

A Role is a group of Policies. Roles can be applied to any subject to create flexible and reusable authorization rules.

A Role can have two fields:
This is the name of the Role. It must have the role:: prefix.
The subject is the user, client or Role (yes, Roles can be inherited!) that will have the Role. A subject with a Role inherits all its permissions. Subjects can have multiple Roles.

As we said, a Role is a group of Policies, so it cannot exist if no Policies have been assigned to a Role. You have to create a Policy with your Role as a subject (even if it does not exist yet) before you can assign that Role to someone.

Root Role

A role root has already been created by default. This role can create, read, update and delete any resource of the account.

Figure 1.


We want to create a role for guest users to allow them to manage Things in a public guests Collection and invoke the guest-function Function. We'll start by adding the Policies to the new Role:
  • Add Policy to grant access to the Collection:
    • Subject: role::guest.
    • Action: #.
    • Effect: allow.
    • Resource: collections/guests/#.
  • Add Policy to grant access to invoke the Function:
    • Subject: role::guest.
    • Action: #.
    • Effect: allow.
    • Resource: functions/guest-function/invoke.
  • Finally we assign the Role to the user imaguest:
    • Role: role::guest
    • Subject: imaguest

Create a New Role

  1. In Access Control > Roles, click New Role.

    The New Role panel appears. The Name field is partially complete.

    Figure 2.
  2. Enter the name of the new role in the Name field and click Save.
  3. Click Add Subjects to select the subjects (user, application or device) to assign to this role.
  4. To add a new subject, click the + button.
  5. Enter the name of the subject to add.
    An ID is generated for the added subject.

    Figure 3.
  6. Some Policies appear by default. You can create more by clicking the Add custom Policy button.

    Figure 4.
    The Add Custom Policy panel appears.

    Figure 5.
  7. Select the configuration desired and click Add policy.
  8. Once the Role has been created, you can edit it. To edit the Policies, select the Role you just created.
  9. Select the configuration desired. In the example below, this Role allows for all options: creating, reading, updating and deleting any resource.

    Figure 6.
  10. Click Save.
    The Role has been successfully created.
    Tip: Use the Revert button to reset any fields if necessary.


Everything you can do in SmartWorks IoT is controlled by Policies. Policies are the individual permissions which you can assign to Roles, Users, Apps, and Things in the AnythingDB. Ultimately, Policies determine the level of access, which is then given out in the form of an Access Token.

Each Policy has 4 fields:
  • Subject (who this Policy applies to)
  • Action (what a Policy can - or cannot - do with a resource)
  • Effect (whether a Policy is permissive or restrictive)
  • Resource (the entities or entity this Policy should rule)


SmartWorks IoT Policies can control Users, Clients, or Roles access to the application. These for the most part can be configured in the Access Control area of SmartWorks IoT.

Users (e.g. alice) are the people who log into SmartWorks IoT, either directly through the SmartWorks Studio interface, or through the API, or even in the applications you create.

Roles (e.g. role::manager) are collections of permissions which can be assigned to Users. These make it easy to assign the same set of permissions to many different people.

Clients (e.g. app::01EZ4WV9NT61HQM1N7N69HP0F4) help you control access to SmartWorks IoT data from external applications. This makes it easy to limit or block access through known keys.


Action indicates what the Policy subject can (or cannot) do over a resource. It can be one or a combination of these:
  • Create: Permission to add new resources.
  • Read: Permission to read or retrieve the resource.
  • Update: Permission to modify the resource.
  • Delete: Permission to delete the resource.

When creating Policies via API, you can set more than one action for the same Policy using a comma-separated list of actions (e.g. read, read,update, read,create,delete), or # as a shortcut for create,read,update,delete.


Effect indicates if the Policy will grant access to a resource or will deny it. Effect can be allow or deny.

Deny Policies always prevail over Allow Policies: If you have both allow and deny Policies over a specific resource, the subject will not be able to access it.

