Altair® Monarch® Server


Digital Signature Settings

You can set the requirement to provide a digital signature on Excel workbook exports.

Digital signatures can be applied to Excel exports using XSLX format and Monarch XMOD model format only.

A digital signature guarantees that data has not been manipulated after the spreadsheet was created by the Monarch Server.

To display the Digital Signature Settings page

  1. On the Navigation Tree, click Content System, then click Document Management and select Document Types.

  2. Open a document type for editing by clicking its name.

  3. Click the Digital Signature Settings tab.

The Digital Signature Settings page contains the following items:

    • Enable Digital Signature on this Document Type: Select the check box, if you want to enable digital signatures on Excel workbook exports.

    • Certificate Name: A digital signature may be acquired from a Certificate Authority (CA) or generated by Office 2007 Tools. Monarch Server only supports Digital Signatures based on User Stores (no support for file-based digital signatures). Therefore, the certificate name must always include the container reference ('CN=').

    • Friendly Name: Optional and will be included with the certificate for the user’s information.

    • Require Signature: Select this check box to force a signature on all exports including those made by users without a user preference of XLSX format.

    • Save: Click to save the settings.

    • Copy to All Document Types and Save: Click to copy the settings to all document types and save.

    • Cancel: Click to cancel the operation.