Send kubectl

Note: Useful documentation for the kubectl CLI, including a kubectl cheat sheet can be found on the kubernetes website.
The “Send kubectl” form has three fields:
Any alphanumeric text string specified by the user in order to match the resulting Event message to the originating Action.
Must be “kubectl”.
Takes an array of strings based on the command line arguments for a kubectl command. This array can be entered using JSON notation.
Note: It is important that each argument is put in a new array entry. If there is a space in the complete command, then that means a new argument.

Useful kubectl commands translated into “Command” and “Arguments” parts:

Description Command Arguments
Get Nodes kubectl
Get Nodes (wide) kubectl
Top Node {node-name} kubectl
Get Services kubectl
Get Config Maps kubectl
Get Deployments kubectl
Restart Deployment {{deployment-name}} kubectl
Get Pods kubectl
Top Pod {pod-name} kubectl
Describe Pod {pod-name} kubectl
Apply YAML {configuration.yaml} kubectl
Apply Multiple YAMLs kubectl