The meaning of Policy actions depend on the effect: a Policy with allow effect and create action over a resource will grant the subject to create that kind of resources. However, the same Policy with a deny effect will prevent the subject to create those resources.
Note: Contradictory and overlapping Policies are possible, so be careful not to end up with a bunch of spaghetti Policies that will lead to unexpected authorization behaviours.


Resource, as the name suggests, indicates an entity or set of entities the Policy will rule over.

A resource is just a string that can describe one or multiple entities using a hierarchical notation. Resources can take wildcards, so they can be really flexible. Most Things in SmartWorks IoT can be controlled as resources.

Resource Notation

To make things easier, review the resource notation example. This is what a resource looks like:
You can read this resource as "All Things in the warehouse Collection". As you can see, every resource part is separated by /. Let's analyze this resource in detail:
  • collection: Resources, same as URLs, are hierarchical. Every Thing is inside a Collection, so the resource starts with the top level.
  • warehouse: This is the name of the Collection that contains the Things for which you are creating the permission.
  • things: The next level in the hierarchy: Things.
  • +: This position should be occupied by a Thing ID, but instead there is a + character. This is a single-level wildcard. It means that this resource accepts any value in this specific position. So, this resource rules over all Things inside the warehouse Collection.
Since this resource has a + wildcard in the Thing ID position, an allow Policy with this resource will grant the subject permission to:
  • List all Things inside the warehouse Collection or retrieve a specific Thing by its ID. This permission will require the read action. Note that listing is possible only because we used a wildcard.
  • Create a new Thing inside the warehouse Collection. This permission will require the create action. Creation will only be available if the resource have full access to what you want to create (Things in this case), so make sure to use a wildcard to allow full permission. Our resource has a + wildcard, so it's fine.
  • Update any existing Thing inside the warehouse Collection. This will need the update action.
  • Delete any existing Thing inside the warehouse Collection. This will need the delete action.
    Note: this resource example grants access to Things primary information, but not to their Properties, Actions or Events. This is because we used the single-level wildcard (+). Properties, Actions and Events are beyond the scope of this resource.
Let's summarize a few important things about resources:
  • Resources are hierarchical, so make sure you understand this hierarchy (or take a look at the resource table).
  • Authorization Resources should be similar to URLs used to access that resource. This is not always the case, but it's a good rule of thumb.
  • Use wildcards to allow (or deny) listing and creation of entities.

Resource Wildcards

When creating a Policy over a resource, it can specify an exact resource, or it can use wildcards to apply that Policy over multiple resources simultaneously.

There are two different kinds of wildcards: _single-level and _multi-level.
Note: If by chance you are familiar with MQTT, this will not be anything new for you. Wilcards in resources have the same meaning and they are used identically as when you use them in MQTT topics. When a user or a client tries to access a resource, it will be matched against all the Policies. For a Policy with a multi-level wildcard resource, authorization to that resource will be granted if the requested resource begins with the pattern before the wildcard character, no matter how long or deep the resource is.
Single Level: +
As the name suggests, a single-level wildcard replaces one resource level. The plus symbol represents a single-level wildcard in a resource.
Any resource matches a resource with single-level wildcard if it contains an arbitrary value instead of the wildcard. The next resources shows whether they will match the resource collections/+/things/+:
  • ✅YES: collections/warehouse/things/+
  • ✅YES: collections/warehouse/things/01EZ7E5PSQYZH2S3JHS1F1ZGBA
  • ❌NO: collections/warehouse/things/01EZ7E5PSQYZH2S3JHS1F1ZGBA/properties/temperature
  • ❌NO: collections/office/things/+
  • ❌NO: collections/office/things/01EZ7E69ZQ4XMSCDD9E6WK1JR6
Multi Level: #
The multi-level wildcard covers many resource levels. The hash symbol represents the multi-level wildcard in a resource. The multi-level wildcard must always be placed as the last character in the resource and preceded by /.
Example: collections/warehouse/things/#
  • YES: collections/warehouse/things/+
  • YES: collections/warehouse/things/01EZ7E5PSQYZH2S3JHS1F1ZGBA
  • YES: collections/warehouse/things/01EZ7E5PSQYZH2S3JHS1F1ZGBA/properties/temperature
  • NO: collections/office/things/01EZ7E69ZQ4XMSCDD9E6WK1JR6

Of course, you can combine wildcards in the same resource.

