Loading [Contrib]/a11y/accessibility-menu.js


Sets or displays the current search path for the application.


path ()

path (d,...)

path ('d1; d2; d3; ...')


If there are no inputs, the current path is displayed. Otherwise, the directories specified are used to set the current path. Directories specified in the path command must exist.
Type: string
'd1; d2; d3; ...'
Multiple directories can be specified in the same string by using a semicolon(;) as the delimiter.
Type: string


Display the current search path:

Current search path:
[Installation Path]/hwx/scripts/oml
Set the current search path with multiple directories:
path('C:/Users/Default/TestScripts','C:/Program Files/Toolboxes')
Current search path:
C:/Program Files/Toolboxes
Set the current search path with multiple directories with a single string input:
path('C:/Users/Default/TestScripts;C:/Program Files/Toolboxes')
Current search path:
C:/Program Files/Toolboxes


If no arguments passed, the current path is displayed. If optional arguments, d, ..., are passed, the current path is set to include only the directories specified. Multiple directories can be specified in the same input string using the syntax d1; d2; d3; ..., where a semicolon is used as the delimiter for directories. A warning is returned if one or more of the given directories d, ... do not exist.