on the x axis.
- xtickmethod
- The method for calculating the number of tics for the x axis.
- ycategories (3D bar chart plots only)
- Labels for the y category axis of a 3D bar chart plot.
- ycolor
- Color of the y axis.
- ygrid
- Status of the y axis grid lines.
- ylabel
- Handle of the label of y axis, which is a text object.
- yminorgrid
- Status of the y axis minor grid lines.
- ynumericformat
- Display format of the y axis values.
- ynumericprecision
- Number of digits following the decimal point of the y axis values.
- yscale
- Scale of the y axis.
- ytick
- Number of tics on the y axis.
- ytickmethod
- The method for calculating the number of tics for the y axis.
- zcolor
- Color of the z axis.
- zgrid
- Status of the z axis grid lines.
- zlabel
- Handle of the label of z axis, which is a text object.
- zminorgrid
- Status of the z axis minor grid lines.
- znumericformat
- Display format of the z axis values.
- znumericprecision
- Number of digits following the decimal point of the z axis values.
- zscale
- Scale of the z axis.
- ztick
- Number of tics on the z axis.
- ztickmethod
- The method for calculating the number of tics for the z axis.
Y-axis Properties
- Property Name
- Description/Values
- children
- A vector of handles, which are the children of the axis.
- fontangle
- Font angle of the axis.
- fontname
- Font name of the axis.
- fontsize
- Font size of the axis.
- fontweight
- Font weight of the axis.
- handle
- Axis object handle.
- parent
- Parent axis object handle.
- tag
- A tag attached to the axis.
- type
- Type of the axis object.
- units
- Units of measurement.
- visible
- Visibility of the axis.
- ycolor
- Axis color.
- ylabel
- Handle of the axis label, which is a text object.
- yscale
- Axis scale.
- ytick
- Number of ticks on the axis.
Line Properties
- Property Name
- Description/Values
- children
- Children of the line object, currently an empty matrix.
- color
- Line color.
- dataxoffset
- Shifts the data along the x axis.
- datayoffset
- Shifts the data along the y axis.
- datazoffset
- Shifts the data along the z axis.
- dataxscale
- Scales the data in the x axis.
- datayscale
- Scales the data in the y axis.
- datazscale
- Scales the data in the z axis.
- handle
- Handle of the line object.
- linestyle
- The line style.
- linewidth
- Width of the line.
- marker
- Line marker.
- markerevery
- Frequency of line markers.
- markerfacecolor
- Color of the line marker.
- markersize
- Size of the marker.
- parent
- Handle of the parent axes.
- tiptotail (polar plot only)
- Enables participation of the line in the tip-to-tail curve.
- type
- The type of line object.
- units
- Units of measurement.
- visible
- Visibility of the line.
Surface Properties
- Property Name
- Description/Values
- children
- Children of the surface object, currently an empty matrix.
- color
- Surface color.
- handle
- Handle of the surface object.
- meshlines
- Visibility of the surface mesh lines.
- parent
- Handle of the parent axes.
- type
- Surface object type.
- units
- Units of measurement.
- visible
- Visibility of the surface.
Text Properties
- Property Name
- Description/Values
- borderwidth
- The width of the text's border line.
- children
- Children of the text object, currently an empty matrix.
- color
- The text color.
- fontangle
- The font angle of the text.
- fontname
- The text's font name.
- fontsize
- The text's font size.
- fontweight
- The font weight of the text.
- handle
- The handle of the text object.
- horizontalalignment
- The horizontal alignment of the text box relative to the given x,y coordinate. Supported in 2D plots only.
- offset
- The distance between the given x,y coordinate and the text box. Supported in 2D plots only.
- parent
- The handle of the parent object.
- string
- The content of the text object.
- type
- The text object type.
- units
- The units of measurement.
- verticalalignment
- The vertical alignment of the text box relative to the given x,y coordinate. Supported in 2D plots only.
- visible
- Visibility of the text object.
uicontextmenu Properties
- Property Name
- Description/Values
- callback
- Callback function of the uicontextmenu object.
- children
- Children of the uicontextmenu object, which are the added uicontextmenuitem objects.
- enable
- Indicates if uicontextmenu object is enabled, default value being 'on'
- handle
- Handle of the uicontextmenu object.
- parent
- Handle of the parent object.
- position
- Index the uicontextmenu in the parent.
- separator
- Indicates if there needs to be a separator added before the uicontextmenuitem object, if applicable.
- tag
- User-defined string to tag graphical control objects.
- type
- The type of the uicontextmenu object.
- userdata
- User-defined matrix data
- visible
- Specifies if uicontextmenu object is visible
uicontextmenuitem Properties
- Property Name
- Description/Values
- callback
- Callback function of the uicontextmenuitem object.