Example: collections/+/things/#
  • YES: collections/warehouse/things/+
  • YES: collections/warehouse/things/01EZ7E5PSQYZH2S3JHS1F1ZGBA/properties/temperature
  • YES: collections/office/things/01EZ7E69ZQ4XMSCDD9E6WK1JR6

Resource Table

This is the complete list of resources that you can use in your Policies, and their scope (what a Policy rules over).

Resources for Apps Scope
apps/<APP_ID> Apps. Use apps/+ for listing and creation permission.
Resources for Edge Compute Platform Scope
build-configs/<BUILD_CONFIG_ID> Build-Configs (ECP). Use build-configs/+ for listing and creating permission.
build-configs/<BUILD_CONFIG_ID>/generate-file Build-Config generation (ECP). This is an action resource and needs create action.
resources/<RESOURCE_ID> Resource (ECP). Use resources/+ for listing and creation.
resources/<RESOURCE_ID>/params/<PARAM_ID> Update or delete a Resource Param (needs update and/or delete action) (ECP).
Resources for Cluster Management Scope
clusters/<CLUSTER_ID> Clusters. clusters/+ for creation.
clusters/<CLUSTER_ID>/reinstall Reinstall a cluster. This is an action resource and needs create action.
Resources for ModelDB Scope
collections/<COLLECTION_NAME> Collections. Use collections/+ for listing and creation.
collections/<COLLECTION_NAME>/models/<MODEL_NAME> Models. Use collections/<COLLECTION_NAME>/models/+ for listing and creation.
collections/<COLLECTION_NAME>/models/<MODEL_NAME>/versions/<VERSION_NAME> Model versions. Use collections/<COLLECTION_NAME>/models/<MODEL_NAME>/versions/+ for listing and creation.
collections/<COLLECTION_NAME>/things/<THING_ID> Thing. Use collections/<COLLECTION_NAME>/things/+ for listing and creation.
collections/<COLLECTION_NAME>/things/<THING_ID>/properties/<PROPERTY_NAME> Retrieve or update Thing properties.
collections/<COLLECTION_NAME>/things/<THING_ID>/actions/<ACTION_NAME> Retrieve or create a Thing Action (needs read and/or create).
collections/<COLLECTION_NAME>/things/<THING_ID>/actions/+/<ACTION_ID> Retrieve, update or delete a Thing Action history element.
collections/<COLLECTION_NAME>/things/<THING_ID>/events/<EVENT_NAME> Retrieve or create a Thing Event (needs read and/or create).
collections/<COLLECTION_NAME>/things/<THING_ID>/events/+/<EVENT_ID> Retrieve a Thing Event history element.
collections/<COLLECTION_NAME>/things/<THING_ID>/+/+ Thing Properties, Actions and Events (all at once).
collections/<COLLECTION_NAME>/+/+ Models and Things.
Resources for Data Management Scope
sources/<SOURCE_ID> Source.
sources/<SOURCE_ID>/data/<DATA_ID> Create, retrieve and delete data.
Resources for Labels Scope
labels/<LABEL_ID> Labels. Use labels/+ for listing and creation.
labels/<LABEL_ID>/relations Create, retrieve or delete label relations.
Resources for MQTT Management Scope
mqtt/labels/<LABEL_ID> Retrieve, update and delete MQTT Label Credentials.
mqtt/credentials/<MQTT_CREDENTIALS_ID> Retrieve or update MQTT Credentials.
mqtt/things/<THING_ID> Thing MQTT Credentials. Read only (needs read action).
mqtt/credentials-username/<USER_NAME> Update MQTT password (needs update action).
Resources for Functions Scope
functions/<FUNCTION_NAME> Functions. Use functions/+ for listing and creation.
functions/<FUNCTION_NAME>/invoke Function invocation. The action depends on the HTTP verb used in the invocation request.
functions/<FUNCTION_NAME>/async-invoke Function asynchronous invocation. Action resource (needs create action).
functions/<FUNCTION_NAME>/logs Function logs. Read only (needs read action).
functions/<FUNCTION_NAME>/code Function code. Read only (needs read action).
Resources for Space and User Management Scope
invitations/<INVITATION_ID> Invitations. Manage sent invitations. Use invitations/+ for sending invitations.
users/<USER_NAME> Retrieve or delete users (needs read and/or delete actions).
Resources for Role Management Scope
roles/<ROLE_ID> Roles. Use roles/+ for listing and creation.

