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Launching the HX-Forge Solver

Launching the HX-Forge Solver

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Launching the HX-Forge Solver

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Launching a Job Using the HX-Forge Interface

From HX-Forge user profile, you can launch the HX-Forge solver during the Export/Solve step by appropriately setting the Launch Solver option to Interactive or Batchmode. In this dialog, select the Project file name, select all the other options, and click Export. It will automatically start HX-Forge in the directory that has the *.frg file using a command prompt. You can close the dialog after that and it will not affect the run.


Launching a Job Using Command Prompt

Running a Job in batch mode:

To run a HX-Forge job using the command prompt on PC/ UNIX machines in the background, ensure that the necessary data files (Jobname.grf and Jobname.frg) are present in the directory. In addition, Jobname.frg file must have following commands at the end of the file. If not, you need to add the following lines in Jobname.frg file),

# User Commands





Use following command based on machine type,

On PC:

[installation path]\Altair\hw\hwsolvers\scripts\hxforge.bat Jobname.frg


$ [installation path]/hw/altair/hwsolvers/scripts/hxforge.bat Jobname.frg &

Where $ represents the UNIX prompt for user input. This command will execute the job in background. While the job is running in HX-Forge, output files are created in same working folder. For example a *.out file contains the solution convergence information at every time step.


Running a Job in Interactive mode:

You can run HX-Forge jobs in interactive or in batch mode. Before submitting a job, please make sure that the necessary data files (Jobname.grf and Jobname.frg) are present in the directory. To run the program interactively, the interactive command must appear before any solve commands in the Jobname.frg file.

# User Commands







and you must use the option -i in command line.

Use following command based on machine type,

On PC:

[installation path]\Altair\hw14.0\hwsolvers\scripts\hxforge.bat –i Jobname.frg <enter>


$ [installation path]/hw14.0/altair/hwsolvers/scripts/hxforge.bat –i Jobname.frg &  <enter>

This loads the input data and brings up the user interface. To run the job, click Solve in the lower row of the main user interface. To view the mesh/solution, click View. To view/modify the input data such as fluid properties or job control data, click on the pull down menu options on the top row of the main user interface and make necessary changes in the appropriate widget.