Create Remote Mass

Connect faces/spots of a single part to a remote mass represented as mass and moments of inertia.

Remote mass properties are defined with respect to a reference coordinate system. X,Y axis of the reference coordinate system are defined using unit vectors.

Virtual connectors create perfectly rigid boundaries, stresses along the boundary faces can have local concentrations.

  1. In the Project Tree, click on the Connections branch.
  2. On the Connections workbench, select > Remote mass.
  3. In the Virtual connector dialog, use the radio buttons to apply to Faces or Spots .
  4. In the modeling window, select parts on the model.
  5. Optional: If applying to Spots, you can create new spots by clicking Create new spot.
  6. Define coordinate axis of the remote mass.
    1. Click the Coordinate system tab.
    2. Specify values for Origin X, Y, and Z.
    3. Use the radio buttons to specify Axis.
    4. Enter values for the X, Y, and Z direction.
  7. Specify intertia.
    1. Click the Inertia tab.
    2. Specify a value for Mass in the textbox.
    3. Under inertia moments, specify values for X, Y, and Z.
  8. Click OK.
    The virtual connector will appear in the Connections branch. If selected, you will see vectors representing the connection in the modeling window.