- children
- Children of the uicontextmenuitem object.
- enable
- Indicates if uicontextmenuitem is enabled.
- handle
- Handle of the uicontextmenuitem object.
- parent
- Handle of the uicontextmenu/uicontextmenuitem parent object.
- position
- Index of the uicontextmenuitem object in the parent.
- separator
- Indicates if there needs to be a separator added before the uicontextmenuitem object, if applicable.
- tag
- User-defined string to tag graphical objects.
- type
- The type of the object.
- userdata
- User-defined matrix data
- visible
- Specifies if uitabgroup is visible
uicontrol Properties
- Property Name
- Description/Values
- backgroundcolor
- Background color of the object.
- callback
- Callback function of the user interface control (uicontrol) object.
- children
- The children of the uicontrol object, currently an empty matrix.
- fontangle
- The font angle of the uicontrol.
- fontname
- The font name of the uicontrol.
- fontsize
- The font size of the uicontrol.
- fontweight
- The font weight of the uicontrol.
- handle
- The handle of the uicontrol object.
- max
- The maximum value for the uicontrol.
- min
- The minimal value of the uicontrol.
- parent
- The handle of the parent object.
- position
- Location and size of the uicontrol in the figure.
- string
- Label displayed on the uicontrol object.
- tag
- User-defined string to the uicontrol object.
- tooltipstring
- Tooltip string displayed when mouse moves over the uicontrol object.
- type
- The uicontrol object type, which is read-only .
- uicontextmenu
- Handle of the uicontextmenu object associated with this object, if it is applicable for this style and if it exists.
- units
- Units of measurement.
- value
- Current value of the uicontrol.
uimenu Properties
- Property Name
- Description/Values
- children
- Children of the uimenu object, which are the added uimenuitem objects.
- enable
- Indicates if uimenu object is enabled, default value being 'on'
- handle
- Handle of the uimenu object.
- label
- Label of the uimenu object.
- parent
- Handle of the parent object.
- position
- Index the uimenu in the parent menubar.
- tag
- User-defined string to tag graphical control objects.
- type
- The type of the uimenu object.
- userdata
- User-defined matrix data
uimenuitem Properties
- Property Name
- Description/Values
- callback
- Callback function of the uimenuitem object.
- children
- Children of the uimenuitem object.
- enable
- Indicates if uicmenuitem is enabled.
- handle
- Handle of the uimenuitem object.
- label
- Label of the uimenuitem object.
- parent
- Handle of the uimenu/uimenuitem parent object.
- position
- Index of the uimenuitem object in the parent.
- separator
- Indicates if there needs to be a separator added before the uimenuitem object, if applicable.
- tag
- User-defined string to tag graphical objects.
- type
- The type of the object.
- userdata
- User-defined matrix data
- visible
- Specifies if uimenuitem is visible
uipanel Properties
- Property Name
- Description/Values
- aspectratio
- Specifies if the aspect ratio of a background image is ignored ('off') or kept ('on').
- backgroundcolor
- Background color of the object.
- backgroundimage
- Path to a valid image file which is shown in the background of the uipanel object.
- children
- The children of the uipanel object; defaults to an empty matrix.
- fontangle
- Specifies the angle of the displayed font.
- fontname
- Specifies name of the displayed font.
- fontsize
- Specifies the size of the displayed font.
- fontweight
- Specifies the weight of the displayed font.
- handle
- The handle of the uipanel object.
- parent
- The handle of the parent object.
- position
- Location and size of the object in the figure.
- string
- Label displayed on the uicontrol object.
- tag
- User-defined string to the uipanel object.
- type
- The object type.
- units
- Specifies units of measurement.
- userdata
- User-defined numerical data.
- visible
- Specifies if the object is visible or not.
uitab Properties
- Property Name
- Description/Values
- children
- Children of the uitab object.
- enable
- Indicates if uitab is enabled.
- fontangle
- Font angle; applies to all uitabs in this group.
- fontname
- Font name; applies to all uitabs in this group.
- fontsize
- Font size; applies to all uitabs in this group.
- fontweight
- Font weight; applies to all uitabs in this group.
- handle
- Handle of the uitab object.
- parent
- Handle of the uitabgroup parent object.
- position
- Location and size of the uitab object.
- tag
- User-defined string to tag graphical control objects.
- tooltipstring
- Tooltip string displayed when the mouse moves over the uitab object.
- title
- Title of the uitab object.
- type
- The type of the uitabgroup object.
- uicontextmenu
- Handle of the uicontextmenu object associated with this tab, if it exists.