An element with a placeholder like <COLLECTION_NAME> in it means that you should replace that piece of the resource with the name of a Collection.

You can also replace any placeholder with a wildcard, but not do this with "fixed" parts of the resource. For example, labels/+ is a valid resource, but +/my_label is not.
Note: You can notice that some resources ends with a + wildcard. These are convenience resources that allows to address more than one type of resource at once. You can replace this last single-level + wildcard with a multi-level # wildcard if you need a wider scope for your resource.
Note: Resource # is a special resource you can use to give (or deny) full access inside your Space. Use this power wisely.

Manage Permissions

All the above resources can rule over a specific set of entities. However, even if you have permissions to, e.g. create Things, it does not mean that you can give the same permissions to some other user.

To be able to manage permissions you need a Policy with a resource over Policies. These resources can easily be built by adding the policies/ prefix to any of the shown resources.

For example, if alice has an allow Policy with # action and resource policies/collections/#, it means that alice will be able to create, retrieve (or list), update or delete any Policy over Collections, Things, Models... (note the # wildcard). However, it doesn't mean that alice can create, retrieve, update or delete Collections, Things... That Policy gives alice authorized only to manage permissions.

In the same way, if bob has an allow Policy with # action and resource collections/#, bob will be able to create, retrieve, update or delete Collections, Things, Models... but this Policy will not allow bob to create, retrieve, update or delete Policies over these resources.

An exception to this is the # permission, which grants full access also to Policies as well.

Policy Examples

The following are a few examples of how Policies can be used:

Example 1

Allow Alice to read and update the Properties of any Thing in Collection my_collection.

  • Subject: alice, which is Alice's username.
  • Action: read,update.
  • Effect: allow.
  • Resource: collections/my_collection/things/+/properties/+.

Example 2

We have a Function named say-hello. We want to "allow the App with ID 01EZ7JBK6673BDSWERNBNHQ3B2 to invoke the say-hello Function". Functions can be invoked synchronously or asynchronously. If we want our App to be able to use both methods, we'll add two Policies:
  • Policy 1:
    • Subject: app::01EZ7JBK6673BDSWERNBNHQ3B2. This is the Client ID of our App.
    • Action: create. We are giving permission to our App to invoke the Function only with POST requests.
    • Effect: allow.
    • Resource: functions/say-hello/invoke.
  • Policy 2:
    • Subject: app::01EZ7JBK6673BDSWERNBNHQ3B2.
    • Action: create.
    • Effect: allow.
    • Resource: functions/say-hello/async-invoke.

Example 3

We want to "deny the Role role::guest` to create, update or delete the anything in the whole Space".
  • Subject: role::guest. Remember that you can use a Role as subject!
  • Action: create,update,delete.
  • Effect: deny.
  • Resource: #. This resource will have effect over everything in your Space.

Example 4

You hired a few administrators to take care of access control in your Space. You want to "allow the Role role::administrator to read, create, update or delete any Policy".
  • Subject: role::administrator.
  • Action: #. You can use # as a shortcut for create,read,update,delete.
  • Effect: allow.
  • Resource: policies/#.