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Press Database

Press Database

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Press Database

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The HyperXtrude interface in Manufacturing Solutions includes a Press Database that contains two presses. It also includes an easy-to-use editor for modifying and creating new presses. You can use the Press Database Editor to select a press for the model, add new presses to the database and edit existing presses in the database.

Note:Before you use the Press Database, set the HX_USER_PRS_DB environment variable to the directory in which your proprietary presses are stored. This is needed only if you have presses in your user area.


The dialog is divided into two areas

The tree on the left shows the system presses available. The user press branch is visible only if the environment variable HX_USER_PRS_DB is set.
The tabs on the right show the properties of the press selected in the tree.

Right click on a tree item to display relevant options based on whether the item is a directory or press.

For directories, the following options are available:



New Press

Create a new press.

New Directory

Create a new directory.


Rename the current selection.


Delete the current selection. It should be empty before it is deleted.


For presses, the following options are available:




Load the press into the HyperMesh database.


Unload the press from the HyperMesh database.


Edit the current selection. Makes the press property fields editable. Click Update to save the changes.


Rename the current selection. Click Update to save the new name.


Delete the current selection.


How Do I

expand-green-10Create a New Press
1.From the HyperXtrude Utility menu, click Press Database. The Press Database dialog is displayed.
2.Right click on a press directory in the top left panel and select New Press. A new press is added to the tree.
3.Type a name for the new press field and press ENTER.
4.Specify the properties of the press.
5.Click Create.