- units
- Units of measurement.
- userdata
- User-defined matrix data.
- visible
- Specifies if uitabgroup is visible.
uitabgroup Properties
- Property Name
- Description/Values
- children
- Children of the uitabgroup object, which are the added uitabs.
- enable
- Indicates if uitabgroup is enabled; default value is 'on'.
- fontangle
- Font angle of the uitabgroup; applies to all uitabs in this group.
- fontname
- Font name of the uitabgroup; applies to all uitabs in this group.
- fontsize
- Font size of the uitabgroup; applies to all uitabs in this group.
- fontweight
- Font weight of the uitabgroup; applies to all uitabs in this group.
- handle
- Handle of the uitabgroup object.
- parent
- Handle of the parent object.
- position
- Location and size of the uitabgroup in the parent.
- tag
- User-defined string to tag graphical control objects.
- tooltipstring
- Tooltip string displayed when the mouse moves over the uitabgroup object.
- type
- The type of the uitabgroup object.
- units
- Units of measurement.
- userdata
- User-defined matrix data.
- visible
- Specifies if uitabgroup is visible.
uitable Properties
- Property Name
- Description/Values
- backgroundcolor
- Background color of the object.
- celleditcallback
- Callback function when the value of a cell is changed in uitable.
- children
- The children of the uipanel object; defaults to an empty matrix.
- columneditable
- true or false, indicating which column(s) are editable.
- columnformat
- A cell with values of 'char', 'numeric' or [] indicating the format for the specific column for aligning the text.
- columnname
- Column names.
- columnwidth
- Width of the table column(s) or 'auto', which is the default.
- data
- Table contents.
- enable
- Indicates if the table is enabled; default value is 'on'.
- fontangle
- Specifies the angle of the displayed font.
- fontname
- Specifies the name of the displayed font.
- fontsize
- Specifies the size of the displayed font.
- fontweight
- Specifies the weight of the displayed font.
- handle
- The handle of the uitable object.
- parent
- The handle of the parent object.
- position
- Location and size of the object in the figure.
- rowheight
- Height of the table row(s) or 'auto', which is the default.
- rowname
- Row label(s).
- tag
- User-defined string to the uipanel object.
- tooltipstring
- Tooltip string displayed when the mouse moves over the uitable object.
- type
- The object type.
- units
- Specifies units of measurement.
- userdata
- User-defined numerical data.
- visible
- Specifies if the object is visible or not.
Hggroup Properties
- Property Name
- Description/Values
- areagroup (area plot only)
- A vector of handles, which point to area groups.
- basevalue (area plot only)
- Base value of the shading.
- bargroup (bar chart plot only)
- A vector of handles, which point to bar groups.
- barlayout (bar chart plot only)
- The bar layout style.
- barstyle (bar chart plot only)
- The bar style.
- barwidth (bar chart plot only)
- The width of the bars.
- dataxoffset
- Shifts the data along the x axis.
- datayoffset
- Shifts the data along the y axis.
- datazoffset
- Shifts the data along the z axis.
- dataxscale
- Scales the data in the x axis.
- datayscale
- Scales the data in the y axis.
- datazscale
- Scales the data in the z axis.
- imgrid (imagesc plot only)
- Visibility of the image grid.
- marker (scatter plot only)
- marker style
- markerfacecolor (scatter plot only)
- The marker color.
- children
- The children of the hggroup object.
- facecolor
- The object color.
- handle
- The handle of the hggroup object.
- parent
- The handle of the parent axes.
- type
- The type of the hggroup object.
- units
- The units of measurement, currently not used.
- visible
- Visibility of the hggroup object.
Image Properties
- Property Name
- Description/Values
- children
- The children of the image object, currently an empty matrix.
- filepath
- The filepath.
- handle
- The handle of the image object.
- parent
- The handle of the parent object.
- position
- The location and size of the image in the figure. The location is specified by the upper-left point, and the size is specified by the width and height.
- type
- The image object type.
- units
- Units of measurement (not yet used).
Shape Properties
- Property Name
- Description/Values
- children
- Children of the shape object; an empty matrix for now.
- curvature
- Curvature for the horizontal and vertical edge.
- edgecolor
- Color of the shape's border.
- facecolor
- Color to fill the shape.
- handle
- Handle of the shape object.
- linestyle
- Edge style.
- linewidth
- Edge width.
- parent
- handle of the parent object, which is a handle of the figure.
- position
- Location and size of the shape in the figure. Location is specified by the upper-left point, size is specified by the width and height.
- tag
- A tag attached to the shape.
- type
- Shape object type.
- units
- Units of measurement, (currently not used).
- visible
- Shape visibility.